I will read the book. I would say that I am an “advanced” enthusiast and I have been doing caloric restriction for life for 5 years, including exercise and gym. 46yo male now very thin, with blood pressure of a teenager. 🙂
Not completely caloric restriction for life; in regard to the “5:2” diet, I would name my way of eating “1:13”. You got it; permanent cycles of one day uncontrolled and thirteen 1650cal days (2-3 weeks/yr off… vacations). That’s the same idea of intermittent fasting, pushed a bit more. I applaud Dr. Mosley efforts because it has the potential to join more people while caloric restriction with no relief seems like an impossible goal for the vast majority.
I remember the Dr Mosley’s interview on youtube with David Fisher, an hardcore practitioner of pure caloric restriction for life. That was very inspirational to me.
It would be interesting to know if Dr. Mosley considers “Caloric Restriction for life” the ultimate goal (Gold) and the 5:2 as the best alternative (Silver) because it is more doable?
5:52 pm
2 Feb 14