three weeks in……

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Stef. 10 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hi there all you fellow newbies. I saw Michaels program on pbs in Jan ’14 and knew I had to try it! I am 56 yrs old, and have the more problematic ‘apple’ shaped body with a strong family history of heart and diabetes. I am not interested in the fat loss, as I am already within my bmi. The whole reason I wanted to do this – is that I found myself in the same situation as Michael as far as health goes. It’s all about the numbers on the lab report! For me though, I have high blood pressure (on meds for that) and high cholesterol-which doc gave me time to get it down before he puts me on medication for that too. 🙁 I don’t want to go down the meds route if it’s in my power NOT to. And then….I saw the program! I can’t tell you how excited that made me. There was a way…and IMPORTANT to me…backed with credible science!!! So I’ve completed 3 weeks, fasting tues and thurs, and not caring at all (I was used to meticulously counting and recording calories)what I eat the other days.Now – while I really didn’t expect it, I have had loss! I have lost 3 lbs, my fat has went down .8%, my bmi .6 down. For a person that’s only 5’2″….that’s not bad!!!
    The most interesting thing for me is that I find this so easy to do. Fast days are far better than I expected..I don’t mind them at all…before I know it – it’s the next day! Thank you Michael for accepting this assignment and sharing the results with the world!

    hi and welcome Dollyface! ( lovely name!)

    well done on completing 3 weeks, way to go!!! and congrats on your 3 lbs loss, fabulous!!

    here’s to many more 🙂

    thanks Angie090465, I am definately encouraged to keep at it. I can’t wait to see what my lab results say in a few months! I thought I’d wait three months before getting retested. (dollyface is a combo of two childhood nicknames…dollface and dolly… teehee!)

    Well done! I hope that your lab results will reflect your new way of life.
    Best of luck

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