
This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  ullah151 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Just started this week and on 2nd fast day today. Have found pretty easy (on day 4) so far and haven’t felt hungry at all. I am assuming weigh in should be weekly or can it be done more often? Lost 4lb already since Monday but do you think it’s misleading as weighed in too early? Great motivation but I have also been using a calorie counting app on the normal days so that I don’t over eat. Trying to stick to 1200 calories on those days do you think that is ok on this regime? Any comments welcome on how best to approach this!

    Good start, but don’t obsess with the scales – weekly or less – not more. And although it’s good not to overeat, remember that your metabolism will slow down if your body thinks it’s starving. The sensible eating is meant to come ‘from within’ rather than imposed. Focus on the other health benefits.
    Enjoy 🙂

    @ullah151 the frequency of weighing is completely your choice. Some people weigh daily, some weekly, some monthly…. Bear in mind though that your weight can vary by around 2lbs in a few hours. It’s interesting at the beginning to weigh frequently to see how things are going but don’t surprised if some of that goes back on and comes off again within the week.

    Calorie counting on non fast days for the first few weeks at least is a good idea as it gives you an idea of portion sizes and calorie intake.

    Have you calculated your TDEE (Total Daily Calorie Expenditure) and your BMR (Basic Metabolic Rate) – if not there is a link at the top of the page called ‘how’ where there is a calculator and an explanation of why you need to know this. The ideal is to eat ABOVE your BMR and UP TO your TDEE on non fast days. So if your BMR is LESS than 1200 then that would be ok. If it is above that you would be best to increase your intake. The thing is to eat WHAT you want but NOT HOW MUCH you want.

    There is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ way to do 5:2….everyone finds the way that suits them best.

    Good luck


    Thank you. Have just used the calculator and I need to be eating more (approx 400 calories more). I will see how it goes over next few days as think the weekend will be a challenge.
    Thanks again, much appreciated x

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