🍂 October Challenge 2023 🎃

This topic contains 208 replies, has 17 voices, and was last updated by  metatauta 1 year, 4 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1 through 50 (of 208 total)

  • Welcome to the October Challenge 2023! I’m David – aka funshipfreddie – and I’ve volunteered to host this month. Everyone is welcome to join the monthly Challenges. So whether you’re a fasting veteran, just trying it for the first time, or if you fell off the wagon & are coming back to the fold, let’s make every day of October count! Fasting is tried & tested, it’s free (in fact it saves money) & for many of us it’s the only thing that works. We eat what we like – most of the time – & still lose or maintain weight & stay healthy. Why wait for a new year to make the usual resolutions? Start today! There are + 90 days of this year left. So if you set goals at the start of this year, it’s not too late to achieve them; or to at least make a good start.
    These monthly challenges were started by @coda in May 2016 and have been going strong ever since. Goals can be overwhelming when viewed as a whole. But by breaking them down into small achievable pieces (monthly challenges), we are able to stay focused and motivated to accomplish our goals one step at a time in bite-sized monthly challenges.

    There are no rules, but as a general guide, here are some tips for any new people:

    1. Posting – Please start each post with the day of the month, where you are, and if you’re on a fast day (FD), non-fast day (NFD) or controlled day (CD). We’re all over the world and in different time zones so it helps us keep track of which day we’re talking about, who else is fasting with us on a particular day etc. Look at the various posts, and you’ll soon see the pattern, and will learn how useful it is for reading.

    2. In your first post, please introduce yourself to the group – this helps us to get to know each other, which is especially helpful for newbies. Perhaps say something about where you started, your journey so far, what you’re aiming for or how you are benefiting from fasting. You might like to include your starting weight or your goals for the month. But you don’t have to – share only what you are comfortable sharing online.

    3. Spreadsheet – we will hopefully have a spreadsheet available and we will post the link on a separate post when we have it. It will be in alphabetical order by username. If you find it helpful, you can use it to record and track your progress as well as keeping track of how others are doing. It can help with perspective, accountability or planning. And if you need help just ask – there’s always someone happy to help. But you don’t have to use it if you don’t want to. It’s just another tool you can use if you choose.

    4. Frequency – Some people post daily, others check in every few days. Some are brief, others are long and chatty. If you’re posting for a second time in the same day please head your post e.g. Day 1 second post. Past history shows that posting every day truly does help with motivation for staying on track with your goals, so please don’t feel shy about suddenly posting daily; we love new members!

    5. Content of your post– Comments or questions, complaints or celebration – anything you’d like to share with the forum. Recipes, tips, tricks and bright ideas are always welcome. Remember: we all have good days and bad days, days we fall off the wagon or days when we are hanging on by our fingernails, days when our mojo deserts us and days where we feel completely in control. So DON’T GIVE UP – whatever it is, you are not alone!

    6. Community – This is a worldwide forum so there’s usually someone online. We all do our best to offer advice, support and solidarity

    7. Pocket lists –A ‘pocket list’ is a list of the names of people who are sharing the same goal on a particular day. It’s great psychological support in mentally keeping that list in our back pocket, knowing we’re not alone. Anyone can join a pocket list or start a pocket list. Typical pocket lists are for FD but in the past they’ve been used for people doing daily exercise or planks, or DTF (dry till Friday).

    8. 5:2 basics – answers to many FAQs plus top tips:


    And by way of translation, we use a LOT of abbreviations. Here’s a guide to some of the more frequently used ones:

    5:2 – 5 days NFD – 2 days FD
    16:8 – 16 hours fast – 8 hours non fast
    IF – Intermittent Fasting
    ADF – Alternate Day Fasting (FD – NFD – FD – etc)
    AF – Alcohol-free
    B2B – Back to Back (consecutive FDs)
    BMR – Basal metabolic Rate
    CFD – Controlled Food Day (a day’s eating comfortably below your TDEE)
    DH, DD, DS – Darling Husband, Daughter, Son
    DTF – Dry ’til Fri (no wine, beer, etc.)
    EE – Emotional Eating (reflex grazing out of a need for instant comfort instead of satisfying hunger)
    EFS – Epic Face Stuffing (Definitely due to a faulty OFF button!)
    FD – Fast Day (500 cals)
    FD800 – Fast Day 800 calories
    Hunger Dragon – that dreadful psychological beast that sometimes cannot be satisfied. Some people even name theirs (e.g. @i-hate-lettuce had an inner warthog!)
    IF – Intermittent Fasting
    Keto – way of eating that generates Ketones
    KISS – Keep It Simple Stupid!!!
    LC – Low Carb way of eating
    LCHF – Low Carb High Fat way of eating
    LFD – Liquid Fast Day (incl. tea, coffee, miso, bone broth & water)
    LOL – Laughing Out Loud
    M/WOAM – Man/Woman on a Mission (courtesy of @i-hate-lettuce)
    MFD – Modified Fast Day (800 cals) on the new Fast800, it’s a FD
    MFP – MyFitnessPal – a smartphone app & website that tracks diet & exercise.
    NFD – Non Fast Day
    OH – Other Half (eg spouse/partner)
    OMAD – One Meal A Day
    PFDS – Post FD Smugness (courtesy of moi!)
    Pocket List – Names to “keep in your pocket” for a common goal for the day
    TDEE – Total Daily Energy Expenditure (see the ‘how it works’ link on the home page to work out yours)
    TRE – Time Restricted Eating
    WFD – Water Fast Day (Water only)
    WFH – Working From Home
    WOL – Way of Life
    WOCA – Woman Of a Certain Age
    ZBC – Zero Breakfast Club

    Wishing everyone an Outstanding October Challenge!

    “Success is what comes after you stop making excuses”. ~ Luis Galarza

    I’m in for October; thanks, David, for hosting!

    Day1 NFD NZ 83.3kg

    I’m back again with a 0.6kg monthly loss. The previous month was a 1.9kg loss so I’m still averaging a 1kg/mth drop…
    I’m a returnee from 2018 having rejoined in January 2023 and have lost 10kg. I’m starting to fit some of my old clothes although another 5kg loss would mean that they’re not so tight…
    I’m a registered ICU nurse with a FA degree. My DH died very quickly of an undiagnosed cancer 2 years ago during a L4 Lockdown and it’s only now that I’m coming up for air. We didn’t have children and I have a 15 3/4 yrs old West Highland Terrier, Macintosh who in last couple of months has headed down the slippery slope of senility. He is up at least once every night now and requires a full time carer… I’m giving him a couple of months to enjoy the warmer spring weather but I don’t think he’ll cope with the hot summer we’re due here in NZ. We now are officially in the El Niño weather pattern generated by increasing sea state temperatures and westerly hot air blown over the Tasman Sea from Australia, which is already experiencing chart topping heat. This means for NZ increased drought conditions, wildly swinging and record breaking temperatures and gale force winds as well as hot sea surface conditions.
    @funshipfreddie I’m very glad to hear Hope is a nice cat and hopefully BooBoo will come around to see this. Would you like me to do the spreadsheet for you or do you have it under control?
    Hi everyone!😁 Let’s go October!

    Day 1 – USA/TN

    It’s still September 30, but I wanted to throw my hat in the ring for the October challenge. I am 69, have been on the forum almost 6 years until I reached maintenance. I gained 10 lbs. back over the past 2 years, but the scale keeps going up and down each day, which is very frustrating. I’m one of those daily weighers, and I don’t want to switch to once a week even though I know it would make me less discouraged. I got down to 140 in mid-August. I’ve incorporated lap swimming , walking, and light weights intermittently, and this month I plan to go back to hula-hooping in order to tone. I have been eating LCHF and moderate protein since 2017, but my love of light beers and perhaps building muscle is the culprit for the weight gain, I think.

    October 1 is tomorrow for me — I’m thinking about all of you, and maybe I can post more often??

    Thanks @funshipfreddie (David) for leading us this month!

    Day 1 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    Welcome – @stitchincarol, @merryapple, @metatauta & @songbirdme! @merry🍎 – yes please! I forgot about the spreadsheet, duh!

    About me:- David, 61, originally from Manchester, England. Retired & living in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Been 5:2-ing/IF-ing since 2014. I joined the Challenges in 2018. Currently maintaining, 70.2 kgs/BMI 21.7

    @penz – did I really type ‘rugby-shaped ball’ yesterday?! 🤦‍♂️ Well, I know what I meant 🤣

    @stitchincarol – thank you, re my one-year ‘sober-versary’. Yes, better sleep is just one of several benefits of going AF. I don’t miss alcohol – most of the time. I’d be happy if I was just ‘a dry-til-Fri’ guy, but I’m not going to kid myself 🙄

    It’s a quiet October so far – but then it’s always quiet here at the weekend. I, for one, will be on the Pocket List tomorrow 🎯

    Wishing everyone a Happy S🌞nday & a successful 🍂 October Challenge 🏆

    2nd post


    Here’s the updated spreadsheet to keep y’all on track😁

    Day 1 – UK – FD800

    Hi All

    I’m in for this October Challenge – I was locked out for the past week or so but JJ sorted things out and I’m back for this October Challenge

    Starting the challenge with a FD800 – I need to make a real effort this month as I feel that I have been on a slippery slope of…….2 steps forward…….3 steps backwards…….

    Thanks @funshipfreddie for taking up the hosting baton and to @merryapple for the spreadsheet for the 🍂 October Challenge 2023 🎃

    BTW @merryapple we only have access to view the spreadsheet – could you please amend to give us editing access

    Been out marshalling a Fell Race this morning – where I was positioned was wet and breezy but definitely not cold and no views as fog bound – but now I have dropped back into the village to sunshine and very warm weather!!

    Had an early start this morning so did not have time to step on the scales but will do tomorrow morning to see what damage has been done by my non compliance over the past months!!!

    I am reminding myself that “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”

    Day 2 – 2nd Post

    @merryapple – thanks for the spreadsheet.

    @at – welcome to the October Challenge. I got locked out too yesterday. They’ve been busy updating the spam software. I hope your Sunday FD is hassle-free 🎯

    Pocket List – Day 1 🍇

    Day 1 London UK, NFD

    Good afternoon fasting people!!!

    I’m truly glad, grateful & relieved to be back on this forum. I lurked for a couple of months in 2016 then joined in 2017 and had immediate success. Unfortunately, life happened, and I well and truly fell off of the wagon in 2021. I won’t be posting my start weight as it’ll take a little while to get into the mindset I need of ………………………. “no shame, no fail”

    As I mentioned last month, I won’t say too much about my absence; especially today as it’s a bit of a weepy one (1 month anniversary😥) so good luck to any plucky Sunday fasters and I’ll be fasting tomorrow with soup + bone broth galore!!!!

    Thanks @funshipfreddie for hosting this month, my target is simply to hang onto the wagon!!!!

    Day 1 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 225 lbs. Very ugly way to start off October, but dreaming of great ways to finish the month! I’ll set my goal to my low weight in August of 217, since September ended in a bad way. In 2022 and 2023, I have gotten way too lax on NFDs, exceeding TDEEs and consuming junk more frequently. Some things that have worked this year on NFDs is to have OMAD half of the time, and to think “eat for nourishment, not out of boredom or emotions.” Cooking a real meal at home instead of throwing together takeout leftovers, sandwiches, or frozen meals can help, too. I want to make October like my March and August successes.

    Gaining 6 lbs in a 5 day NFD stretch isn’t good, even if it’s mostly carb-bloat. Last week was a 6:1 that would normally be expected to be utilized for maintenance, and the lunches were fine, but in the last 24 hours of the conference, lots of sugary drinks and highly refined carb snacks were provided. I did not say no, and I knew better. On Wednesday, I ended up having four meals between the half-day conference agenda and returning home. Egads! Well, it was a week of fasting horrors.

    Going up to 226 lbs yesterday for the first time since 2021 was not fun. Anyway, I feel motivated and back on track for October!

    Pocket List – Day 1 🍇

    Day 2 FD Auckland 83.5kg

    Welcome back @flourbaby We all have to get to ‘that place’ to turn ourselves around and there’s absolutely no shame in your starting weight. You’ll want to use it later on to celebrate how well you have done so don’t forget it!
    Apologies. I think I have corrected the glitch so everyone can edit the sheet. Let me know if anything else is awry.
    I gave Mr Mac his first Valium dose last night to try and get him to sleep after two trips outside in the wee small hours. The crazies became crazier then he did eventually settle down but I won’t use that again if I can possibly help it. My friends’ dog with dementia stopped eating, like a human and that was that. However Macintosh is obsessed by food and would eat himself to death if he could. Lola would bark in the night but Mac is silent so I have that to be grateful for…

    Let’s do this!

    Outstanding October Pocket List

    2nd post

    To the Wordlers… use my name and you’ll get a whole in one! I got it on the second try!

    Day 2 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    @northgeorgia & @flourbaby – welcome to the 🍂October Challenge!

    @merryapple – that was naughty 😂 But after three attempts I needed all the help I could get. I’ve now got a 44 day streak! 🏅

    @stitchincarol – I didn’t answer your question re laundry a few days ago: “Is sending out laundry a typical thing for everyone where you live, or is it because you can afford to and enjoy the release from the responsibility?” I’ve been doing it for about 4 years. After I moved to a new place in 2019 I bought a new washing machine. But the plumber who was supposed to come & connect it up for me kept postponing, & my laundry was piling up. So I dropped off my washing at a place close by called ‘Clean & Fresh’. It was ready the next day, & I was amazed by what a great job they did. I only paid for the wash/dry/fold but it was done so well there was no need to iron anything. So, I was hooked; I never did use that brand new washing machine 😂 And it’s very affordable – I now get a 10% discount because I’m over 60. I’ve used maybe 5 or 6 different places since then during my moves, & none of them have been as good as Clean & Fresh. I now use a place called ‘Fresh Laundry’. They even collect/deliver, but I haven’t stooped to that level of laziness. Yet. Many people employ domestic workers here, if they can afford it. But I prefer to do my own cleaning. I think it probably costs me roughly the same to get my laundry done as it would to pay a cleaner for one day.

    I thought it might be fun to share a couple of FUFs (fun, useless facts) each day of the Challenge. Totally unrelated to fasting/diet, but, what the heck? Here goes…

    Did you know…?
    The lint in the bottom of your pocket has a name – ‘gnurr’.
    If you open your eyes in a pitch-black room, the colour you’ll see is called ‘eigengrau’.
    A Harry Potter book filled with typos sold for $90,000!

    Here we go – the first October FD for some of us. Stronger Together 🎯💪

    Outstanding October Pocket List – Day 2 🍏

    Day 2, London Uk, FD

    My first documented FD in a very, very long time!! I’ve been dabbling whilst away from the challenges, regularly saying ‘I’m fasting today’ but with no accountability, the day would usually end in a defeatist binge!! So, I’m absolutely chuffed to bits to be doing a FD today…………….. and as it’s down in black & white, it WILL be a FD!!💪🏽

    I have bone broth with zero noodles, mushrooms & shallots for a late lunch then a mushroom soup for dinner and that will be it.🤤

    I hope everyone is doing well and I look forward to reacquainting myself with old fasting friends & meeting the newbies ……………… am I a newbie too? My fasting muscle has withered so badly, maybe I am🙄

    Getting into the spirit of things straight away ……………..

    Did you know a killer whale isn’t a whale at all, it’s a species of dolphin!
    Did you know, cows can’t walk downstairs ………… or is it upstairs?? Lets say, cows don’t DO stairs!!!

    Keep the faith people!!!

    Day 2 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 222 lbs. Man, not a pretty post-FD weigh-in. I have a long way to go… Anyway, going for another FD today, probably a FD500 to control the appetite on Tuesday. I can get out of the 220s!

    Outstanding October Pocket List – Day 2 🍏

    Day 2-No. VA USA-FD 800

    Hello, fasters! Starting the month with confidence. @flourbaby, I totally relate to your description of listless fasting ending in eating binges. But we will power through!

    I have to start the day by dropping off the 12 yr. old Corgi at the vets for some surgery on her lip and her flank. She has two dark lesions of uncertain cause. Hoping they are benign. She is pretty energetic, and like @merryapple‘s Westie, she has never found a food she won’t try…a lot of…except cherry tomatoes.

    By the way, benzodiazepines like valium and Ativan sometimes cause paradoxical excitement and anxiety in some people…completely the opposite of usual relaxation. Maybe that is what happened to Mr. Mac.

    Forward to the down escalator!

    2nd Post – Day 2

    Outstanding October Pocket List – Day 2 🍏

    Day 2 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD

    My weight shot up three pounds yesterday morning, and I wasn’t quite sure why; this morning, despite eating far more than I should have yesterday, I was a pound and a half down from that awful number. Even so, it’s still up. BUT. I just looked at the chart I keep, and it’s the lowest Monday weight since the first week in August, so perhaps it’s a more cheerful number than I realized.

    Okay, a bit about me: I’m 64F, married, mother of three adults, one of whom is married and has two little girls and is pregnant with her third. I’m a musician, teaching piano lessons to a dozen students, playing organ every week for church, and directing the church choir. I used to weigh so little, I was a BMI of 19-something, then I gained to a reasonable weight, making me a BMI of 21 or 22–and felt overweight, sadly. Then I gained weight and started the yo-yo. I’m currently near the top of where I’ve been three times now, at a BMI of 27.1, and am working to drop down to where I’d been. My goal weight is probably 137 (which is a BMI of 24.3 and thin enough for my age and vanity), but I’ll decide for sure when I get and stay at that weight.

    My biggest problem is that I have a lumberjack appetite and love to cook and love beer and wine. I’ve nearly given up beer because it’s become clear to me that it does nothing good for my weight, even when I have only one. And for October, I’ve decided to do a version of Sober October that seems reasonable to me.

    Every Friday, DH and I go out to eat, and a lovely meal out deserves a lovely glass of wine, plus DH32 is becoming DH33 this month and we’ll do a lovely dinner for his birthday, so my tweak to Sober October is that I’m allowed 6oz of wine a week. I can have it on Friday when DH and I go out, or I can have it for DS32-33’s birthday dinner that week, but the limit is 6oz.

    My plan is to continue my WFDs on Tuesdays and Thursdays (that’s when I drive into Omaha to each student’s house to teach lessons) because they’re rather easy on those busy days, and I do adore the feeling of a WF, both on that day, and on the next day. The rest of the days will be TDEE, which is 1500 for me.

    And I have four “rules”:

    1. Eat mimimally, deny whenever possible, and remember it’s only through the end of the year that I need to be so strict–I can do this for such a short time.

    2. Enjoy the journey down; while I am using the “deny” language where food consumption is concerned, I’m actually improving my body image and feel, and that’s worthy of joy and delight.

    3. Enter my food daily into MFP, preferably in the morning before I even eat it.

    4. Focus on the plan, not on the results: don’t let excellent results after a WF make me complacent, and don’t sweat the ugly results that pop up out of nowhere. If I’ve eaten to plan, then I’m doing excellently, regardless of what the scale says.

    @merryapple 10kg since January? Well done, and proof you can be successful at the rest of your journey.

    @metatauta Your discipline to incorporate exercise is wonderful, and the element of the journey that I’m still missing; well done you! I’m also a daily weigher–and sometimes several times a day just to see what effect various actions are having on the scale. Plus, when I’ve gotten down a pound, it’s great encouragement to go see again, LOL!

    @funshipfreddie Very unusually for a Sunday for me, I didn’t have any wine or beer yesterday–and woke up in the night multiple times and was wide awake for about an hour, reading on my Kindle. I also went to bed with a headache. I’ve always attributed both of those to “See, you shouldn’t have had that second glass of wine” so it was eye-opening to think perhaps it’s just what my body sometimes does, and not always attributable to alcohol.

    @at Good to see you back, and I feel your pain for being locked out, as I was several months ago. So odd that it’s happening more and more; hopefully JJ can get that sorted.

    @flourbaby It’s so glorious to have you back; I’ve truly missed you! I get why you don’t want to post a starting weight (you’ll note I haven’t put my actual weight down this morning), but @merryapple is right about the joy you’ll feel when you’ve lost to far below that starting number, so I advise you to scowl at the number and feel zero ownership of it. My new mantra that I repeat to myself is “I’m a 137-pound woman carrying nearly 20 pounds that don’t belong to me!”

    @funshipfreddie I actually have no idea how much sending out laundry would cost here, and don’t actually mind it (and DH does much of it anyway), but I find it fascinating that it’s so doable for you and no more than a once a week cleaning lady. THAT luxury is one I’m holding on to as long as I can!

    @northgeorgia Yup, ugly post-FD weight. But the good news is that next week can be entirely different, as long as this week follows the plan…you know, “the pain of regret or the pain of discipline.” 💪

    @excelsior12309 I love how the various expertises of this group can be helpful in the most unexpected ways–as in suggesting an explanation for a dog’s odd reaction to a med. ❤️

    It’s another roasting day, forecast to hit 90s again, but then the fun’s all over and temps will drop to normal numbers, and a total of almost 60 degrees from today to just above freezing on Friday night! The trees will finally start to turn colors and the drop of leaves will be very rapid given the fast temperature change. Given it’s the 2nd of October, I think it’s about time, LOL!

    Have a grand one, everyone, and I’m going to repeat your opening post quote here, @funshipfreddie, because it’s so excellent: “Success is what comes after you stop making excuses”. ~ Luis Galarza

    So, no excuses, everybody! 💞

    Day 2 – UK – NFD

    Early start to get a train to London to meet up with a niece and her new baby visiting from Australia (her OH is from the UK, so brought new baby to meet her English grandparents)- for me it involved 4hrs travelling time each way- 4 hrs spent with the family made for a long day but oh so worth it to see my niece and her baby 💕

    Back home now enjoying a large cup of tea then bed 😴

    Did not weigh in this morning but will do tomorrow to get a starting weight for the month

    Catch up on the posts tomorrow

    Day 3 NZ NFD 82:9kg

    @excelsior12309 Thank you for your advice on valium’s contrary effects… Mr Mac awoke 30 minutes after ingesting it mad as a snake so paradoxical excitement/anxiety fits sadly. He went completely loop de loop too when he was on a short course of steroids.
    Hope the results for your Corgi are benign🤞and she gets a special not a tomato reward🙂
    @stitchincarol Thanks! It was tough at times not eating much in the midst of a cold wet winter. I curtailed my love of cooking and baking to focus on warming soups or a simple steak or fish and veg in the evening. I’m looking forward to having fresh salads and tomatoes and thinking creatively of different dressings to sshuzz (how to you spell this?!) them up.
    @funshipfreddie – a fact hmm. How about when NZ long fin fresh water eels turn 25-80 yrs old they travel up to around Tonga to lay zillions of eggs in a subterranean trench which the males fertilise and then they go off to die. The larvae float back to NZ on ocean currents and when they reach fresh water turn into elvers and travel up the rivers and streams to find a suitable home. Is this a fact? Probably more scientific speculation!

    Have a happy healthy day everyone!

    Day 2 – USA/Tn

    A day off today, and another chance to do a 30 minute walk! Off tomorrow as well, and hoping to do the same. Working Wed-through Friday, so may not be able to exercise except on the treadmill indoors if I have enough energy.

    Day 3, NFD, Aus

    Loving the fun facts, @funshipfreddie! According to my nephew, at this time of year (preparing for winter) bears eat upwards of 50 000 calories per day!!! Who wouldn’t want to be a bear!

    Hope your fur baby is ok, @excelsior12309. Interesting she doesn’t like cherry tomatoes! My younger dog will eat pretty much anything, but she doesn’t like carrots (by older boy loves them).

    Busy – but short – week. We had a public holiday yesterday which is always welcome and I am taking this Friday off to go on a winery tour! Looking forward to that, but of course, the trade off is that these three working days are super busy.

    Day 3 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 70.2 kg

    Excellent FD for me yesterday, but no change on the scales this morning 😞

    @stitchincarol – I love that Luis Galarza quote too. I’m also quite fond of, “The only thing standing between you & your goal is the story you keep telling yourself as to why you can’t achieve it”. ~ Jordan Belfort. I haven’t been sleeping all that well recently either. Well, I sleep okay; I’m just waking up too early. Maybe it’s because it’s getting light earlier. Or just something we have to put up with as we get older? 🤔

    @merryapple – who’d want to be a fresh water eel?! Must be exhausting 😂

    @penz – yes, I could definitely cope with the 50,000 cals per day 🤣

    @daffodil2010 – are you home yet? 🇪🇸 💃

    More tea news : https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-12584361/A-cup-tea-day-diabetes-away-experts-say-biggest-benefits-come-one-particular-type.html

    Today’s FUFs: Did you know…?
    Airlines saved $40,000 in 1987 by eliminating one olive from each salad served in first-class.
    Hershey’s makes a million miles of Twizzlers every year.
    Honey is the only food that does not spoil.

    Day 3 – USA/GA – OMAD

    Weigh-in: 221 lbs. It’s me vs body fat LOL! Sunday was a WFD, yesterday was a FD500, today will be a NFD but an OMAD this evening (mom’s leftover lasagna, mmm, that should keep me motivated). I’ll also do another FD this week, and possibly another OMAD. Only thing that could derail is an invite out to lunch from the college president oops!! I try not to turn down that kind of invitation unless I’m really fasting or already had commitments.

    Day 3 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD

    I’m down another pound this morning after eating yesterday to TDEE and no more, so all the carb-bulk and water-weight that made my heart momentarily stop on Sunday morning is gone; I’m also the lowest weight I’ve been on a Tuesday morning before a WF in two months. Perhaps this is the week I’ll finally hit 152-something on Friday morning.

    I’m actually finding eating to TDEE feels like I’m out of control, and it’s because I’ve entirely lost track of what eating normally looks and feels like. Entering my food in MFP looks to be the most important element of the weight-loss journey, so I’m certainly motivated to keep it up. I’m also sticking to my Sober October Except For Six Weekly Ounces (which is actually a true Sober October, if you think about it, rather than the dry October it usually denotes 🤪), but I’m finding water to be a very boring beverage to accompany dinner. Then it hit me last night that I should once again try drinking milk with my meals, and I’m going to buy a carton. Additional protein is always good, and it may well help achieve satiety sooner than water gives.

    @at What a lovely day to see your neice and her baby! 💞

    @merryapple I just googled it and found Jeuge, Zhoosh, Zhuzh…I’m thinking you can simply spell it however you choose! 😂😂 I will try to remember to hunt up some excellent low-calorie salad dressing recipes I have and share them tomorrow; for you Southern Hemisphere people, it’s perfect timing, isn’t it? Does anyone else have some to share?

    @metatauta I’m slowly gaining motivation from hearing you talk about exercise, so please continue to share what you’re doing. That is such an important part of life and being healthy.

    @penz Oooo, a winery tour sounds delightful! Are you planning on a third FD to help compensate?? 😂

    @funshipfreddie I find that rather astonishing that your weight didn’t change at all despite the FD; is that normal for you? And I too slept badly last night, waking up at 4 with an intense headache. It’s gone now, thanks to Excedrin, but I’m sleepy due to the poor sleep I had from 4 to 7, when I suddenly was wide awake so gave up and got up. Is it just our age? Probably. For me, it’s also things that I haven’t accomplished that loom like monsters in the night–like, watering plants: that’s what made me sleep so badly on Sunday, because I kept imagining the plants shriveling up in their pots. sigh. I actually toyed with getting up at 4:30 and watering them so I could go back to bed and sleep, LOL! Oh, and I’m loving your and everyone else’s FUFs!

    @northgeorgia Didn’t you once tell us your college president also fasts? Or at least is watching his diet? That ought to help.

    @flourbaby How did your first FD in ages go yesterday? Did you stay the course or get derailed? Let us wrap you in love and encouragement, whatever the results!

    Despite all the friends who have returned, it’s a quiet board this morning; I look forward to hearing news from everyone when you have a chance to check in! ❤️

    Pocket List 10/3 💪
    @stitchincarol WFD

    Day 3, London, UK, NFD

    Not only did I not post my starting weight, but I didn’t weigh in on the 1st, the scales were cowering in the corner!!🤣🤣 Anyway, I’m using my Day 2 weight 😲 as my baseline, let’s call it 100lbs and I’ll count down from there!
    With that in mind, after yesterday’s surprisingly easy FD I’m still at 100lbs😁!!! Such is life, I had expected a -10lb reward for ACTUALLY completing a 500cal FD!!!
    Thanks for the love-wrap @stitchincarol, I think my body went into shock at the successful FD and is hanging onto the timber I’m desperate to shed, not getting disheartened though, I slept like a log and bounded out of bed this morning ………………. THAT’S just 1 reason why I missed fasting so much!!!

    Fun fact – and very apt………………………….
    There’s a Japanese word ‘Kuchi zamishi’ which means ‘the act of eating when you’re not hungry because your mouth is lonely’……………….
    …………….Been there, done that!!!

    Looking forward to another FD tomorrow, Bone broth & soup!!

    Onward & downwards!!

    Day 4 NFD NZ 82.8kg

    We had a busy day y’day including going to the Spinners and Weavers Guild y’day evening. Mr Mac slept through the night. The first time for 3 months… A busy day is not a precursor to a good night – sometimes it seems to be a stimulant. But we’re happy!
    @flourbaby🤣🤣🤣I’ve never considered the concept of a lonely mouth but perhaps I need to have a wee friend available just in case like an apple rather than a doughnut! 100lb??!
    @stitchincarol Well done! A pound down is the equivalent of a pound of butter in volume. That would be lovely. I was thinking of things like blitzing eg chickpeas and feta and yoghurt.
    @northgeorgia Go you! You sound very motivated!
    @penz A wine tour sounds so much fun.
    @at Great you’re checking in. I always like to hear tales of the Fen and imagining you met Mrs Tiggy Winkle on a ramble!
    @funshipfreddie So hospital tea is actually good for you?! The only appealing fact was the honey one!
    Space Junk: there are 5,000+ non functioning satellites orbiting earth

    Have a great day everyone! It’s actually sunny here, cool 11 degrees and we’re going back to the Guild this morning.

    Day 3 – UK – NFD

    Busy day hiking 🥾some 9miles with friends visiting from Suffolk – A tad damp and windy on the top but we didn’t care – good company and chat along the way helped a lot!!

    Enjoyed a light pub lunch when we got back down and then some more walking in much better weather with even some sun to get us back home – enjoyed cup of tea together before they headed back to their rented cottage….they head back south tomorrow…..

    Pleasantly tired tonight so quick catch up here and an early night beckons……😴

    Day 4, FD, Aus

    Drat. I was convinced it was Thursday today. Oh well. I’ll do my planned FD today anyway.

    I don’t tend to use a lot of dressings, @merryapple. Instead, I find adding something like a crumbly fetta, sundried tomatoes or beetroot provides enough smearing/liquidy flavour to double up as dressing. At most I’ll add a little olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Oooh – just saw your post. Blitzing chickpeas and feta and yoghurt would be divine!

    A THIRD FD, @stitchincarol?! You make me laugh. No way!

    That’s the worst thing about this 5:2 approach, there is no immediate 10lbs/10kgs drop after a FD. There should be, @flourbaby!! Still, you did it! And you’re now well back on the wagon.

    Day 4 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @stitchincarol – I only usually weigh myself after FD, & my weight is usually around the same as the previous time, or a bit less. Re sleep – some people say we need less sleep as we get older, but I don’t believe that. I feel like a wrung-out dishcloth if I don’t sleep well. I read something about circadian rhythms changing as we get older, so our brains aren’t as efficient at keeping us asleep, & the quality of the sleep changes. We tend to go to bed earlier, & wake up earlier. Something like that? Anyway, I’m going back to doing some yoga every day. I haven’t done any for a couple of months, but I think it helps with sleep quality. https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/8753-201512048753

    @flourbaby – I’d forgotten how funny you are! 100 lb – yeah, right 😂

    @merryapple – honey?! Urgh?! I’m not eating anything that’s come out of an insect. 🐝 BTW, I got today’s Wordle in 2! 🤓 I don’t think I’ve eaten a salad since the ’70’s 🤪

    Gotta dash – it’s line-dancing day! 🕺

    Today’s Fun Useless Facts:
    Maine is the only state whose name is just one syllable
    Americans eat an estimated 13 billion hamburgers each year.
    One-quarter of your body’s bones are in your feet

    Happy Hump Day! 🐫

    Pocket List – Day 4 🍒

    Day 4, London, UK, FD

    Looking forward to today’s FD as I dropped 1lb after yesterdays NFD, a delayed reaction I think as my body realised my 1st FD wasn’t a permanent situation, no need to panic & hang onto the fat!!

    @merryapple, 100lbs is just a random figure I chose as a baseline, it could have been 200 or 300!!😨 the real figure is being whispered so quietly it’s undetectable to any living thing! So today (in some other universe) I weigh 99lbs!!!

    @penz, yes, I did it!!!! And I’m chuffed to bits!!! I have NO questions about your wine tour, absolutely none at all, not even one!!…………….. Sober *#$!/% October 😭😩😭

    Pocket List – Day 4 🍒

    Day 4 – USA/GA – ZBC

    Weigh-in: 223 lbs. Yeah, yesterday was a bust. Got an invitation to lunch, and today there is a going-away do, so I’ll just go back to my FD on Thursday. Sorry, but a co-worker kept tempting me with “Arby’s” and it had been so long since I enjoyed a roast beef sandwich, so by that point, I decided it would be better to give in to a little temptation now than to overeat out of desperation at an OMAD later in the evening. Anyway, onwards…

    Day 4 – Rural Nebraska, USA – TDEE – 153.6

    I’m pleased to note that I’m down a pound from last Wednesday, and this is the lowest Wednesday weight I’ve had since I resumed after vacation. Weighing 120 by Christmas is looking unlikely, but losing weight at all by Christmas is happening, so I’ll just have to be content with that. And, bottom line, I can’t force myself to weigh less, I can only force myself to eat according to plan and I’ve done that three days in a row, so that’s a positive to celebrate.

    @flourbaby “The act of eating when you’re not hungry but your mouth is lonely.” SO very well said, LOL! And I’m delighted for you that your first FD in ages went so well. ❤️

    @merryapple Spinners and Weavers Guild? So do you spin or weave or both?

    @at Your day hiking with friends sounds gloriously delightful!

    @penz LOL, okay, enjoy your wine time with only two lovely FDs under your belt! 🤪👍😘

    @funshipfreddie Ahh, I remember that; I thought you meant that you weighed in the morning before you fasted, and then weighed the same the next morning; THAT seemed astonishing to me…although it was true for @flourbaby, wasn’t it? Yeah, like I said, we can’t force our bodies to lose weight; we can only force ouselves to eat to plan. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    @flourbaby Oh, just read the update that you are down a pound after your NFD; delightful turn of events, huh?

    I’m still somewhat sleepy–I’m waking up VERY slowly today. But at some point I’ll come to life and get at the day’s business! Have a grand one, everyone!

    Pocket List – Day 4 🍒

    Day 5 NZ FD

    My sorrel plant looks deliciously fresh and green with its new spring growth. Tonight’s dinner will be sorrel soup or sauce with grilled fish after a great FD and finishing off the kitchen spring cleaning!!
    @funshipfreddie I view honey like wine. The flavours change so much depending on where the bees forage. The primordial forests in the centre of the North Island produce amazing dark honey with rich complex flavours. Just saying!!🤣 🤣
    @penz I agree!! And you never know when a drop might just might occur. You just have to have faith and keep the good habits going… You have reminded me about roasting beetroot with balsamic vinegar!
    Useless facts:
    Kiwis eat the most ice cream per capita per annum in the world. 23kg each and that’s a conservative industry estimate. Someone is eating most of my share but I love, love, love ice cream, especially hokey pokey, vanilla and the fresh fruity flavours!!

    Pocket List

    Day 5 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    @flourbaby – “looking forward to today’s FD..’ if I live to be 1000 I doubt I will ever utter those words 🤦‍♂️

    @merryapple – I love ice cream too, which is why I never buy it; not to bring home anyway. One of those huge tubs would be gone in 2 or 3 days. The best ice cream I’ve ever had was in Cornwall, England. They make it with clotted cream, & it’s just…indescribable 😋 But I’ve never met an ice-cream flavour I didn’t like.

    Today’s FUFs:
    Barbie’s measurements, if she were life-size, would be 39-29-33
    You spend 92 days of your life on the toilet.
    On average, Americans’ favourite smell is banana.

    Gotta dash. Sending RESOLVE to the Thursday fasters 💪

    Pocket List – Day 5 🥚

    Day 5 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 224 lbs. Got a long way to go, but thankful for little victories; finally down a pound over last week’s post conference weight. Today will likely be a FD500 instead of a WFD.

    Pocket List – Day 5 🥚

    Day 5, London, UK, NFD,

    @funshipfreddie, 🤣🤣I was looking forward to my FD because those people in the know, know!!!………………. Absence makes the heart grow fonder and I’ve been away from ‘proper’ fasting for sooo long!! Once I’m back in the groove, I might not look forwards to a FD, with quite as much enthusiasm!!!
    Speaking of bananas …………………… the banana tree, is actually a herb distantly related to ginger.

    Reminding myself that mindfulness is required for a successful NFD ……………… some donkey bought biscuits into the office😡, I grabbed TWO with my coffee this morning. Thank goodness I remembered NFDs are NOT an excuse to hoover up anything in sight!!! NSV – they’re languishing uncovered amongst the detritus in my desk drawer, and my penance is to smell their vanillary(!) loveliness knowing I can’t/won’t eat them………………… I may have to rub them on the carpet just to be 110% sure I won’t crack!!!

    @stitchincarol, what I wouldn’t give for a gentle wake-up!! Bo-Bo😿 is missing his mum too so he’s crying for company at 4am when he would have crept onto mums’ bed for a cuddle😢😢.

    Stay strong folks, another FD planned for tomorrow, it’s so much easier to fast at work, so I’m taking full advantage of being full time again!!!

    Day 5 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD

    I looked at my records, and I’ve usually been up 1 to 1.5 lbs on a Thursday after “refeeding” on a Wednesday (thanks to @northgeorgia for that phrase), so being up a full 2 lbs this morning is evidence of how carb-heavy my supper was yesterday. Knowing how many calories I ate yesterday is a challenge because I used leftovers and added more ingredients (plus pasta, the culprit along with garlic bread for my carb-heavy meal) and then didn’t eat my half. So? I’m certain I didn’t eat more than the 2K calories I burned yesterday (Wednesdays are busy) and I think I ate right around TDEE (1500), and will have to call it good with that despite how uncomfortable it is to have a 500 calorie range. I still feel plenty full this morning from supper last night, so am hopeful today’s WF will be easy, the heavy carbs from yesterday notwithstanding.

    Either way, I’ll persevere. 😇💪👍

    WOW, @flourbaby–you’re doing EOFDs this week??? You go, girl! Having gotten back on the wagon, you’re going to be serious about it, eh? And your cat is Bo-Bo (with a hyphen not a space) and @funshipfreddie‘s is Boo Boo (no hyphen but a space)??? What are the odds in this international forum with not that many members???????? 😲🤣

    My house is messy as I rather accidentally started the process of putting away summer capris. I was simply looking for a specific pair of capris to wear yesterday, and ended up with multiple piles. But, no time today to tidy and put where it all goes for the winter, so that will have to be tomorrow’s job; I’m glad I’ll be gone and not have to be around all the clutter, LOL!

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Pocket List – Day 5 🥚
    @stitchincarol WFD

    Day 6 NFD NZ

    Morning all! I’m relieved I get to have breakfast – freshly made muesli with rhubarb and yoghurt and a wee slice of toasted sourdough and marmalade accompanied by tea.
    I have nearly finished the kitchen and laundry spring clean – After that I need to organise the throw outs to go to an auction house or donate them to a charity. I empathise @stitchincarol with you about house mess. I’m trying to do a mini downsize at the same time so this exercise will probably take a year… I also need to get into the garden but we have another sou’west weather front heading our way…
    Yes, what are the odds of cat called Boo Boo and one Bo-Bo???!
    @funshipfreddie I ❤️🍦. I buy ice cream in a cone rather than having a tub in the freezer because, like you, I dip into it frequently and suddenly find it has disappeared! Have you ever tried honey ice cream? Honey & ginger and honey & fig are absolutely delicious!!!!😜
    @flourbaby Now that is Steely Resolve!

    Known as the Highland and Island Clearances, the forced eviction, dispossession of land and emigration of an estimated 70,000 Gaelic speaking clans people occurred between 1750-1860. The British Government put a stop to the practice in 1886.

    Steely resolve everyone!

    Day 6 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 70.2 kg

    FD accomplished! 🎯 Also 12,000 steps & 35 minutes of yoga. @stitchincarol – the yoga definitely seems to be improving my sleep. I slept almost straight through from 11 pm – 7:30 am. Although the 12,000 steps probably helped too 🥴️

    @merryapple – I’ve never tried ice cream with honey, at least I don’t think I have. I could probably force myself though 😅 So long as the honey was hidden, & I couldn’t see the shiny, gloopy liquid slithering down the cone 😱

    @flourbaby – Boo Boo is BANNED from my bedroom during the night. Otherwise I’d never get any sleep. She has her own room & I leave YouTube cat videos on the TV for her. Birder King videos are her favourites. She’s quickly running out of lives though. Yesterday she sank her teeth into my leg when I was in the triangle pose. Ouch 😼

    Today’s FUFs. Did you know…?

    A group of hippos is called a ‘bloat’.
    Sleeping through summer is called ‘estivation’.
    The most common password is 1-2-3-4-5-6
    The dot over the letter ‘i’ is called a tittle.

    Happy Fri-yay! 🍹

    Day 6 – USA/GA – ZBC

    Weigh-in: 222 lbs. Nope, not gonna hit the 210s this week, but compared to last week’s “Sunday only” fast, still nice to see weight 3 lbs below last Friday’s 225 lbs. My FD500s aren’t as impressive as my WFDs, but I think the net effect ends up being the same. I’ll get a better picture next week 🙂

    Day 6 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD

    Well, no 152-something this morning, which is proof that we cannot force our bodies to lose weight; we can only force ourselves to eat according to plan. So that elusive 152-something is now my hope for next week! 👍🤷🏻‍♀️

    In my ongoing quest to eat appropriately on Fridays, I’ve realized I have a bag of baby carrots in the fridge and am going to pull them out around noon, and also have some cottage cheese, which I love and is full of protein. But I’m also headed off to our doctor (40 minute drive away) to get the wax build up from my ear so I can hear again; not only will that be a huge relief, but it’ll keep me out of the kitchen/house for the whole afternoon, a sure way to increase the likelihood of me eating with restraint. And tonight I get my weekly 6oz of wine…can’t say I’m thrilled and impatient, which is an excellent sign that I’m not the lush I sometimes feel I must be! 😲🤣🤣

    @merryapple You’re sounding FAR more ambitious than I am. Instead of dealing with my clothes that need sorting and putting away for the winter, I bought some lovely pink yarn to make a sweater for my granddaughter who’s turning 4 next Wednesday, and I started that sweater last night. It was ever so much more fun than DH’s Fair Isle, because his takes a little over an hour per row; DGD’s already is at 3.5 total inches. Two different size bodies, and one very thin yarn and one quite thick yarn… I’m hoping for a huge motivation boost to be diligent on DH’s by the time DGD’s is done. 😉

    @funshipfreddie Delightful sleep you had last night! I too slept well, which is typical for me after a fast of any sort, water or 500.

    @northgeorgia If you are motivated by competition, the race is back on, because I’m on track to be 149 by late October…209 awaits you, and with your male metabolism, you could actually still beat me, as long as you decided your goals were more important than eating the same as the people around you… I’ve found people are very accepting of “No, I’m sorry, but I’m not eating (eating much, eating dessert, whatever) because I’m fasting today.” They’re so shocked by the show of willpower that they back off quite easily. They also probably feel guilty that they have no willpower…🤪

    Which reminds me of when I got the oil changed in my car earlier this week. The waiting room had a basket of goodies: small bags of peanuts, tiny Kind bars, bags of potato chips, and more. I wanted one of those bags of chips in the worst way, and kept restraining myself (think of a dog pulling HARD on the leash…) and as different people came along and grabbed something out of the basket, I kept whining and complaining to myself how sad it is that OTHER people get to eat stuff from the bag, and it’s so unfair that I can’t grab what I want.

    Then I stopped. I looked at the bodies of the people who were grabbing treats. Every single one was at least 50 pounds overweight. Every single one. The lesson I wasn’t quite willing to accept that day, but which is nonetheless so very true, is that I too have the freedom to eat whatever I want from the basket, but NO ONE gets to eat what they want from the basket without having their body reflect their choices. My body actually reflects my choices, because I am NOT at least 50 pounds overweight. Why do we lose sight of the consequences of eating with abandon, and think it’s only about eating what our mouths and minds desire??

    I’ll work on absorbing that truth today.

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 6, London UK, FD

    Well another NSV under my belt. Today is dress down Friday at work and breakfast is bought in for everyone from the local café😱. This being my 1st full week of work having been part time Wed-Thurs for many years, I didn’t know any of this!!! I managed to say a definitive ‘No’ when asked if I wanted anything. The thought of sausage & avocado on fresh granary bread was present, but I suppressed the urge, got on with work and when breakfast was delivered, I had my buttermint tea at the ready which smells like Werthers originals and overpowered any whiff of bacon or sausage!!!! I’ve been patting myself on the back ALL DAY!!!

    Yes, @funshipfreddie and I had a discussion about the similar kitty names a while ago. Bo-Bo is a beautiful ginger tuxedo with numerous girlfriends at his beck & call, but like most cats, sleeps a good 18 hours a day, eats for 1 then uses the remaining 5hrs to squeeze in a busy social life and of course he thinks the house is his fully staffed hotel!!

    @stitchincarol, I’m trying 4:3 for October as I prefer the routine of fasting on the same days rather than ADF ……………. If only it was a 6 or 8 day week then ADF would work!! You’re right about the choices we make, unfortunately the world is conditioned to snack & graze with abandon and never feel hungry.
    Apart from the energy I get from fasting, I quite like the empty tummy feeling!! If I’m aware my tummy is empty then THAT’s when the fat burning happens and it’s time to celebrate with a glass of water!!!

    Very quiet for October isn’t it? Maybe I’m not the only one slowly getting back into the fasting groove.

    Onwards & downwards!!!

    Day 7 NFD NZ

    Good morning to everyone!
    @stitchincarol I completed understand working on a wee pretty pink project vs the fair isle. But your DH will love wearing his sweater in winter so I’m sure you’ll get back onto the big project! I have spun some natural Gotland wool for my nephew who wants an Aran jersey but can I get him to send me a picture of something he likes plus his measurements… teenagers! I want to over dye some silver grey Gotland I have spun with purple and knit a Nordic style jersey using the natural grey with the softened purple. But I have to wait until we get some warm settled weather so the wool dries properly.
    @flourbaby Go you! I can picture you and @stitchincarol knocking back these temptations! Any form of moral superiority is great if it works to help the cause!!! I do love butterscotch. Your tea sounds delicious 😋
    @northgeorgia You’ve got this! This IS the month you get back into the teens!
    @excelsior12309 How’s your Corgia?
    @metatauta Your exercise regime is amazing. Well done!

    This is why your ice cream tasted so good @funshipfreddie
    Clotted cream – minimum 55% fat, average 65% fat. Calories from fat only 96.4%!!!
    Single cream is 18% fat
    In NZ ice cream has to have between 13-20% milk fats. Gelato has 4-9%. There is NO chicken fat in NZ ice cream😀
    I’m looking forward to the weather being warm enough to consider an ice cream!

    Have a great weekend everyone!

    Day 6 – Ireland – CD 🚫🚶‍♂️✅

    Hi everyone! Back to join you for October having been MIA for the end of September. Times were busy anyway as predicted and then mum needed a little more care so I just didn’t seem to have time to post and read and then locked out issues meant i couldn’t post but I am super happy to start in maintenance for October.

    I’ll be in and out this month too I would say but will definitely be keeping the 5:2 faith even when I’m not posting. Thank you so very much @funshipfreddie for hosting this month 🤗. Serious kudos to you on 1 year Alcohol Free!!!

    I am so very sorry for your loss of your beautiful mother @flourbaby – I had thought about you often and had wondered how things were for you
    so was very sad to see your post when I read back on the September challenge posts yesterday. It is a dreadfully sad time for you but I hope that the fact that you were able to care for your mum at home and keep her close to you and to know that she was safe and loved brings great comfort to you now. You are such a caring soul which always came though on your posts 💕
    So it’s great to have you back. Be well now 💕

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others

    Day 7 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 224 lbs. @stitchincarol Even with my metabolism, hitting 209 might be a bit ambitious for the month 🙂 I would like to get back to 217, where I was in August, though. I did NOT resist some snacks last night at my mom’s house, ufff! I can say her homemade chicken pot pie was soooo delicious, though! LOL

    The good news is that I weighed in a couple of pounds lighter over last Saturday morning. I do think I will turn this around this month for sure!

    Day 7 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    There was seriously dodgy stuff going on with the internet here this morning. I couldn’t get onto the 5:2 site, or even open my Yahoo Mail. I couldn’t even stream a local radio station, yet I had no problem with YouTube or streaming a radio station in Colombia? 🤔

    @jaifaim – good to see you back! And hoping to see your boys kick Scotland’s butt tonight 😅 🏈 🏆

    @flourbaby – well done on swerving that breakfast?!! 🤯

    @stitchincarol – so true re reminding ourselves that we have the freedom to eat what we like, but then we must accept the consequences. The battle never stops. I’m trying to do the same thing with my choice not to drink. When I see someone appearing to enjoy a drink, & that little thought pops into my head, ‘that would be nice’, I tell myself that they’re probably not enjoying it at all. Maybe they’re just succumbing to an addiction, & it won’t be just one drink, & they have a greater risk of developing all kinds of health problems, e.g. cancers, & liver & heart disease. And they maybe haven’t had a good night’s sleep for years. They wake up in the middle of the night with their heart racing, & vow never to touch another drop. But then the next day, by noon, they’re already thinking about stopping off at the bottle store on the way home from work. Because they’ve got 4 kids under 7 years of age, & well, you need something to blot out the noise of the kids screaming at each other while you’re trying to make dinner, & … wow?! My imagination ran away with me there 🤪 🥂

    @merryapple – only 96.4%?! I’m SO glad I don’t live in Cornwall 😅 🍨

    @northgeorgia – nothing wrong with being a bit ambitious; that’s why it’s called a Challenge! We could re-name the month Ambitious October! I think @stitchincarol has re-challenged you. Game on… 🎯

    Have a good weekend everyone 🌤 🌈

    Today’s FUFs. Did you know…?

    The thumbnail grows the slowest & the middle nail the fastest, nearly 4 times faster than toenails.
    A pound of potato chips costs two hundred times more than a pound of potatoes.
    The average person spends 6 months of their life sitting at red lights.
    Most collect calls are made on Father’s Day.

    Day 7 – Rural Nebraska, USA – TDEE

    I’m up two pounds this morning (well, 1.8 😉) and suspect it wouldn’t be quite so much if we hadn’t had pizza last night, which was quite high in sodium. The funny story behind that is that there’s a Mexican/Pizza restaurant near us where we’ve occasionally gone for Mexican but just shaken our heads at the idea that they also do pizza. Strange combo, right? Well, they got voted Best Pizza in town! So we decided to try it out, and we were dazzled; we’ll certainly consider their pizza again! The excellent news is that I ate almost perfectly yesterday: I had cottage cheese for an early lunch, and then was going to have the carrots a little later, but I wasn’t hungry and needed to leave for my doctor’s appointment. That went fast (and I can HEAR again, LOL!) and then I was hungry enough I was considering some sort of fast food that wouldn’t have many calories, but I had only an hour to get to Lincoln for a car appointment (my brakes were “growling”…) and also stop at Seward to get a t-shirt for my eldest’s birthday, so I skipped the food and was on my way. I raced into the store and was out again in 8 minutes, and got to the car appointment with two minutes to spare….not having eaten anything except about 120 calories of cottage cheese. And after a bit of investigation, they let me know the brakes are not growling, the front left wheel bearings are! Long story, but I drove home the 40 minutes, and ate a dozen cherry tomatoes from our bush, and then didn’t eat anything else until we got to the Mexican/Pizza restaurant.

    Moral of the story? If I want to succeed at minimal eating, leaving the house is an excellent approach, LOL! And, DH told me he’s up a full three pounds after last night’s pizza, so I’m not imagining the effect that salty pizza had on me. Tonight’s supper is a salad kit, those same carrots steamed, and a grilled pork chop; lunch will be the leftover pasta from Wednesday. That will easily stay within my TDEE. Oh, and the single glass of wine I had last night was pleasant, but I had no desire for more, so my “Sober October Except For Six Ounces Each Week” is so far going easily.

    I can sure talk a lot, huh?

    @flourbaby We are indeed conditioned to eat regularly and to be terrified of hunger! When I was young, it was often true that an hour before supper, I’d tell my mom I was hungry, expecting some sort of food. She’d always respond by saying, “Well, you can’t eat NOW or you won’t be hungry for supper!!” My eldest niece once commented “Grandma eats like a linebacker!”, LOL, so Mom was not a delicate eater–but she ate only at meals, and she was always thin. That was a great lesson to be given throughout my childhood. And I’m beyond impressed at how much won’t-power you showed at work!

    @merryapple Oh, the irony. I also have a purple/grey Nordic style sweater on the needles, but have set it aside for now, while I work on the Fair Isle and on DGD’s pink sweater, which is about a third done now!

    @jaifaim Good to hear from you, and delightful to see you’re still below your 155!

    @northgeorgia You’re probably right that 209 is more than a body should ask for in only 3 weeks. But I’ll happily agree to change your goal to 217, since that’s just a smidge over 2 lbs each week for you. You’d have to resist the snacks at your mom’s, however…how would she react if you said, “Thanks, Mom, but no, I have to resist so I can beat a woman in Nebraska!” 😂😂😂 I bet she’d roll her eyes at you, but I also bet she’d find that funny…yes?

    @songbirdme I was thinking of you last night throughout the game between our Cornhuskers and your Fighting Illini. We tried hard to slaughter you the way Michigan slaughtered us last week, but your team fought valiantly!

    @funshipfreddie I really laughed to read your speculation on that person drinking and even read it to DH who also chuckled! It was interesting to wake up last night and feel awful…after only 5-6 ounces of red wine. That’s when I realized that perhaps the culprit was simply a bunch of food, rather than a bunch of wine? So the lesson there is that any over-indulgence is detrimental to our sleep…

    And FASCINATING about the cost of a pound of potato chips v. potatoes!

    Okay, tomorrow is a big meeting of a nine-church ladies group of which I’m the president, so I won’t be around to post. Monday, DH and I have to be at a different town an hour from here no later than 8am for an all-day meeting, so I won’t post. Same with Tuesday, except I leave early to drive to piano lessons. Then on Wednesday we have to take the car back to Lincoln so the wheel bearings can be fixed. I have no idea when I’ll post again, but I’ll read posts via email on my phone, and perhaps will find an unexpected chance to post.

    Be strong, everyone! RESOLVE.

    Day 8 NFD NZ

    Mr Mac had a shocking night… He’s lucky I didn’t wring his neck when I was half awake in the wee small hours. Now he’s fast asleep after breakfasting…
    @jaifaim Lovely to hear from you! Are you doing 5:2 for maintenance or going to trial 6:1?
    @stitchincarol What is on a Mexican Pizza? Beans, Chilli tomato sauce, cheese, carne asada??😋 I wish we had pictures so I could see your knitting!
    @funshipfreddie I see why you gave up EtOH. You don’t want to be one of those people, right!🤢🤮😤😜

    Onwards and downwards!

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