Newbie joined up today

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Angie090465 10 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Hi guys

    I have joined up & decided to do the 5.2. Even though I fast on a Monday & Thursday anyway (religious purposes) not really lost any weight probably as I just eat what I want thinking I can as I have fasted all day lol. Not a good mind frame to have.

    I usually close my fast just before sunrise & open the fast at sunset. So at the moment close the fast round about 4.15 & opening at 6.20pm. I close with fruit & water, open it with too much food.

    hi and welcome JayJay84!

    I am not sure how to advise you best with 5.2 as you are already fasting, but if you feel you can do add 2 days of fasting to your normal ones then go for it!!! you have nothing to loose but lbs lol 🙂
    a proper fast with 5.2 is normally 36 hours, please have a look around the forum for lots of help and suggestions!!
    good luck and let us know how you are getting on 🙂

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