So thankful!

This topic contains 8 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  sumdadace 10 years, 8 months ago.

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  • What an amazing program! I found out about 5:2 by clicking a news story about it on my cell. Having been a yo-yo dieter and tried so many things over the past 25 years, I have truly found the holy grail of every diet and overall great health!

    I LOVE to eat, mostly junk. I HATE being overweight and feeling sluggish and bad about myself, who doesn’t? Thought I would try this plan after some brief research online. Was nervous, at first, that this would be the next diet that would be exciting the first week, and then give up and fail as always. Have done it now for 8 1/2 weeks and have FINALLY lost those stubborn 20 lbs. after having 4 kids. I still can’t believe it!! It hasn’t always been easy, in fact, if it weren’t for this forum and all the info available about 5:2 online (and finally reading the book a couple of weeks ago), I would have given up. I am more conscious of what I’m eating and eat a lot healthier now, but still eat treats!

    Your body may need a bit to adjust and change, but IT WILL!! Don’t lose faith, like I was tempted to, several times. I have found, your mindset needs a bit of an adjustment, as well. This plan is so versatile. Really, you need to just find the way to make it work for you. I read through the comments in this forum, and have been able relate to just about all of it. Never thought this would work this well, but if it can work for me, there is hope for everyone!

    Thanks to you, Michael and Mimi! Your work has changed my life in a wonderful and amazing way! I am so grateful!

    TidyChick thank you for such an inspirational post. I’m going to favourite this so that I can read it again and again if I waiver 🙂

    Aniann, I think I will too.

    You are both very kind, aniann and Elphaba, and I have to say I have read most of your entries as well, and you have shared some pretty inspirational stuff yourselves! This is such a neat forum that really helps me! Ok, before the cheese oozes too much, it is interesting to me how we come from all walks of life, and yet can relate and be of help to each other. Thanks!

    Hi TidyChick – I saw a reply of yours to Chilliexx and was so impressed. This post also has resonated with me. I’ve only done two weeks – the first was fine, this week has been a nightmare and I was so tempted to just give up and put it down to yet another failure. However, a chance view of your posts has convinced me to keep trying. Wish me luck.


    Lots of thoughts and well wishes coming your way! Isn’t it nice to know we are not going this alone?

    Am really pleasantly surprised at how much I am learning on this journey! Eating is so much more than just keeping the body alive. So many things can affect how we view food and what relationship we end up having with it. And it doesn’t necessarily have too much to do with having will power or not, (at least for me). No one sets out one day and says to themselves, “Wouldn’t it be neat to be overweight – walk around fat, unhealthy and miserable?”. It’s a process that gets us to that state, whether it be a hard childhood, trials, stress, low self esteem, boredom, sociality, and well, because it tastes so good and I want it, and I want it right now!

    I am finding that besides the very nice and positive physical benefits living 5:2 is doing for me, changes are starting to happen in how I view food, how my negative thoughts are lessening because I am able to accept my set backs so much better (I think this is due to realizing this “diet” isn’t all or nothing, but rather a process. A step-by-step, day-by-day, and let’s face it – sometimes hour-by-hour experience and at times a challenge).

    Several people have mentioned on this forum that most of us didn’t get overweight and unhealthy overnight. So how is it so many of us expect to have fast results and get discouraged when a hiccup happens? Possibly because we’re so used to disappointment in yo-yo dieting, scared that this time might not be different than all the other attempts we’ve tried, and not having the confidence or courage to force out the all too familiar negative and disparaging thoughts and doubts that tend to come from our human experiences.

    So long winded I am getting, but I want to thank you Jag23 (and so many others) for your kind words and wisdom that have really caused me to reflect on this way of eating and all the good that is coming from it. It is very freeing to day-by-day, be replacing old, awful habits (physically, mentally and even spiritually), with healthy and good ones. Bottom line……this really works! Don’t let anything or anyone (including yourself) make you give up this time.

    TidyChick, both your first and last post are very inspirational.

    as you say, it is also about changing your mindset as well as your eating habits. so now when I think I am craving some “comfort food” I ask myself “how is that going to be of any comfort or in any way is that being kind to myself by eating something that means I put on more weight !?”


    Very well put! I am actually going to write that down on a sticky note and hang it by my bed. Overeating on anything is not being kind to myself!

    Following 5:2 has been a huge blessing, as I feel and look better than ever. So when the old doubts, habits and thoughts of chocolate and more chocolate haunt my mind, I will think of what you said!

    I am very thankful to Dr Mosley for his 5:2 program as I saw it on TV last year in May. At that time I weighed 270 lbs and was pushing 60 so I wasn’t keen to start any diet. Now I am glad to report that I am now down to 200 lbs and have been managing to keep it at that since February of this year. One of the nice things that I discovered about fasting two days a week is that it can be viewed as a very spiritual exercise as well. It is not so much giving up as getting. My tastes have changed a bit as well and I have gone off sugar for the most part. One thing I might recommend is pumpkin seeds. Eating a handful during the non-fast days seems to fill me up enough so that I don’t over do it when meal times come around. Hope this helps and best of luck to everyone who is trying it now. It really does work!

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