The Fast Diet, quickly

This topic contains 22 replies, has 21 voices, and was last updated by  Pot-bellied Heron 9 years, 1 month ago.

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  • The Fast Diet, quickly

    Michael and Mimi are loving this. Too lazy to read the book? Here’s The Fast Guide to the Fast Diet by Kevin Partner. (We think you should still buy the book though. At least the recipe book.)

    Love this! What a great, simple, powerful format. I will use this to recruit many more friends to the diet via email and I’m sure some will buy the book too 🙂

    I’ve just pinned this video up to my 5:2 Pinterest page, I’ve had lots of people re-pinning from my 5:2 board, great recipes up there on Pinterest for 5:2, I highly recommend it! It’s good to know so many other people are interested.

    Brilliant, will share with friends. Still worth reading the book though for more detail and inspiration.

    Yes, brilliant. I’ve been sharing my diet with a few friends with little success. I find it difficult to explain. This will help. The odd thing is that most don’t seem to care about losing their extra weight, or is it that they have given up? Once engaged, I think the book is essential.

    Just downloaded recipe book to my kindle, absolutely Brilliant, many thanks to all nd technology!

    Neat video! I’l share on my facebook I think 🙂

    Really nice. Will help make my case for IF.

    I will use this for quick reinforcement of why I am doing this. Very concise and well made video. I am now waiting for the even shorter video for those too lazy to watch this video or read the book!

    Will watch this when I get home from work. No sound here hehe but it looks like a great video! Thanks Fastdiet

    Already own the book and reading it but I did enjoy this video. I did notice Kevin say he felt colder on his fast days and I noticed on Weds, (my first fast day) that I was colder to the touch but as the weather is changing in the UK I was not sure if it was just me or the weather. Now I know :). I agree with Gordon this will be a good fast boost if you ever need it.

    Really enjoyed this – I have the book (both hard copy and kindle) and the recipe book but having something like this summarise the programme is great! Thanks 🙂

    Thought I’d just remind everyone about this and bring it to the attention of all our newbies.

    It was this video-clip that I used to persuade hubby to come aboard with me – very effective if you’re dealing with someone who has neither the time nor the inclination to read a book!

    I’ve looked at this a few times to keep me motivated. It’s very good.

    I am waiting for my book to arrive so was helpful to watch this in the meantime. This is a great video which I will be sharing with everyone I know that wants to start the 5:2 fast diet programme.

    We seem to have lost the link to TheFast Diet, quickly.

    Many thanks, that fixes it.

    The fastest diet that works for me without failure is skipping dinners. Have whatever you like for breakfast and lunch. Drink yogurt for dinner if feel really hungry.

    Then you’re on the wrong forum, Bryan.


    There are plenty of people on this forum not doing 5:2 ‘by the book’. Think ADF/ 4:3/ zero calorie or water fasts, etc. Are they all on the wrong forum?

    I’ve not done 5:2 (or even 6:1 regularly) since April 2014. Am I on the wrong forum?

    Or are we all here to share knowledge and personal experience of losing weight and keeping it off?

    I’m on ADF.

    What in saying, as I’m sure you’re aware, HN, is that skipping dinners doesn’t really relate to any kind of fasting and therefore Bryan probably wouldn’t find much information of any use on here if he or she doesn’t feel that any form of intermittent fasting is for them.

    You are of course more than welcome here, Bryan, and I apologise if my previous short response came over as brusque.

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