Greetings Newbie

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  sky2017 7 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Greetings everyone.. New here so dropping by to say a big hello to one and all.. I have just registered and bought the books!! Look forward to reading and learning much about the benefits of fasting..

    I started fasting on the 18th April. found what works well for me and so far so good.. I eat every 24 hours.. diagnosed with type 11 diabetes 2 weeks ago, I am not on any meds and hope not to be.. blood sugar retested in 3 months but advised to change diet…

    Its been day 5 for me and feel more alert and focused.. The first day I was excited to say the least. I have chosen to eat one meal a day in the evening and drink plenty of water throughout the day.. I am monitoring my progress with starting off this way and hopefully do a fast for two and eat healthier the other days..

    I do feel better mentally, as I also practice meditation and breathing techniques several times a day.. keep mentally active , reading, and lots of craft work.. so far so good.. Hope your all doing well and hope to be back real soon..


    Hi sky, new here today and on the 3rd day of my first water fast. Planning on 5 or 6 days depending on how I feel. Feeling great right now on day 3 but just a little tired. My mind feels clearer than usual and aches and pains have lessened. My hubby even says he may try this and no need to cook a big lunch for him today (we haven’t done evening meals for a couple years)
    Like you, no meds yet but I can see it going that way (into Type 2) if I don’t make some drastic changes and lose some weight. Was told I’m developing non alcohol fatty liver and so I researched; seems the best thing to do is fast ( Dr. Jason Fung, love his You Tube videos!)
    Since I’m definitely a senior citizen, I was concerned that this would be possible for me without ill effects and so far so good…..lovin’ it!

    Afternoon Granto6, Welcome were both newbies.. ohhh Jason fung is just fab, loved his video too.. lots about insulin resistance..

    Its day 6 today for me and I have noticed when I eat rice! white rice, like I did yesterday evening I had pains in my shoulders and when I don’t eat rice and white stuff I feel no pain.. I cant believe how my eating habits have changed.. No more snacking.. The second of fasting I woke up and felt yuk, I don’t need to smoke and I didn’t have any cravings for Since I started fasting I have not felt hungry where I needed to raid the fridge lol.. Its seems that fasting changes how I think about food and how fat reserves are burnt up after several hours.

    I drink lots of water through out the day so no headaches at all.

    I am now concentrating on portion size as before I loaded my plate. I am looking at the recommendations stated on this site for limiting to 500 calories so learning about new foods, mostly vegetable’s and fist size of meat for protein.

    I think as your wise to change your diet now you have a great chance of never getting type 2. I didn’t like what I read about diabetes and I spoke to diabetes uk really helpful but not about fasting.. They send out an info pack for people with diabetes so its good to know.

    I hope your day today is going well.. its interesting how the hunger goes away very quickly with fasting..

    best thing of all your looking after you!!!

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