Disappointing after initial success

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  • I have lost just over 2 stone but only 3 lbs in the last 6 weeks which I find so disheartening after all the effort. I need to lose another 4 stones about. I do not know yet either if it has affected the other factors that the Fast Diet is supposed to improve.

    Allegri, did you recalculate you knew TDE after having lost two stones?

    Some people have reported that they do hit a plateau for some time before losing weight again.

    You might want to shake things up a bit by perhaps trying 4:3 or ADF for a week or two? Or add a bit of exercise?

    I hope you stick to it and don’t give up.

    Btw, super congrats on losing two stones! That is two bags of potatoes in the supermarket and a bit more!

    Best wishes and Merry Christmas,

    Hi Allegri, first of all I would like to join Stef in congratulating you to a two stone loss, that’s great! And you are still losing, can’t believe you’re discouraged just because the weight loss slowed down. I’m sure it took years to accumulate 6 stone overweight and it will take a while to get rid of it. The weight loss is faster at first when you have a lot to lose and the less there is to lose the slower it goes. You can see that 5:2 works, but it’s not a miracle cure that makes the weight disappear in a short time. You didn’t write when you started, I’ve been fasting for 8 months now and haven’t quite reached the 2 stone mark.
    Just stick with it and try to be a little more patient :)!
    Happy Holidays!

    Thank you both of you. I have completed 14 weeks of 5:2 and no I am not going to give up as it helps me at the least to engage in a new relationship with food and yes the 6-odd stone overweight is long standing. I was hoping my initial losses would maintain themselves. I was feeling disheartened having a desperate need to loose weight since I have had one heart attack and a girth of over 40 inches is very worrying. I bought the book on a Tuesday 14 weeks ago and began the next day and yes I intend to fast on Monday – tomorrow – and next Friday or Saturday and try to be flexible without skipping. I do yoga and walk most days. Thank you again and Happy Christmas to you both 🙂

    Allegri- great to hear that you don’t give up too easily! I am sure it will shift at some point! Perhaps you do a week or two of 4:3? This might get it going?
    All the best and Merry X-mas

    Heya Allegri! Congrats on losing 2 stone already 🙂 I understand that it’s frustrating when the weightloss slows down for a bit, but remember that your weight doesn’t always reflect what’s going on in your body. Did you measure yourself? You may be losing inches but not weight, it happens.
    I don’t know if you’re looking for things to kickstart the weight loss again, so I won’t post any now – just let us know if you’re looking for more info 🙂

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