16:8 fast, time of day

This topic contains 12 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  healthygal 8 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Hi All,

    I’m new to this health and fitness world. I’m trying to lose my belly fat as I have a high risk of heart issues in my family. I’ve been doing the 16:8 diet for the past month. I don’t eat breakfast. I eat about 1pm to 9pm, I have dinner in the evening with my kids. BUT someone in a health shop told me that i need to have a breakfast as that;s when my digestion system kicks in for the day. They suggested I change the times… is that true, I think I’ll find it hard to change the times as I have to cook in the evening and eat about 6pm the earliest. Any advice appreciated. Thanks D


    Your digestive system will not suffer in the slightest if you don’t eat breakfast. It will process food as and when you eat. The person in the health shop is ill informed and not qualified to dispense advice as they obviously have very limited understanding of physiology.
    I follow 16:8 along with many others and on FDs I don’t eat until dinner time and my digestive system is just fine.
    You don’t need to change your eating times just your health shop 😉


    I have a couple of questions about this style of eating. I HATE counting calories and LOVE good healthy food. I don’t eat junk. I have been stuck at the same weight for a couple of years now and don’t need to lose much more than about 3 kg, but am getting frustrated because I would like to find a method that I can stick to. I decided to try this 16:8 (skipping breakfast) because if I eat breakfast and even a light healthy lunch I am ravenous by the afternoon and likely to break the fast. So:

    1) Do you do 16:8 every day?

    2) Do you also calorie restrict(every day), or is it sufficient to just restrict the window for eating?

    3) Is it ok to change the “window for eating”, e.g. do breakfast and lunch, for 3 days and lunch and dinner for 4 days? what about breakfast and dinner as MM suggested worked for him?

    4) How important is varying the routine in order to confuse the body and prevent it from adjusting to the pattern?

    5) How soon can you expect to see weight loss?

    Any advice appreciated! 🙂

    Thanks Amazon,

    I’m actually surprised that I can carry on skipping breakfast. The women in the large chain high street health shop and other people mentioned that breakfast is critical. Never mind, I shall follow your advice and stick to 1pm to 9pm for my eating window.

    Like I mentioned, I’m new to fasting, I don’t know if the window should be changed on a regular basis. Any suggestions?


    Hi Hara:

    16:8 is the ‘8 Hour Diet’. There is a book, websites and forum you can access to answer your questions. The book says you can eat as much of anything you want without calorie restriction and lose weight as long as you only eat in your 8 hour window. Like many things, individuals have ‘modified’ 16:8 to something they personally want to do, so you can do anything you want and still be following 16:8 as long as you only eat in your 8 hour window.

    This is a 5:2 forum.

    Good Luck!

    Thanks Sim! As you said there are variations of IF and I want to find the one I can live with; I have not committed to 16:8, but am trying to sift through the oodles of sometimes contradictory information and need to make a decision about which version to stick to, while sold on the idea in general. Many people are pushing their particular tweaked version of the basic idea of IF. You seem quite well-informed and I thank you for taking the time to respond. I know the proponents of 16:8 say that it takes time for the body to enter “fat burning” mode, and wonder how that sits with eating only breakfast and dinner as that means you are not fasting for as long as if you skipped breakfast. Having said that I have noticed that while doing the 16:8 I did not lose weight really until I had a normal eating day. Not sure what’s going on there:)

    Unless you restrict your intake of calories you won’t lose weight. The times of day you eat are as relevant to weight as your star sign is to personality traits. I’ve always eaten within an 8 hour window simply because I don’t want to eat when I get up. By 16:8 logic I should have wasted away years ago.

    Yes, it is different for everyone I guess. So you had some success with 5:2 then? My experience so far is during the fasting time I am not that hungry; around midday I want food but would not tend to overeat anyway, and I am less hungry than if I had eaten earlier on. Dinner is my favourite meal, and I would have to try to eat less at that time. I think I will try to combine the two methods.

    Hi Hara:

    I have never tried to trace the origin of the term ‘fat burning mode’, but it is used in connection with the 16:8 or ‘8 hour diet’ book. My 6 Dec 15 post on this thread addresses ‘fat burning mode’: https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/the-basics-for-newbies-your-questions-answered/

    The research I am familiar with does not support any positive results from eating all of your calories in an 8 hour period (or five hour period, or one hour period). However, I am aware of no harm that can come from eating that way. So it is up to you.

    My advice is simply to do 5:2. The research shows 5:2 is a safe and effective weight loss way of eating. I am not convinced that doing anything different is better in any way.

    Good Luck!

    16:8 would never work for me. I can eat a LOT of chocolate and drink a LOT of wine in 8 hours. And I’ve always done most of my eating in an 8 hour period anyway (I’ve never been a breakfast eater) and that got me to being very very overweight.

    5:2, on the other hand, means that twice a week I fast until 7pm, eat 200 calories, and it’s done. Nothing else I have to do that day. And it’s working wonderfully for me so far.

    I started the 5:2 program just after Christmas. It’s been easier than I thought it would be. On my 2 fast days (Mondays and Thursdays) I eat around 400-500 calories. I generally eat breakfast and an early supper, around 4 or 5.On the other days I don’t count calories specifically but I do try to eat sensibly. My daughter convinced me to try Whole 30 with her so I’m doing that as well. Yesterday, for some reason was tough. I was hungry all day and could barely wait for supper. Most of the time, though, I feel great! I’m new to this so I’m anxious to read others’ posts about what works for them. I’m a 58 year old grandmother to three beautiful little girls. They are my main motivation for getting healthy and staying healthy.

    HI I,m new on this site but no a bit about supplements. The lady mentioned in the health shop is correct saying that breakfast is important. ( breaking the fast ) hence the name. It does kick start your metabolism which is a healthier start to the day. So no need to change who you go to JEDI. However if you,re doing this 16/8 diet its ok to start your day later 11 or 12 more ideal. I would be a ,bit worried how late you are eating at night 9? then going to sleep, unless you are staying up till 11pm.
    Eating the right type of foods makes all the difference, and over eating would also be a facter, they are calories so be careful.

    No need to count calories! unless you are silly enough to eat things with sugar or high carbs. If you stick to standard protein and vegetable/ salads, and get slow release carb like porridge or better still oatbran, then you will find you can stay with the 16/8 much longer. Increase water. And don,t have drinks with sugar, that includes alcohol (sorry ) or hot chocolate as example. Will be glad to try and answer any-ones questions.

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