Mindful March 2025 Challenge

This topic contains 102 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  icystorm 3 hours, 59 minutes ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1 through 50 (of 102 total)

  • Hello All

    It’s a new month and a new challenge – Welcome to anyone wanting to join our Mindful March Challenge! So sign up and sign in and let’s make March a successful month.

    “Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up ends up being the biggest step of your life”

    These monthly challenges were started by @coda in May 2016 and have been going strong ever since. Goals can be overwhelming when viewed as a whole. But by breaking them down into small achievable pieces, we are able to stay focused and motivated to accomplish our goals one step at a time in bite-sized monthly challenges.

    There are no rules, but as a general guide, here are some tips for any new people:

    1. Posting – This is our only true rule: please start each post with the day of the month, where you are, and if you’re on a fast day (FD), non-fast day (NFD) or controlled day (CD). We’re located all over the world and in different time zones so it helps us keep track of which day we’re talking about, who else is fasting with us on a particular day etc. Look at the various posts, and you’ll soon see the pattern, and will learn how useful it is for reading.

    2. In your first post, please introduce yourself to the group – this helps us to get to know each other, which is especially helpful for newbies. Perhaps say something about where you started, your journey so far, what you’re aiming for or how you are benefiting from fasting. You might like to include your starting weight or your goals for the month. But you don’t have to – share only what you are comfortable sharing online.

    3. Spreadsheet – below is the link to the March Spreadsheet – It’s in alphabetical order by username. If you find it helpful, you can use it to record and track your progress as well as keeping track of how others are doing. It can help with perspective, accountability or planning. And if you need help just ask – there’s always someone happy to help. But you don’t have to use it if you don’t want to. It’s just another tool you can use if you choose.

    4. Frequency – Some people post daily, others check in every few days. Some are brief, others are long and chatty. If you’re posting for a second time in the same day please head your post e.g. Day 1 – 2nd Post. Past history shows that posting every day truly does help with motivation for staying on track with your goals, so please don’t feel shy about suddenly posting daily; we love new members!

    5. Content of your post– Comments or questions, complaints or celebration – anything you’d like to share with the forum. Recipes, tips, tricks and bright ideas are always welcome. Remember: we all have good days and bad days, days we fall off the wagon or days when we are hanging on by our fingernails, days when our mojo deserts us and days where we feel completely in control. So DON’T GIVE UP – whatever it is, you are not alone!

    6. Community – This is a worldwide forum so there’s usually someone online. We all do our best to offer advice, support and solidarity.

    7. Pocket lists –A ‘pocket list’ is a list of the names of people who are sharing the same goal on a particular day. It’s great psychological support in mentally keeping that list in our back pocket, knowing we’re not alone. Anyone can join a pocket list or start a pocket list. Typical pocket lists are for a FD but in the past they’ve been used for people doing daily exercise or planks, or DTF (dry till Friday).

    8. 5:2 basics – answers to many FAQs plus top tips:

    9. The “rule”. The F word (FAIL) is prohibited!! We all stumble in our journey – it happens. But acknowledge it, think about what you can do next time, and continue. We’re all here to help!

    We tend to use a LOT of abbreviations in these posts. Here’s a guide to some of the more frequently used ones:

    5:2 – 5 days NFD – 2 days FD

    16:8 – 16 hours fast – 8 hours non fast

    IF – Intermittent Fasting

    ADF – Alternate Day Fasting (FD – NFD – FD – etc)

    AF – Alcohol-free

    B2B – Back to Back (consecutive FDs)

    BMR – Basal metabolic Rate

    CFD – Controlled Food Day (a day’s eating comfortably below your TDEE)

    DH, DD, DS – Darling Husband, Daughter, Son

    DTF – Dry ’til Fri (no wine, beer, etc.)

    EE – Emotional Eating (reflex grazing out of a need for instant comfort instead of satisfying hunger)

    EFS – Epic Face Stuffing (Definitely due to a faulty OFF button!)

    FD – Fast Day (500 cals)

    FD800 – Fast Day 800 calories

    Hunger Dragon – that dreadful psychological beast that sometimes cannot be satisfied. Some people even name theirs (e.g. @i-hate-lettuce had an inner warthog!)

    IF – Intermittent Fasting

    Keto – way of eating that generates Ketones

    KISS – Keep It Simple Stupid!!!

    LC – Low Carb way of eating

    LCHF – Low Carb High Fat way of eating

    LFD – Liquid Fast Day (incl. tea, coffee, miso, bone broth & water)

    LOL – Laughing Out Loud

    M/WOAM – Man/Woman on a Mission (courtesy of @i-hate-lettuce)

    MFD – Modified Fast Day (800 cals) on the new
    Fast800, it’s a FD

    MFP – MyFitnessPal – a smartphone app & website that tracks diet & exercise.

    NFD – Non Fast Day

    OH – Other Half (e.g. spouse/partner)

    OMAD – One Meal A Day

    PFDS – Post FD Smugness (courtesy of @stitchincarol )
    Pocket List – Names to “keep in your pocket” for a common goal for the day

    TDEE – Total Daily Energy Expenditure (see the ‘how it works’ link on the home page to work out yours)

    TRE – Time Restricted Eating

    WFD – Water Fast Day (Water only)

    WFH – Working From Home

    WOL – Way of Life

    WOCA – Woman Of a Certain Age
WW – Weekend Warrior (c/- @jaifaim)
    ZBC – Zero Breakfast Club


    USA. Day 1. FD500

    Thank you, AT for taking up the helm! 👍🏻. I see I am the first to discover our new challenge Mindful March.

    I just closed my kitchen at 682 calories. It’s a little above 500 but it will do!

    Hope everyone is having a great day! 😊

    Day 1 North Wales NFD

    Thank you for setting up the page @at

    Day 2 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    @at – thanks so much for getting the ball rolling, & thank you for the spreadsheet 🙏

    My brief Fast Diet bio for any newbies – David, 63, originally from Manchester, England. Retired & living in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Been 5:2-ing/IF-ing since 2014 after watching Michael Mosley’s documentary, ‘Eat, Fast & Live Longer’. I joined the Challenges after I quit working in 2018. I do basic 5:2, having around 600 – 700 cals on FDs – one evening meal – and I have an eating window of around 12 noon to 8 pm – two meals + a snack – on NFDs. I usually only weigh myself after my Sun/Thur FDs, so I’ll take tomorrow’s weight as my starting weight for the month. My BMI is always well under 22 though, which is in the ‘normal’ range.

    A good mindfulness quote to begin ‘Mindful March’:- “The moment one gives close attention to anything, even a blade of grass, it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself” ~ Henry Miller

    Pocket List – Day 2 🥚

    Day 2-No. VA USA-FD
    Mindful March begins! Thank you @at for setting it up and also for your quote about wishing to be where we are now…it is so true. I am not at my goal, which is another 10 #, but I AM 20# less than I was last March, and that is because of intermittent fasting!
    Brief bio: I am 74, a pediatrician still working 4 1/2 days per week. Started 5-2 in 2017, lost substantial weight and then over the next few years did not maintain. Re-started in March of 2024, with good results and shall we say lots of plateaus. This group is helpful and supportive! I am looking forward to a more “motivated” month than February!

    Day 2 UK NFD

    Hi all, thanks for leading us @at 👏

    Me – 63F living with DH on south coast of England long time IFer . I’ve got my act together ( a bit ) this year got rid of 8lbs so far, another 10 or so and I’ll be happy Need to be realistic for my March goals as I’ve got a trip to Lyon next Thursday- I know – a trip to the gastronomical capital of France isn’t a great choice for someone trying to lose weight but hey – life happens

    So I’ll be f800 the first part of next week and we’ll have to see how things go

    Looking forward to our March journey 🌤️

    Pocket List – Day 2 🥚

    Day 2 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 237 lbs. Today should go pretty well. Due to my conference this week, my next FD will be on Thursday.

    Pocket List – Day 2 🥚

    Day 2 NE England NFD

    Just home from our weekend in Scotland and a lovely time we had. Eating a three course meal seemed so indulgent, I need to get back on track this week😮
    I will step on the scale in the morning to see the damage.
    Look forward to chatting with you all ~ onwards and downwards. 💪

    USA Day 2. FD

    Today I closed the kitchen at 567 calories, close to my goal of 500. A good day and I am not even hungry. I will need a few days of this before I step on the scale!

    Hope everyone is having a great day! See you all tomorrow! 🤗

    Day 3 country west Australia 83.7 kgs FD

    FINALLY !! after illness and IT ‘issues’ I am back online!!
    Thanks for hosting @at. I did say I would do March but happy for you to continue and I will host April or happy to take over the reins after you have done all the initial hard work! Whatever suits.
    Have had a diabolical time with IT issues – lack of good WiFi and dodgy mobile reception, all part of the joys of living in rural WA.😊
    March goals – lose the 4 kgs I have been trying to lose for a year ! Actually go back to basic 5:2 as it is supposed to be done. ie ACTUALLY fast on 2 days of the week. Crunch the numbers ( uggghhhh!!) for a while to get back on track.
    Looking forward to joining the group daily and reading and posting daily for accountability.
    Same old story …..🙄🙄😱
    Welcome to everyone old and new who is changing their lifestyle with living 5:2 as a Way of Life ( WOL)
    Have a great Monday. 😁

    Day 3, FD, Aus

    Bit late to the party this month; had a busy weekend.

    Hello all! Lovely to be back and thank you @at for stepping up to host.

    For any newbies out there, I live in Australia’s capital with husband and two dogs. I’ve been doing 5:2 on and off since about 2017 and keep wanting to lose the same kilos. When I do 5:2, it works for me and the weight comes off. Then I get complacent, and guess what, it comes back on. I am DETERMINED to get rid of that excess flab once and for all!!

    I usually do my FDs on Mondays and Thursdays, as this is when I have evening commitments outside the house that do not involve food.

    Day 2 – USA – NFD

    Greetings, everyone. It’s great to be into March 2025 now. Thanks to @at for hosting this month’s challenge.

    My short term goal remains 233 pounds, which is a 6.8% reduction in my current mass. I intend to reach that by the end of the month. One day at a time! I’m watching lots of motivational videos to spark the necessary fire of action within.

    I wish everyone great success and ideal health on your journey this month!


    Day 2 – Rural Nebraska, USA

    It’s almost 9pm, and I’m headed to bed, but I just saw you’d posted, @lilymartin, and I’m so very thankful it was simply irritating issues that prevented you posting, and not some sort of health problem–I thought of the three days last year (??) when David didn’t post and it turned out he’d been in the hospital!

    The bad news here in our household is that not only is my hubby fighting the crud, but as time went on this afternoon, I went from fine to not, and now my chest is quite miserable. So we’re sitting side by side on the sofa consoling each other, LOL. Hence, I’m headed to bed at 9pm. Hopefully a good night’s sleep will make us both feel ever so much better.

    Talk to you all in the morning, and welcome back to all who are showing up for March!

    Day 3 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 71

    @lilymartin – good to know all is okay with you; you had us worried there for a while!

    @stitchincarol – oh no?! I hope a good night’s sleep for you & DH has made a vast improvement! I remember those three days in hospital you mentioned all too well! 🥴 🤗

    Just solved today’s Wordle in two! That doesn’t happen every day. A 43 day streak though! 🎯

    Sending everyone positive vibes for the Mindful March Challenge 💫

    “If not now, when?” ~ Hillel the Elder

    Pocket List – Day 3 🍏
    @brightonbelle FD800

    Day 3 – UK – FD

    Welcome to this Mindful March Challenge to @ccco @molij @funshipfreddie @excelsior12309 @brightonbelle @northgeorgia @iona72 @lilymartin @penz @icystorm @stitchincarol

    Apologies for being absent yesterday but was out all day – visit to a garden centre with friends to choose a birthday present for a friend’s 70th (a keen gardener) followed by a light lunch and then we went to see an afternoon screening of “Swan Lake” from the Royal Opera House…….absolutely stunning 😍 OH and I had a planned Italian date night so a wonderful indulgent end to a non stop day……Pressing that RESET button with a FD today!

    @ccco – great start to the challenge with those B2B
    @funshipfreddie – thank you for that mindfulness quote to start us off on our mindful challenge 🤗
    @excelsior12309 – “I AM 20# less than I was last March” that is such a great effort from you for the past year, here’s hoping 2025 is as successful for you – I caught UP with the major surgery your SIL underwent and am hoping that his recovery continues on a positive note
    @brightonbelle – Stick to a controlled week before you head out to Lyon and then just enjoy your holiday and get back on the 5:2 bandwagon on your return
    @lilymartin – great to hear from you…..you had us worried for a bit – I’m happy to carry on with this challenge and then hand the baton over to you for the April Challenge if that’s OK with you?? I also have about 4kg that crept back on and it seems like I have been trying to lose them forever…….perhaps together we can make March a successful challenge 🤞
    @penz – better a bit late than never – I too usually try to fast on Monday and Thursday but planning on adding 3rd that each week this month
    @icystorm – I missed your joining the challenges last month and you have been doing amazing – may Mindful March help you reach your short term goals – I have added you to the spreadsheet should you want to use it for motivation/support x
    @stitchincarol – swift recovery to both you and your DH
    @jaifaim – so sorry to hear about the recent loss of your mum but lovely that you were all with her at the end – “Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.” ❤️

    ThanKs to @funshipfreddie for starting our Pocket List and I have added those from Australia who posted early – TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER

    Pocket List – Day 3 🍏
    @brightonbelle FD800

    We all know this but all easier said than done 😔 “IT’S NOT JUST ABOUT LOSING THE WEIGHT; IT’S ABOUT LOSING THE LIFESTYLE AND MINDSET THAT GOT YOU THERE” Steve Maraboli

    Day 3 – Ireland – FD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾


    Hello all. Very glad to be here for our Mindful March challenge – thank you @lilymartin and @at for taking the reins and @lilymartin good to hear all is ok.☀️🌼☀️.

    I have had a good weekend with time on my bike and hiking with pals ☀️ Feeling better and stronger each day. I’ll catch up on posts tonight or tomorrow 📖 👍

    My intro for any newcomers:
    The first challenge I joined was October 2017…and I’ve been intermittently fasting in all senses of that phrase 😂 since. Sometimes it’s hard to do but you fall off and you just climb back on again… 🧗‍♂️

    My name is a little play on words as I am a french speaker so “J’ai faim” means “I’m hungry” but also stands for Just Another Intermittent Fast And I’ll Maintain…it makes me smile 😃

    Maintenance is haaaard! I’ll get to 155lbs again this month and ideally down to 152 this year – then aim to bob between 152 and 155lbs forever and ever. 💪

    I love being outdoors even in our lovely Irish weather and cycle, walk, swim in the sea. I do some strength work too but that’s fallen by the wayside in the past few months.

    I stay away from alcohol 🚫 most of the time and have reduced added sugars ✅ and eat gluten free 🌾 because of intolerance symptoms – no gut issues – more gluten ataxia symptoms for me 🤕. My little icons help me to stick to clean nutrition.

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Pocket List – Day 3 🍏
    @brightonbelle FD800

    Day 3 UK f800

    Phew good to hear from you @liliymartin and sorry to hear you’re both suffering @stitchincarol

    It still pleases me to get it in 2 @funshipfreddie

    Good advice @at – that’s what I’m planning

    Right off to get organised Have a good Monday all

    Pocket List – Day 3 🍏
    @brightonbelle FD800

    USA. Day 3. FD

    Pocket List – Day 3 🍏
    @brightonbelle FD800
    @ccco FD500

    I was successful again yesterday, so I an having a go at it again today!
    DASH Diet in the EatingWell magazinze and have been considering it. I eat pretty close to that already, so I think I will go all the way with it. In case everyone doesn’t know what DASH stands for it is Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, which was created by the NIH (National Institute of Health) in the States. It’s very simple and worked well for my sister, so I thought I would do that. Exercise is a little bit of an issue, since I now walk with a cane due to severe arthritis in both my knees and hips. I still can lift free weights, though. It was embarrassing to answer my doctor’s question when he asked what I did for exercise, especially since I used to be a competitive runner! ☹️. I used to have a personal trainer and exercise 5 days a week and run seven days a week. Now I have to do so much less. Aging is no fun! Anyway, I think this will be a good diet!

    Jaifaim, I stay away from alcohol, too. Besides being waisted calories, I have given up sugar, salt, and anything made with white flour. I prefer multi grains.
    The sugar and the white flour were easy to remove but salt was hard to stop eating but I finally did it. I seem to be very salt sensitive now, so I am glad it’s gone!

    I hope everyone has a wonderful day!👍🏻

    Day 3 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 235 lbs. See you again on Thursday, which should be my next FD!

    Day 3 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD

    Well, the good news is that the weight I was up yesterday morning is gone plus an extra pound, putting me at 158.4, so I’ll take that as my March starting weight. I didn’t actually eat all that much on Saturday, and I ate a normal amount yesterday, but crowded it into four or five hours, so nothing is making sense to me; perhaps my body will behave normally soon.

    I have a fever and feel awful, but the clinic thinks it’s probably just a virus, so I’m at home nursing myself; thankfully, DH is better today. Perhaps I’ll improve just as fast, and if not, I’ll see the doctor tomorrow.

    @excelsior12309 How’s your SIL’s healing going? 💞🙏

    Day 3 NE England IF 17:7

    Today I intended to fast 16 hours and have an eating window of 8, but I stretched it to 17 hours of fasting. No change on the scale after a weekend away thank goodness and started the week with 21,000+ steps so feeling quite in control atm.

    @stitchincarol hope you can shake of the virus quickly, lots of bugs going around here, thought my cough was coming back this morning but seems ok now. All the kids in the family have had a sickness bug 🤮so hoping I dodge that.

    @lilymartin glad to hear you are ok and many thanks @at for stepping in to lead us forward.

    Day 4, NFD, Aus

    Looks like the old gang is slowly getting back together but still a few missing friends.

    Not to brag, #funshipfreddie (well, ok, I am!) I got Wordle in 1 once. Just happened to nail it with my starter word.

    Great news re your SIL’s operation, @excelsior12309. Must be a relief for all.

    Day 3 – USA – CD

    Greetings, all! Today was a CD day for me, and I’m aiming for an FD tomorrow.

    I hope everyone is doing well and making progress toward your goals! 😀

    I wanted to share this cool 3D body visualizer with the group. It lets you input your stats and dimensions to generate a 3D model of your approximate appearance based on the data. It’s fun and motivating to adjust the weight to your target goal and see the transformation—or even take a look back at where you started!

    Be sure to select the free option—no signup or login required. Patience is required during the initial loading process. 😀



    Day 4 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @at – that’s a great quote!

    @icystorm – that looks like a fun site, & I might try it to see what I’ll look like if I go completely off the rails & gain about 30 kg! 🤯 I love how you keep yourself motivated; that’s something we all need to work on to be successful in this WOL.

    @penz – what are the odds?! Well, they say there are about 13,000 words in the Wordle dictionary, so I guess they’ll eventually get around to my starter word.

    @stitchincarol – good to hear your DH is feeling better, at least. And it’ll hopefully be your turn today. A friend of mine just had tic-bite fever AND a UTI simultaneously. She was taking two lots of antibiotics for a while & said she felt absolutely awful.

    Off to the mosaic class, have a great day y’all!

    Pocket List – Day 4 🍒
    @brightonbelle FD800

    Day 4-No. VA USA-FD800
    I think I will be doing a week or so of FD 800. It is not hard for me, and I think it will get me started on my desired downward trend.
    Well, my poor son-in-law has not yet made it out of the hospital. His operation was last Wednesday. He has had trouble with post operative urinary retention, so has had to have an in-dwelling catheter and they are hoping they can remove it today and he will be able to void. Not an uncommon problem, apparently, but frustrating. He might have to do intermittent bladder catheterization at home. Only time will tell…Fingers crossed! Thank you, to all , for inquiring!
    @stitchincarol, sorry to hear of your illness. We have seen so much flu and flu like illness this year. Some unlucky patients have had flu twice. Not common, but possible!
    @funshipfreddie and @penz, I do wordle every day. I have gotten it in two twice in the past few years. I also strike out sometimes. 13,000 does not seem like enough words to me to choose from.
    @ccco, I think you do quite a bit, particularly given your health issues of the past year. Be kind to yourself! DASH diet should be a good one; I think I follow a lot of its principles. About 12 years ago, my husband had an episode of heart failure and we started to be quite conscious of salt and sodium in foods. As a result, we use very little salt in cooking and we are very aware of heavy salt in restaurant foods, etc. (I am looking at you, Chik-fil-A). Proof that we can adapt!
    Stay motivated, everyone!

    Day 4 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD

    Over the years, I’ve known people who lost a spouse (either death or divorce) or lost a job, or whatever, and they lost weight. I’ve always found that amazing because, when I’m sad, all I want to do is eat. Even when I’m sick, I eat.

    Except for yesterday. So I’m down another pound to 157.6. I thought I’d be far better today and would go teach lessons, but my fever of 102 says otherwise.


    I’ll be back tomorrow. 👍

    Day 4 – UK – NFD

    Yesterday ended up as a CD instead of the planned FD but at least it was well within my TDEE

    Went out for a walk with my regular walking group this morning – a breezy and cool 4.5miles with good company was a great way to start the day ☺️

    @jaifaim – welcome on board
    @stitchincarol – good to hear that your household is on the mend
    @funshipfreddie – what mosaic are you working on now?
    @excelsior12309 – good to hear that your SIL’ s operation went well – shame about the hiccup with the catheter but hopefully good results from the surgery itself – You seem to be on your own so far on a FD today so I have put you on a pocket list to motivate and offer support x

    Looks like we are now a Baker’s dozen but hoping so see some of our old friends back soon and perhaps some new ones wanting some support will find their way to our group…..

    Going to see Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber’s rock classic Jesus Christ Superstar returning to its roots with a performance filmed in the UK during the Live Arena Tour with a cast including Tim Minchin as Judas Iscariot, Melanie Chisholm as Mary Magdalene, Chris Moyles as King Herod and Ben Forster as Jesus Christ – we are making an evening of it, going for a meal before heading to the cinema.

    Planning on B2B FD800 x 3 to end the week on a positive note

    Day 4 Pocket List 🎯
    @excelsior12309 FD800

    “You don’t have to make any big sweeping commitments. Just do the best you can do for yourself today. Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Then you look back and all of a sudden you’ve strung together a lot of days where you’ve done the right things by yourself.” — Rob Lowe

    Day 4 UK f800

    I’m weary , just done one of those personalised cards for a friends big birthday – I need a rest now ! Catch up tomorrow

    Day 4 Pocket List 🎯
    @excelsior12309 FD800

    Day 4 – USA – WFD

    Greetings, fellow fasters! I hope everyone is having a great day or night, whether you’re fasting or eating healthy. Today is an electrolyte-water-fasting day for me. I’m practicing some meditation techniques for relaxation and to achieve inner calm as I fast, which helps to reduce cortisol. I also plan to walk on my treadmill.

    @at – I meant to add my appreciation yesterday for your welcome message, for setting up the March challenge, and for your invitation to participate in the spreadsheet. Many thanks! 😀

    Best wishes to everyone for a great fasting experience and positive results! 😀

    Kind regards,

    USA. Day 4. FD

    I am so pleased with my Dash diet. My blood pressure is already coming down, along with a few unexpected health benefits and I have already lost 3 lbs. That was quick. I guess the NIH has gotten it right! I have so much energy all of the sudden and the fluid retention from eating salt has gone away.! 🤗👍🏻

    Day 4 NE England 17:7

    Feeling good with my progress this month so far, just hoping I can maintain it. Step count is good this week, no reason why this should not continue. I will wait until Friday to get on the scales again 🤞🏻
    Weather forecast is good for this week so hoping to get some work done in the garden starting tomorrow, the snowdrops are really lovely at the moment but it seems like the daffodils are a bit disappointing this year.

    Day 5, NFD, Aus

    Thanks for the link, @icystorm; fun to play around with.

    How great to see such fast results @ccco.

    Day 5 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @at – oh lucky you! I love Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Jesus Christ Superstar. Still brilliant after nearly 6 decades. As for my mosaicking, I recently finished an owl for a friend, and I’m just finishing a second lizard for a neighbour after the foot broke off the first one. Then I have to get back to the cat picture, which is going to be quite a challenge.

    @ccco – great progress! I’ve heard of the DASH diet, it’s been around for a long time. There are several books about it, including cookbooks.

    Line-dancing this morning, Happy Hump Day everyone 🐫

    Pocket List – Day 5 🍇
    @at FD800
    @brightonbelle FD800

    Day 5 UK f800

    It’s amazing how old some of them are now @at & @funshipfreddie , coincidentally I just booked to see Evita in August , I first saw it featuring my childhood heartthrob David Essex some 40 odd years ago 💕

    OK need to crack on have a 3.15 start tomorrow, I won’t be logging in whilst on holiday but I’ll be back next week

    Happy🐫 day all

    Pocket List – Day 5 🍇
    @at FD800
    @brightonbelle FD800

    Day 5 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD

    Last night, I was suddenly hit with diarhea and also threw up, so this morning, I’m down TWO pounds, to 155.6. I’m quite tired of being sick. DH isn’t as sick as I am, but he’s certainly not fine.

    And last night, we had a blizzard. There wasn’t actually all that much snow (two or three inches), but the howling wind, up to 70mph, is what qualified it as a blizzard, and it’s still howling this morning.

    I do my best to stay cheerful, but there’s not much good cheer in me at the moment. However, I’m better, so I’m hopeful I’ve finally turned the corner.

    USA. Day 5. FD

    I am still very happy with the DASH diet. FUNSHIPFREDDIE, I knew the diet dates way back. I originally heard of it when my older sister went on it back in the 1990s with success, too, but she didn’t stick with it over time. As per cookbooks, I generally don’t use them because now I cook very simply and those books tend to get more complicated. I left complicated foods behind when my kids grew up and I lost my husband. I only cook big meals on Thanksgiving and Christmas and they aren’t for the huge number of guests I used to have. This diet lets you eat anything as long as you stay away from salt, which is rampant in processed foods. I think this can be a long term diet plan for me because a whole other number of things are also happening that I didn’t think could ever be approved.

    Stitchincarol, there is something like what you described (not the blizzard) that has been going around here since the beginning of February. My daughter and her family all got it. I am grateful I didn’t. I hope you and your husband get well quickly!

    Brightenbelle, I know you will have fun at Evita. I saw it on Broadway with its original cast many years ago when it first opened. My husband and I were newlyweds at the time and I gave it to him as a birthday present, a wonderful memory for me.

    Thank you Penz for the encouragement and I am glad, Iona72, for your progress. My family and I are planning on all making vegetable gardens this year and will share our accomplishment with each other. Hopefuly, the rabbits, squirels, deer, and birds will leave us alone! LOL The price of eggs went up $.99 in one day on Monday. Amazing! People are trying to buy chickens for their backyards but that is not legal where I live. I did discover that a house not too far from me has two chickens secretly. I was amused! They seem to stay pfretty quiet and undetected.

    Day 4 Pocket List 🎯
    @excelsior12309 FD800

    Even though the DASH diet isn’t necessarily about losing weight but it can be, so I am taking it there!

    Hope everyone is having a great day! 😊

    Day 6, NFD, Aus

    So much for my usual Thursday FD… We have house guests this weekend and it’s a long weekend. Much penance will be had next week after what I know will be several days of excess…

    You have been in the wars, @stitchincarol. Still, 2 pounds is 2 pounds so worth celebrating that loss! Hope you truly are back on the mend now.

    For those wordies out there, I’ve just discovered Waffle word (https://wafflegame.net)

    Day 5 – USA – CD

    Greetings, everyone. I originally planned for today to be an FD, but it turned into a CD. I will attempt a true FD tomorrow.

    @funshipfreddie and @penz — I’m glad you enjoyed the body visualizer tool!

    Best wishes to everyone for a great fasting or controlled eating experience!

    Kind regards,

    Day 6 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    Quick check-in from me today; I hope everyone’s doing okay

    Pocket List – Day 6 🥑
    @at FD800

    Day 6 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 239 lbs. Yuck. And coming back from the conference with even more stress about budgets and new policies.

    Pocket List – Day 6 🥑
    @at FD800

    Day 6 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD – 154.2

    What a week. My latest–and hopefully final–ailment is that I’ve coughed so much and so hard that I’ve pulled some muscles in my stomach. And I’m down another pound since yesterday, for a total of just over 8lbs since Sunday morning. I’ve smiled every day that I’ve labeled the day an NFD, knowing that I wouldn’t manage to eat much at all. So, Monday was a little over 1,000 calories, but I doubt Tuesday or Wednesday even reached 500 calories–not my norm when I’m sick, I promise, so who knows just what was my sickness. I would actually have gone the 40 minutes to the clinic on Wednesday morning, but that was after we’d had the blizzard, so the roads were in no shape to blithely make the trip, our driveway needed scooping first, and DH didn’t feel well enough to be determined to make it happen for me.

    All that said, I’m finally again part of the living this morning. Not a vigorously healthy part, but part, nonetheless.

    @ccco I’m so glad the DASH diet is so beneficial for you!

    @penz Have fun with your visitors this weekend. And WaffleWord is tough, LOL!

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 6 – UK – FD800

    Apologies for yesterday’s absence – busy day with Yoga and coffee morning, volunteering afternoon and then catching up at home

    Beautiful warm sunny day here, stated the day with a 9am. Aerobics class – coffee and chat afterwards – bought some new walking shoes then home – light lunch sitting out in the garden.

    Planning on sticking to my planned FD800 x 3 – today being Day 2

    @ccco – so glad that the DASH diet is working well for you – weight loss and added health benefits ✅
    @iona72 – well done on a positive start to this month
    @funshipfreddie – Jesus Christ Superstar was just fab!! You obviously keep busy with the mosaic and your friends get some lovely pieces to enjoy too
    @brightonbelle – I love Evita too – saw it in London in the 80’s with Elaine Paige and David Essex
    @stitchincarol – poor you – not a good way to lose weight but good to hear that you have finally turned the corner and are feeling a bit better – must have been a virus of some sort…..

    Pocket List – Day 6 🥑
    @at FD800
    @at FD800

    Sending positive vibes to all today and still hoping to see some of those missing in action back on the challenge soon

    USA. Day 6. FD

    I can’t believe that since I started the DASH diet, I am down 6 lbs. Wow! And I find the diet so easy. I still watch my calories but I am seriously watching my sodium intake. I am calculating it the way I calculate my calorie intake. It really is hard to reduce sodium. It’s everywhere but well worth trying!

    Pocket List – Day 6 🥑
    @at FD800
    @at FD800

    NorthGeorgia, we are living in such stressful times. My sister is a professor at the University of Maryland and they have been constantly meeting over what will happen to them with the Department of Education coming under the block! Funds for everything, including University research and student funding are coming under the gun. So far my sister has not been relieved of her duties but many there have. DOGE came to Baltimore where the Society Security is homed. Despite promises, those of us on Medicare were suddenly getting audited. They did find a mistake in their calculations for back in 2023 but I am lucky I have a supplemental plan. For many who don’t have such a plan, that will be unexpected out of pocket payments they will have to make. Many in Maryland and Virginia are being cut from Federal jobs here. The Federal government is the number one employer in this state! Budget and new policies are on everyone’s minds these days, plus food prices! 😵‍💫

    Stitchincarol, I hope you and your husband start feeling better real soon! Nebraska has quite the Winter weather. Fortunately, on the upside, Spring will soon be here.

    AT, I wish I could find a nice yoga class. I had a good one with an excellent yoga instructor but she quit because she didn’t agree with some new polices that organization instituted. I have never found another good one! I do have other exercises I do and I love to go out for a walk to get more steps in. Now that Spring will be here soon, those walks will be more enjoyable. I already bought the seeds for my vegetable garden. Hopefully, I will beat the rabbits. I think it will be fun!

    I hope everyone is having a wonderful day!

    Day 6 NE England IF 17:7

    I have managed well the last couple of days to eat within a 7 hour window, although this morning I was very hungry but managed to get to 12 noon before eating. We had our evening meal at 6:30 so the kitchen is closed now! I have considered trying Fast 800 but the calorie counting is such a chore I know I wouldn’t do it for long. I’ve calculated my TDEE as 1925 so periodically I will assess whether I am managing to stay around that number.

    @stitchincarol wishing you a full recovery ASAP 🙏🏻

    @ccco Ive not heard of DASH, I shall investigate, but its working well for you👍🏼

    @penz waffle word looks tricky but I do love Wordle every morning😃

    @northgeorgia on the programme I follow for pre-diabetes a lot of consideration is given to the effect of stress on weight loss/gain, so I hope you can find ways to help lessen the work related stress. 🤞🏻

    @brightonbelle my teen heart throb was always David Cassidy! 😍

    @icystorm hope your FD goes well tomorrow 👍🏼

    Day 7 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 71 kg

    It’s very quiet here! Can’t believe I’m the first one to post – at 10:20 am SA time. I just heard on the news about Cyclone Alfred, due to make landfall in Queensland, Australia later today.

    I woke up feeling a bit under the weather yesterday morning, like I was coming down with a cold, or worse. But I decided to stick to my usual Thursday FD, & I think it helped. I slept better last night, & hopefully it’s just a mild cold.

    @stitchincarol – 8 lb down is quite a silver lining! But I hope the worst is behind you & you’ll be able to enjoy the weekend 🤗

    @ccco – I’m so glad the DASH diet is working for you! And – 6 lb down already! 🥳 🎯 Have you thought of looking for a yoga instructor on YouTube? This is a 28 min class from Adriene, especially for seniors & it’s got millions of views:- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFhG-ZzLNN4

    @penz – I’ll have to try that Waffle word game, thanks!

    Happy Fri-yay everyone! 🍹

    Pocket List – Day 7 🥦
    @at FD800

    Day 7-No. VA USA-FD800
    Well, not a fast day yesterday, much overeating. Just one of those days; none of the food was particularly memorable, either. Then on the way home, the drive is usually 20 minutes and took more than 90 minutes because a major road was closed because of downed power lines, pulled down by an over-height truck. The road north and south was closed for hours.
    On a positive note we met with a new real estate salesman who does commercial property and is extremely successful in our area, so maybe the building will get gone this year!
    So, starting again, today, as we do!

    Day 7 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 237 lbs. About a week and a half before my getaway — I need a break. Hopefully, I’ll lose a couple of pounds next week before going.

    2nd Post – Day 7

    Pocket List – Day 7 🥦
    @at FD800
    @excelsior12309 FD800

    USA. Day 7. FD

    Thank you, FUNSHIPFREDDIE. That YouTube idea is a great one I didn’t think of before! I am checking out the link you sent. I sure could use yoga for stress relief, as it is recommended. The world could use that right now! I think that cortisol is a problem for me and it is an issue coming out of stress, so I have read!

    Excelsior12309, that sounds like a dreadful commute. I am glad I don’t have to do that anymore. When my brother was alive and worked in D.C., when he got caught in that loop around the city and just sat there for ages, he would call me for entertainment! I do miss those days!

    NorthGeorgia, have fun on your getaway! I wish I was going on one where there is a lovely warm beach! I could use it. 😊

    Pocket List – Day 7 🥦
    @at FD800
    @excelsior12309 FD800

    Enjoy your day, everyone! 🤗

    Day 7 country west Australia CD 83.4 kgs
    Day 6 FD
    Day 5 FD

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