Body frame size & weight chart Body Fat Content Chart 4 men and women

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Body frame size & weight chart Body Fat Content Chart 4 men and women

This topic contains 24 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  wiltldnrUSA 7 years, 11 months ago.

Viewing 25 posts - 1 through 25 (of 25 total)

  • never realized that @ 145 was a size 4 thought the weight was wrong now i realize that frame is very important

    my wrist r 9 inches round (i remember when i was slim a boyfriend would get me a beautiful bracelet & it would never fit. now i know that why & never i like bracelets since)

    thought this would be great 4 us fastday lifestyle and 2 have realistic goals

    frame size calculator

    Body frame size is determined by a person’s wrist circumference in relation to his height. For example, a man whose height is over 5′ 5″ and wrist is 6″ would fall into the small-boned category.

    Determining frame size: To determine the body frame size, measure the wrist with a tape measure and use the following chart to determine whether the person is small, medium, or large boned.


    Height under 5’2″
    Small = wrist size less than 5.5″
    Medium = wrist size 5.5″ to 5.75″
    Large = wrist size over 5.75″
    Height 5’2″ to 5′ 5″
    Small = wrist size less than 6″
    Medium = wrist size 6″ to 6.25″
    Large = wrist size over 6.25″
    Height over 5′ 5″
    Small = wrist size less than 6.25″
    Medium = wrist size 6.25″ to 6.5″
    Large = wrist size over 6.5″

    Height over 5′ 5″
    Small = wrist size 5.5″ to 6.5″
    Medium = wrist size 6.5″ to 7.5″
    Large = wrist size over 7.5″

    MALES Frames

    Height Small Medium Large Height Small Medium Large
    5’4” 117-138 123-149 131-163 6 1/4” 149-175 155-190 165-205
    5’4 1/4” 118-139 124-150 132-164 6 1/2” 150-177 156-191 167-207
    5’4 1/2” 119-140 124-151 133-165 6 3/4” 151-178 157-193 168-208
    5’4 3/4” 119-141 125-152 133-166 6’1” 152-179 158-194 169-209
    5’5” 120-142 126-153 134-167 6’1 1/4” 153-180 159-195 170-211
    5’5 1/4” 121-143 127-154 135-169 6’1 1/2” 154-182 161-197 172-212
    5’5 1/2” 122-144 128-155 136-170 6’1 3/4” 155-183 162-198 173-214
    5’5 3/4” 123-145 129-156 137-172 6’2” 156-184 163-199 174-215
    5’6” 124-146 130-157 138-173 6’2 1/4” 157-185 164-201 175-216
    5’6 1/4” 125-147 131-159 139-174 6’2 1/2” 158-186 166-202 176-218
    5’6 1/2” 126-149 132-160 141-176 6’2 3/4” 159-187 167-204 177-219
    5’6’ 3/4” 127-150 133-162 142-177 6’3” 160-188 168-205 178-220
    5’7” 128-151 134-163 143-178 6’3 1/4” 162-191 171-208 181-223
    5’7 1/4” 129-152 135-164 144-179 6’3 1/2” 165-193 173-211 183-226
    5’7 1/2” 130-153 136-165 145-181 6’3 3/4” 167-196 176-213 186-228
    5’7 3/4” 131-154 137-166 146-182 6’4” 169-198 178-216 188-231
    5’8” 132-155 138-167 147-183 6’4 1/4” 170-200 179-218 189-233
    5’8 1/4” 133-157 139-168 148-184 6’4 1/2” 172-201 180-219 190-235
    5’8 1/2” 134-158 140-170 149-185 6’4 3/4” 173-203 181-221 191-236
    5’8 3/4” 135-160 141-171 150-186 6’5” 174-204 182-222 192-238
    5’9” 136-161 142-172 151-187 6’5 1/4” 175-206 183-224 193-239
    5’9 1/4” 137-162 143-173 152-189 6’5 1/2” 177-207 185-225 194-241
    5’9 1/2” 138-163 144-175 153-190 6’5 3/4” 178-209 186-227 195-242
    5’9 3/4” 139-164 145-176 154-192 6’6” 179-210 187-228 196-243
    5’10” 140-165 146-177 155-193 6’6 1/4” 180-211 188-229 197-244
    5’10 1/4” 141-166 147-179 156-194 6’6 1/2” 182-213 190-231 198-245
    5’10 1/2” 142-167 148-180 158-196 6’6 3/4” 183-214 191-232 199-246
    5’10 3/4” 143-168 149-182 159-197 6’7” 184-215 192-233 200-247
    5’11” 144-169 150-183 160-198 6’7 1/4” 186-216 193-234 202-248
    5’11 1/4” 145-170 151-184 161-200 6’7 1/2” 187-218 195-236 203-250
    5’11 1/2” 146-172 152-186 162-201 6’7 3/4” 189-219 196-237 205-251
    5’11 3/4” 147-173 153-187 163-203 6’8” 190-220 197-238 206-252
    6’0” 148-174 154-188 164-204

    FEMALES – Frames

    Height Small Medium Large Height Small Medium Large
    5’0” 96-114 101-124 109-138 5’6” 114-135 120-149 129-161
    5’1/4” 97-115 102-125 110-139 5’6 1/4” 115-136 121-150 130-162
    5’1/2” 98-116 103-126 111-140 5’6 1/2” 116-138 122-151 131-163
    5’3/4” 98-117 103-127 111-140 5’6 3/4” 117-139 123-152 132-164
    5’1” 99-118 104-128 112-141 5’7” 118-140 124-153 133-165
    5’1 1/4” 100-119 105-129 113-142 5’7 1/4” 119-141 125-154 134-166
    5’1 1/2” 101-120 106-130 114-143 5’7 1/2” 120-142 126-155 135-167
    5’1 3/4” 101-120 106-130 114-143 5’7 3/4” 121-143 127-156 136-168
    5’2” 102-121 107-131 115-144 5’8” 122-144 128-157 137-169
    5’2 1/4” 103-122 108-132 116-145 5’8 1/4” 123-145 129-158 138-170
    5’2 1/2” 104-123 109-133 117-147 5’8 1/2” 124-147 130-160 139-172
    5’2 3/4” 104-123 109-134 117-148 5’8 3/4” 125-148 131-161 140-173
    5’3” 105-124 110-135 118-149 5’9” 126-149 132-162 141-174
    5’3 1/4” 106-125 111-136 119-150 5’9 1/4” 127-150 133-163 142-175
    5’3 1/2” 107-126 112-137 120-151 5’9 1/2” 128-152 134-164 143-177
    5’3 3/4” 107-127 112-138 120-151 5’9 3/4” 129-153 135-165 144-178
    5’4” 108-128 113-139 121-152 5’10” 130-154 136-166 145-179
    5’4 1/4” 109-129 114-140 122-153 5’10 1/4” 131-155 137-167 146-181
    5’4 1/2” 110-130 115-142 123-154 5’10 1/2” 132-156 138-169 147-182
    5’4 3/4” 110-131 116-143 124-155 5’10 3/4” 133-157 139-170 148-184
    5’5” 111-132 117-144 125-156 5’11” 134-158 140-171 149-185
    5’5 1/4” 112-133 118-145 126-157 5’11 1/4” 135-159 141-172 150-186
    5’5 1/2” 113-134 119-147 127-159 5’11 1/2” 136-161 142-173 151-188
    5’5 3/4” 113-134 119-148 128-160 5’11 3/4” 137-162 143-174 152-189

    6’0” 138-163 144-175 153-190

    here it is

    just checkmarking
    Notify me of follow-up replies via email
    oh well i’ll go make my dinner & listen 2 a free book from my lbr
    on my super old mp3 😀
    while copy pasting ugh this reply 2 all
    now i wish i were a newbie 2 many 2do

    as asked

    I’m 5′ 4″ and large frame! 🙁 That’s my future modelling career out of the window! Lol! 😉

    WOW, that was really interesting. Thanks, that confirms to me that I am a large frame also. I thought that I was, but nice to know as now I can be a little easier on myself, and a little more realistic about my BMI etc. Thanks again. Jenn

    Damn it! I’m a medium and apparently on the low end of medium too. Drat! There goes my “heavy boned” argument of the past 20 years.


    @ least ur not large framed 😀


    I’m 5′ 4″ and large frame 2!

    nice 2 know i’m not the only one

    that’s why i chose my goal weight 2 be 145 lbs

    what did u choose?

    now we can have the same goals we could be twins

    i started @ 218 lbs where did u start?

    good luck


    what goal did u chose?

    I must be top end of the scale! My wrists measure in at 7 1/2 inches! And there isn’t much too lose around them! :-O I haven’t really set a target weight as such. I didn’t want to set a target that was so far away I couldn’t achieve it! I tend to take a half a stone at a time! Though because I am now on my way to a 3 stone loss I want to take it further no matter how long it takes! In fact I believe slow is good! I ultimately would like to look in the mirror and think WOW look what I’ve achieved! And more importantly I want to stay there! When I was young I was always told by my mum that I was Big Boned and I used to think ‘why me!?’ An auntie always used to buy me clothes for xmas in the same size as her more pitite niece who was the same age as me – that used to really upset me 🙁 Everyone used to call me fat throughout school. So I sort of grew into that bracket! I found photos of myself at aged 14/15 and it shocked me how fantastic I looked for my build! I wasnt fat! If only I knew that then! And how sad that people treated me how they did! My son who is 16 couldn’t believe I’d been called names! Thankfully he doesn’t take after me! He’s a tall, slim athlete! Lol he so doesn’t take after me!!! Anyway – I have gone on haven’t I! – I may not be able to anything about my build but the padding has to go!!!!


    mine is 9 inches ugh

    like u said that is bone 2 bone

    “I ultimately would like to look in the mirror and think WOW look what I’ve achieved! And more importantly I want to stay there!”

    great way 2 look @ it

    yepper the padding 😀

    Hi wiltldnrUSA,

    The category that I fall into is 120 – 15 (large), but I work in kilos and I am not sure of the conversion.


    Fatgirlslim4life – Hi – I am hopeless at converting weights etc so I use converters on the Internet!


    Weight conversion
    KGs lbs Stone Pounds
    45.0 99 7 1
    45.5 100 7 2
    45.9 101 7 3
    46.4 102 7 4
    46.8 103 7 5
    47.3 104 7 6
    47.7 105 7 7
    48.2 106 7 8
    48.6 107 7 9
    49.1 108 7 10
    49.5 109 7 11
    50.0 110 7 12
    50.5 111 7 13
    50.9 112 8 0
    51.4 113 8 1
    51.8 114 8 2
    52.3 115 8 3
    52.7 116 8 4
    53.2 117 8 5
    53.6 118 8 6
    54.1 119 8 7
    54.5 120 8 8
    55.0 121 8 9
    55.5 122 8 10
    55.9 123 8 11
    56.4 124 8 12
    56.8 125 8 13
    57.3 126 9 0
    57.7 127 9 1
    58.2 128 9 2
    58.6 129 9 3
    59.1 130 9 4
    59.5 131 9 5
    60.0 132 9 6
    60.5 133 9 7
    60.9 134 9 8
    61.4 135 9 9
    61.8 136 9 10
    62.3 137 9 11
    62.7 138 9 12
    63.2 139 9 13
    63.6 140 10 0

    KGs lbs Stone Pounds

    64.1 141 10 1
    64.5 142 10 2
    65.0 143 10 3
    65.5 144 10 4
    65.9 145 10 5
    66.4 146 10 6
    66.8 147 10 7
    67.3 148 10 8
    67.7 149 10 9
    68.2 150 10 10
    68.6 151 10 11
    69.1 152 10 12
    69.5 153 10 13
    70.0 154 11 0
    70.5 155 11 1
    70.9 156 11 2
    71.4 157 11 3
    71.8 158 11 4
    72.3 159 11 5
    72.7 160 11 6
    73.2 161 11 7
    73.6 162 11 8
    74.1 163 11 9
    74.5 164 11 10
    75.0 165 11 11
    75.5 166 11 12
    75.9 167 11 13
    76.3 168 12 0
    76.8 169 12 1
    77.3 170 12 2
    77.7 171 12 3
    78.2 172 12 4
    78.6 173 12 5
    79.1 174 12 6
    79.5 175 12 7
    80.0 176 12 8
    80.5 177 12 9
    80.9 178 12 10

    KGs lbs Stone Pounds

    81.4 179 12 11
    81.8 180 12 12
    82.3 181 12 13
    82.7 182 13 0
    83.2 183 13 1
    83.6 184 13 2
    84.1 185 13 3
    84.5 186 13 4
    85.0 187 13 5
    85.5 188 13 6
    85.9 189 13 7
    86.4 190 13 8
    86.8 191 13 9
    87.3 192 13 10
    87.7 193 13 11
    88.2 194 13 12
    88.6 195 13 13
    89.1 196 14 0
    89.5 197 14 1
    90.0 198 14 2
    90.5 199 14 3
    90.9 200 14 4
    91.4 201 14 5
    91.8 202 14 6
    92.3 203 14 7
    92.7 204 14 8
    93.2 205 14 9
    93.6 206 14 10
    94.1 207 14 11
    94.5 208 14 12
    95.0 209 14 13
    95.5 210 15 0
    95.9 211 15 1
    96.4 212 15 2
    96.8 213 15 3
    97.3 214 15 4
    97.7 215 15 5
    98.2 216 15 6
    98.6 217 15 7
    99.1 218 15 8
    99.5 219 15 9

    KGs lbs Stone Pounds
    100 220 15 10
    100.5 221 15 11
    100.9 222 15 12
    101.4 223 15 13
    101.8 224 16 0
    102.3 225 16 1
    102.7 226 16 2
    103.2 227 16 3
    103.6 228 16 4
    104.1 229 16 5
    104.5 230 16 6
    105.0 231 16 7
    105.5 232 16 8
    105.9 233 16 9
    106.4 234 16 10
    106.8 235 16 11
    107.3 236 16 12
    107.7 237 16 13
    108.2 238 17 0
    108.6 239 17 1
    109.1 240 17 2
    109.5 241 17 3
    110.0 242 17 4
    110.5 243 17 5
    110.9 244 17 6
    111.4 245 17 7
    111.8 246 17 8
    112.3 247 17 9
    112.7 248 17 10
    113.2 249 17 11
    113.6 250 17 12
    114.1 251 17 13
    114.5 252 18 0
    115.0 253 18 1
    115.5 254 18 2
    115.9 255 18 3
    116.4 256 18 4
    116.8 257 18 5
    117.3 258 18 6
    117.7 259 18 7
    118.1 260 18 8

    KGs lbs Stone Pounds
    118.6 261 18 9
    119.1 262 18 10
    119.5 263 18 11
    120.0 264 18 12
    120.5 265 18 13
    120.9 266 18 0
    121.4 267 19 1
    121.8 268 19 2
    122.3 269 19 3
    122.7 270 19 4
    123.2 271 19 5
    123.6 272 19 6
    124.1 273 19 7
    124.5 274 19 8
    125.0 275 19 9
    125.5 276 19 10
    125.9 277 19 11
    126.4 278 19 12
    126.8 279 19 13
    127.3 280 20 0
    127.7 281 20 1
    128.2 282 20 2
    128.6 283 20 3
    129.1 284 20 4
    129.5 285 20 5
    130.0 286 20 6
    130.5 287 20 7
    130.9 288 20 8
    131.4 289 20 9
    131.8 290 20 10
    132.3 291 20 11
    132.7 292 20 12
    133.2 293 20 13
    133.6 294 21 0
    134.1 295 21 1
    134.5 296 21 2
    135.0 297 21 3
    135.5 298 21 4
    135.9 299 21 5
    136.4 300 21 6
    136.8 301 21 7
    137.3 302 21 8
    137.7 303 21 9
    138.2 304 21 10
    138.6 305 21 11
    139.1 306 21 12
    139.5 307 21 13
    140.0 308 22 0

    hope this helps all

    Thats great, thanks.

    68.6 is at the top end of the suggest large frame for my height. I have never been this weight. It will definitely give me something to aim for, but I seriously doubt that I would get there. Lowest I have been is 70kg. Something to dream about.


    not dream about

    in this lifestyle u will make it 🙂

    WiltldnrUSA, I appreciate your support Thanks, Jenn

    Just found this stream. I am on the divide between small and medium build. Like some others, I had always thought I was bigger-boned, so can’t use that as an excuse anymore!
    The build makes quite a difference to the healthy weight range – do other weight loss programs take build into account? BMI doesn’t…


    that should have been a nice surprise

    means ur nice & dainty

    i’m big boned


    Hi USA
    Don’t think I have ever been seen as dainty before!!! Certainly something to aim for 🙂
    At least knowing you are bigger boned helps you be realistic about the body size you can expect. I have read lots of your posts but I can’t recall what your story is, sorry. Can you direct me to where you have outlined this?
    Best wishes 😀


    story is right @ the beginning of this post u used 😉

    happy nonfastdays & fastdays & 4/2/1 or 3/3/1 or adf w/1 or 6/1 😀 ♬♬♬♬

    Hi USA
    I don’t think I was v clear with what I meant; I was referring to how you got involved with 5:2 in the first place, and whatever else you have cared to share with everyone about your personal situation. The first post in this topic doesn’t seem to cover this.

    I’m not sure about this at all.. I’m 5’10 female with 6 and half inch wrists.. However I have very broad shoulders .. and that’s bone.. even when I have been a size 12 around the waist I have never been less than a 16 across the shoulders..

    Admittedly my build isn’t very typical as I have narrow hips and broad shoulders but I still wouldn’t class myself as fine boned at all… probably medium to large contrary to the indication of being between small and medium framed according to my wrist size…

    Possibly might be a better indicator of what size frame you are if you have a typical build but it could be misleading for those of us who aren’t very typical.


    i think there was something 2 do w/ elbows

    hope this helps

    i have very broad shoulders / bust large 2
    but large wrist

    small waist hips slender legs 2

    but now big belly

    go 2 this post

    12 women’s body types which r u?

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