
This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  ElaineO 10 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Hi Everyone, great to hear of all the successes on here! First fasting day yesterday and it wasn’t so bad. Lost 1kg, so that’s a good start! I have woken up this morning with a headache, has anyone else experienced this?

    Hi and welcome.

    Several others have reported headaches after a fast and there are several possible reasons. Make sure you stay hydrated during the fast, so drink enough calorie free liquids. If you usually drink tea or coffee, going cold turkey can cause headaches and is therefore best avoided.
    Sometimes going to low on salt from not eating seems to give people a headache in particular in the current weather when you are sweating a lot.
    And finally, it could just be coincidence that you have a headache after a fast.

    For most people though, the headaches are not a long-term problem, slight tweaks on the fast days usually sort this problem. On the whole, the fasts seem to get easier the longer you do it, they become part of a lifestyle. Good thing is: you can enjoy all the yummy stuff on the non-fasting days.


    Thanks for your reply. Yeah, on reflection, I didn’t have any caffeine yesterday (just a green tea), when usually I have about 4-6 cups of tea/coffee. Just need to get used to taking them black. I also could have drank more water as I am currently in Spain and it’s getting hot. I think I will tweak a couple of things for next fast day.


    Elaine 🙂

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