10in2 meets 5:2-intermittend fasting works everywhere!

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10in2 meets 5:2-intermittend fasting works everywhere!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  quizzle 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Hello, everyone,
    Thanks for this great book on 5:2! I’ve been interested in intermittend fasting for a long time and finally started in January 2013 with the warrior diet (4 hrs. Eating period a day). This worked fine but in April I’ve stumbled over Bernhard Ludwigs book on 10in2, a swift name for an alternate day fasting approach which became very popular in Austria. So that’s what I’m doing since then-skipping all meals for 36 hours (absolute fasting…not even milk in the coffee) and refeeding for another 12 hrs. (Whatever I like…no caloric restriction).
    I’ve watched those great BBC-shows on fasting and exercise with Dr. Mosley and read many of the cited studies which convinced me even more that this is my perfect lifestyle. Since all diets failed as I deeply dislike to count calories this way to eat (1) and fast (0) within 2 days fits perfectly. Your experiences with 5:2 are very helpful since they show that even low caloric intake doesn’t ruin the fasting day.
    If you’re interested in this form of intermittend fasting just check out their website at http://www.10in2.at (they provide an english version I believe).
    I’ve enjoyed the fast diet-book since it summarizes all the good stuff of intermittend fasting…now let us spread the word…worldwide!



    Hi quizzle

    I’ve never heard of the warrior diet nor 10in2.

    That’s one of the many benefits about a site like this; you learn about stuff you wouldn’t otherwise encounter.

    yep, me either – it was just by chance but this book was an illumination! Quite similar to “the fast diet”-book, all diets are based on the same principle: including extended fasting periods in your daily life!

    10in2 is just a different name for alternate day fasting!

    The facebook site lists more than 14.000 “likes” now and many beginners are daily reporting in. Some of them fail because they can’t stand a day without feeding so I keep redirecting those guys to the fast diet instead.

    I have difficulties in restricting myself to a setted amount of calories so that’s why I’m enjoying 10in2 so much…but I like strolling around here since I’ve found so many valuable ressources. I’ve just enjoyed watching those talks by Dr. Fung and the TED-talk on Fast5…just great ressources providing all the support that my change in lifestyle is needed and wanted even if the weight loss got stuck right now for some reason.

    I’m still doing something good for me…I can wait…


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