Hi there! I’ve started fasting recently. I was always SCARED of hunger. Like properly scared! I always got really annoyed and even anxious if hungry and with no prospect of eating very soon. Although I always eat slowly, I can eat much at a time, asthough making sure I’m prepared for the possible danger ahead (of not being able to eat if hungry). When I read that fasting can help one reconnect with the body’s innate wisdom regarding hunger and portions, I felt a sparkle of joy going off!
Has anyone with similar attitudes towards hunger seen improvements doing this regime and how long did it take to become second nature? (I’m almost 30 years old and I’d like to become a mum in the next year or so. Hence this would be a great way of ensuring I’ll give a good, healthy example!)
Thank you for your kindness 🙂
11:09 am
29 Sep 15