
This topic contains 11 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  Stef. 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • How are you doing over Christmas? I meant NOT to pig out and failed! I did a fast day last Monday, after 3 days of pigging I woke up this morning feeling ugh! I’ve decided to fast today and be a little kinder to my body for a few days! It’s made me realise that fasting really does help me feel less stodgy! I was afraid I’d never want to fast again after feasting! In fact it’s the opposite! I’m relieved to be fasting today! Woohoo!

    Me too @jollyjo! I can hear my digestive system shouting ‘THANK YOU!’ I intend to be much kinder to my body over the weekend and have another fast day on Monday.

    Just starting to realise how big an impact this lifestyle is going to have for me, managed to put on some weight (predictably) over the last 3 days and would normally be facing a long hard slog to get anywhere near my pre-christmas weight.

    Having a fast today (headache-y but otherwise ok) and again on Sunday – then back into my normal routine thereafter – and in all probability will be back on track (or better) by February, this really is a remarkable system even without the additional health benefits it brings.

    Hope you all enjoyed your Christmas 🙂
    I fasted on Monday and ate (and ate and ate….)for three days. 🙁
    I haven’t weighed myself but I do feel sort of lethargic, I am also looking forward to fasting tomorrow, then Monday and Thursday of next week so hopefully that will sort me out 🙂

    I am doing my second fast day today and my third one on Sunday. I have certainly over-indulged over the last ten days, but I nevertheless did not gain weight! I am super happy!

    Might have to do though with me going skiing. This burns a lot of calories.

    Best wishes for 2014

    Hi I’m a newbie and feel really inspired by you all! Tomorrow I start my first fast…after a party we’re hosting today, which, to be honest although it’ll be lovely to be with my friends, I’m not looking forward to any more food or booze, so I know how you feel Lindyw – sluggish I bet! So I’ve been gearing myself up for the first fast and am really looking forward to it.

    Well done! That’s a great mindset to be going into it with. I did a fast day yesterday and haven’t needed breakfast yet! Your tummy must start saying, ‘I’m not bovvered!!’ Haha! My advice is water- drink lots! Also my emergency is an apple! It’s amazing how full you feel after an apple and half a pint of water! Let us know how you get on! Enjoy your party! And don’t forget, the fast diet denies you nothing! I often have a glass of wine if it’s not a fast day!

    Woohoo! Thanks jollyjo! I’m even more excited…great that I don’t have to use willpower, as most of the other diets need that! It’s human nature to crave things that you’re ‘not allowed’ to have…lol…it’s a completely different concept to fast, feeling alert and healthy, knowing that you’re gonna go back to eating what you like the next day…with great results to boot! Very appealing! Thanks for your support, it really helps 🙂

    oh boy! I’ve had a couple of weeks off from fasting with just too much going on and I intended to start again on 2nd January. I hadn’t done too bad or so I thought but today I’m seriously suffering. My stomach actually hurts from all the food and rubbish I’ve eaten this week. I think I’ll have a ‘light’ day tomorrow with mostly veggies and lean protein and then do a proper 500 cal fast on Monday. So looking forward to feeling good again!

    I miss fasting. I’ve had a few weeks off as family have visited for the festive season and boy do I feel bloated and over indulged.
    So tomorrow I’m fasting again woo hoo, not sure how much weight I have gained I will find out in the morning.
    Happy new year everyone with the fasting I am sure it will be a healthier and happier one for all of us

    I too over indulged for the past 6 days. I fasted yesterday and i will fast tomorrow. I got a big headache last night and today from all the naughty things coming out.
    Fasting is just so great isn’t it?
    I am so happy to have found this forum. Its very inspirational to read your posts. Fasting 3:4 is what i have been meaning to do for a long time, and my intuition has been telling me in no-uncertain terms to fast.

    Tablatom, I just looked at my calendar and I have done 4:3 or a ADF for the whole month of December without a problem. I really didn’t want to gain weight over Christmas but I also didn’t want to have to pay attention to what I ate, so it suited me very well.

    In the near future though I will change to 5:2 or 6:1 once I lost tge last kg that I would like to lose.

    Good luck with it and happy new year

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