I did my first fast day on monday, coped really well with the hunger. Laying an engineered oak floor so was quite focused on that. Went to bed hungry. Woke up this morning not feeling hungry, had toast with my daughter before she went to school anyway. Really enjoyed my cup of tea but the toast was not so great. About half 10 was ready for lunch. So enjoyed a lovely creamy mushroom soup and half a sandwich.
By about mid afternoon noticed a cold sore appearing, which I have not had for months. We are at the end of a big house renovating and extension project, so I have a good amount of stress in my life alongside doing the family thing. I’m feeling good about the project at 4he minute even though the budget is tightening around us. Im very hands on
Just wondered if anyone else has had a similar breakout? And if there is anything anyone can suggest to help reduce this in the future? I have avoided the coughs and colds going on around me so far this year by some miracle. So im considering this quite a small payback for that.
1:25 am
16 Mar 16