I read the book and saw the programme on TV last year. Have been meaning to make a start since then, I even bought some Miso soup. We have a B&B in Scotland so taking exercise is difficult as it’s pretty much a 24/7 job which although I’m on the go most of the day, it isn’t calorie burning movement. We only have a small CoOp in the village so have to make do with what we can get in there. We buy meals on a daily basis as there’s not enough room in the fridge to do a weekly shop at a big supermarket. I think I eat pretty healthily for my 3 meals a day but my downfall is crisps, I am ashamed of how many packs I can get through in a day, but I crave them, maybe it’s the salt? The Fish man came to the village today so for lunch I’ve got a fresh dressed crab and some crayfish in brine with a bit of salad. I was a size 8 going into my 20’s and now struggle to get into a size 16. If I can stay off the crisps I’m sure I can lose a few stone. Looking forward to chatting with you.
12:38 pm
8 Apr 14