Well, this is a bit difficult. . .but there do not appear to be many folks on here that are more into the health benefits than the weight loss.
I was fascinated with the Horizons TV program and having seen my mum struggle with dementia for the past 5 years of her life I decided to throw myself fully into the experience!.
I kept at it for about 5 months and I lost about 6lbs in weight which was very pleasing but it is hard to be able to measure the health benefits as easy as the weight loss! (I have now bought a blood pressure monitor so I will now be able to check this)
If I may bore someone??? with my experiences. Firstly there are 2 things that I had to adjust in my diet. No alcohol!! It is easy to slip into the habit of a couple of glasses of wine or beer in the evening and I think the fact that you can’t have it makes abstaining more difficult!! So I just try to busy myself and promise a couple of beers the next night. Sadly, this usually pushes me up past my TDEE but I hope the fasting will still have health benefits.
The second is milk in my drinks. I usually have about 4 or 5 cups of tea or coffee each day but with milk this can take a further 100 cals off my allowance. The good thing is. . . .I no longer buy milk and have got quite used to black or green tea and black coffee.
At first I found it hard to keep to 500 cals without being very hungry as the routine of daily eating was very rigid with me. . . I am a real ‘foody’ but thankfully I can live without sweets, cakes and chocs but would murder for a seafood pizza and a glass of red!!
I finally finished 5 a side football last year so I need to replace this exersize with some more calorie burning and my bike is at the ready!!
Some vital aids to get me through the day are the new ready Bovril drinks @10 cals., Boullion@ 19 cals and Hartleys jellies @10 cals. These can trick the mind into thinking it has eaten. . . but sadly not the stomach 🙁
On a fast day I have my coffee when I get up then determine myself not to eat anything until 11am. If I am not too hungry I will have a hot drink as mentioned. I then wait til 1pm and have a boiled egg and a tomato with green tea. My evening meal is tinfoil wrapped turkey breast with spices on, put in a steamer with carrot battens and about 5 new potatoes followed by a jelly. If I can’t wait till 11am I may have the hard boiled egg and tomato at 9am and some crispbread with 20 grams of no fat cottage cheese and a slice of apple/cucumber or beetroot on and adjust my potato input later.
Either way, I always take half a nytol and get to bed for 10pm happy the it’s over.
I did try the cauliflower stir fry the other night but didn’t enjoy it.
My main issue is that at the weekends I go way over my TDEE with wine/beer/pizzas and roasts so I only loose a pound maybe. My main concern is that I probably also loose lots of the health benefits!.
So, there we are. . . my thoughts are to get on my bike!! and eat less on my non fast days and only over indulge once a fortnight. Maybe have another fast day. . .
or maybe not. . .
good luck to all who are with me on this weird adventure 😉
10:23 am
15 Jul 15