Help. Please review and critique

This topic contains 10 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  TracyJ 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • 8am coffee with skim milk (45 calories)
    1:30pm coffee with skim milk (45 calories)
    7:30 pm frozen entre (350)
    8pm fruit salad (100 calories)

    Is this ok for my fast day??? I know that I go between 550 and 600 calories. Am I ok with calories and the number of “fast hours”

    Hi Cheril!

    It all sounds ok to me, although i would try and stick to the 500 cals, a little over isnt very significant but over time it may !

    Good luck, and i do like your fast menu, might “steal” it lol 🙂

    Hi cheryl …I answered on your other thread but i agree with Angie – try to keep within 500 cals on fast days x


    Has anyone tried 16/8 7 days a week vs 5-2? Which works better in terms of weight loss

    @cheryl guliner …it’s impossible to answer that question since what works for one person will not necessarily work for another. You would have to try both yourself – perhaps 3-4 weeks of each to see a result – and then decide which is best for you.


    I dont have an answer as im just new to 5:2 but was just wondering if by coffee with skimmed milk you mean like a latte? as i defo haven’t been counting 45 cals for each coffee ive had on my fast day :/ ooops!

    Hi folks,
    About the coffee with skimmed milk….My Fitness Pal lists a 350ml mug of instant coffee with 15ml skimmed milk at 15 calories…..not 30 as quoted above.
    That’s what I’ve been working with for a long time….I would hate to think I’d been counting too few calories for it in my fast days…and still losing the weight. Maybe you are using jumbo mugs??
    I use my coffees to keep me going until I have something light to eat in mid afternoon, then my main meal in the evening. Caffeine keeps me going!
    Good luck to all!

    My Fitness pal lists 100ml of skimmed milk at 35 cals. I usually estimate about 25ml when added to a coffee and since black coffee has 0 cals it would make coffee with 25m = 9 cals. With 25ml of semi skimmed it would be 13 cals. (50cals/100ml)


    Cheryl guliner, what is16/8 7 days a week? Thanks

    mikayla – “what is16/8 7 days a week?”

    It’s a form of ‘intermittant fasting’ where you fast (absolutely no calories) for at least 16 hours every day and have your daily calorie allowance during an 8 hour ‘eating window’ each day.

    I do both – I usually have at least 14 hours, up to 24 of ‘total fasting’ every day and the only thing that changes is the ‘daily calorie allowance’: 500 calories on fastdays, 1700-2000 on non-fastdays.

    Not sure it helps much with the weight loss (above and beyond what 5:2 would do on its own) but my skin’s lovely now, I don’t have eczema any more and my hormones are all lovely and evened out, so I guess I am getting the full health benefits every day.

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