Joyous January

This topic contains 280 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by  MoliJ 1 week, 5 days ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 201 through 250 (of 281 total)

  • Day 23 country west Australia FD500 (with RESOLVE!!) 83.1 kg 😱😱
    Well after a very controlled day yesterday Cruella has been very very mean with an upward trend.
    However this time I am RESOLVED ( not sure about joyful ??) to keep on the wagon and DETERMINED to stick with the 5:2 WOL.
    Despite Cruella, I feel better and clothes fitting better so all good.
    Have just done my 45 minute walk with Pilates class later. It’s already hot and humid and I will need a shower shortly.
    @funshipfreddie, just one day ?? See how we miss you and what you are doing!😄
    @northgeorgia, sending armloads of support and empathy from about as far away in the world you could get , except perhaps for the penguins in Antarctic. 🌻
    @jaifaim, as a ‘wordie’ I just love ‘himpfay’ !! ❤️❤️ It did give me a laugh and sounds so much better than ‘ humpday’ , so I am going to adopt it, with your permission, and it could become next year’s word of the year ?? 🤔 And ,yes ,we too are having lots of issues with IOS updates . Grrrr……😡
    @merryapple sorry to hear about your hand. It is usually a longgggg rehab for hand tendons. Keep up the good but hard work.🥵(. couldn’t find the sweating face emoji !!)
    ( You can always tell when I have a bit of time on my hands – lots of emojis!!)🙄
    @brightonbelle, glad your dental journey is over! I’m with you on carbs. I never saw a carb I didn’t like… which is a bit problematic . RESOLVED to eat fewer carbs in January…🤔
    Another hot one today 32ºC, it’s already 25.6ºC at 9 am.
    41ºC tomorrow… keep cool folks – and happy day after himpfay.

    Day 23 – Ireland – FD 800🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾

    155.9 ⬇️

    Hi all! I’m facing into 5 tricky days so may the force be with me… I am off to work then meet friends for lunch and see a play tonight – I’m going to try plan little food around both. Then the next four days are birthday catch ups and travel. 🇬🇧 If the forecasted storm allows.

    @merryapple well done on your grip! 👏⭐️ Best of luck with the service today… I know for me there comes a point with the bike maintenance where it all goes over my head… and I’ve done courses on this 😂😂 I’m sure there are many more components on the e-bike 🙏

    @brightonbelle I’m so glad I’m not the only one… I feel like completely turning the predictive text off at this stage. You are doing really well on FD800 ⭐️ it then gives you leeway for the weekends which is good.

    Thanks @stitchincarol yes I’m happy to be bobbing but would be ecstatic to drop…I think it just needs a little more focus. Well done to you on your WFD – still so difficult for me! Ah go on… wear the hat 👒 before your DH retires … go on, go on, go on 😂😂

    Love the idea of the Red Hat Society @funshipfreddie – very much a wearer of colour here and will be more so as I age… thanks for posting that!

    Grab on @excelsior12309 – you can do it! And hi to @ccco, @penz, @northgeorgia 👋

    Onward and downward ⬇️

    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Pocket List 🌽 (the corn season is getting underway here)

    Day 23 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    I really need a good FD today. My last three NFDs haven’t been at all controlled. Not exactly bingeing, but lots of pick-pick-picking. I think I need to schedule an extra FD soon to get back on track. You’re right, @stitchincarol, I’m not fully committed at present; I’m saying it without employing the RESOLVE – on NFDs at least.

    @excelsior12309 – you’re right! Maybe not an agent, but an extra pair of hands & a 30 hour day would be great! 😅

    @penz – it’s a mosaic picture, not a painting. Just something I found on Pinterest. I’m attempting to mosaic over it, but I haven’t done it before. If it turns out okay I’d love to make a mosaic of Boo Boo eventually 🐱

    @merryapple – good to hear your hand is coming right! 👋

    @jaifaim – Enjoy the play. I hope your MPs are behaving themselves today?! 😅🤦‍♂️

    The two factors that work best at slashing your cancer risk:-

    28 C (feels like 31) in Port Elizabeth today. I hope it doesn’t get any hotter. We’re supposed to get some cloud cover this afternoon 🤞 41 C, @lilymartin?! 😱🥵️

    “My hobbies include eating & complaining that I’ve gained too much weight” ~ Unknown

    Pocket List – Day 23 🌽
    @brightonbelle FD800
    @jaifaim FD800

    Day 23 UK f800

    Good luck with the tricky days @jaifaim – they are exactly the ones that often derail me – restraint is what I need to practice

    Ha ha – that quote could be from me @funshipfreddie 😂
    Does putting yourself on the list twice mean you’re trying twice as hard ?

    Right off to get a decent yoga session in

    Well done on the hand @merry🍎

    Pocket List – Day 23 🌽
    @brightonbelle FD800
    @jaifaim FD800

    2nd Post – Day 23

    @brightonbelle – oops?! Dunno how I managed that?! 🤦‍♂️ Thanks for fixing the list 👍

    Day 23 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 238 lbs. OK, time to get away from all of these locked-in temptations at mom’s of sugary baked goods, chips, soft drinks, and other UPFs! Back to work; hopefully I won’t hit any major slick spots on the way in or back. Happy to finally get a FD, especially considering I was about 10 lbs lighter back in mid-December. I can do this, despite the stress and work lunches and dinners coming up (oh, and the major birthday thing on Sunday before the doctor visit on Tuesday…egads).

    Oddly, my blood pressure’s top number went from 140 to 125 this morning after I changed seats. I’ll see what it does tomorrow. My next FD will definitely be Monday, and due to the doctor visit on Tuesday, I’m strongly considering a true WFD to reset everything within my power.

    Pocket List – Day 23 🌽
    @brightonbelle FD800
    @jaifaim FD800

    USA. Day 23. FD

    Pocket List 🌽 (the corn season is getting underway here)

    Just checking in for accountability! I am overwhelmingly busy right now!
    Today my new toilets are being put in! Yay!

    Have a great day!

    3rd Post – Day 23

    Pocket List – Day 23 🌽
    @brightonbelle FD800
    @jaifaim FD800

    Day 23 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD – 155.6

    Today I’m feeling PNFDS…I truly pulled off my yesterday goal. I was RAVENOUS by four o’clock, so I pulled out the leftover roasted carrots from the night before, so technically I didn’t “not snack”…but I figured snacking on carrots was within the spirit of my pledge.

    One of the things I keep thinking of is how, when my kids were little, I was so much thinner and ate fewer snacks because I was determined to teach my kid good eating habits. So we ate three meals a day (well, they did, I had two), and usually had a snack after school, and that was it. I was tempted to eat, of course, but couldn’t do so in front of them, so I had built-in control. They’d fuss at me an hour before supper at how hungry they were, and I’d assure them that was an excellent thing because then they’d be hungry for supper. So, I keep trying to find the will-power to eat as if my kids were little and were around me. It’s not super helpful, but perhaps I’ll slowly regain those habits.

    @brightonbelle I’m truly in awe that you’re spending most of January limiting yourself to 800 calories. That is truly impressive, lady. And big celebration that your two years of treatments at the dentist are over!

    @merryapple Delighted for you that your grip is improved by 5 degrees! I was raised with the approach that supper consisted of a meat, a starch, and a veggie. When I was a vegetarian for about 7 years (long story, am no longer), that approach to meals didn’t work at all, and I had to change my entire thought process to meal planning. And now, I fight to avoid the whole protein/carb/veggie approach, because I also find it beneficial to avoid carbs at night. I don’t always, by any means, but I love your reminder that having them earlier in the day is easier for our bodies to utilize and dispense with them.

    @penz Yeah, humidity is tough to tolerate.

    @lilymartin Just an FYI, the point of joy–at least as I presented it–is that, bottom line, we remember we’re CHOOSING this, and it’s not being forced on us, and there’s no need to feel sorry for ourselves. 🤷🏻‍♀️ And, I hear contentment/acceptance in all your words, so I think that counts for joy. And now, what I really wanted to say: you’ve always said you’re in the medical profession, but have gone no further, but I’m fascinated that we have a pediatrician in @excelsior12309 and an RN (and more?) in @merryapple, and you, whatever your exact role is. Willing to share what you “are”? And there’s no one else, is there? Or have I missed someone?

    @jaifaim I’m sure you do want to drop a few more, but that day will come when the weather warms up and it’s easier for you to get out on your bike constantly. In the meantime, be vigilant about 155 since that in itself is a great success, and you’ll be well prepared for a three pound drop!

    @funshipfreddie Isn’t it funny how we can be so truly committed, and then realize that, somewhere along the line, the commitment wandered away without us actually noticing? Perhaps your life feels a bit scattered at the moment, and once it settles down, your attitude will come back into solid compliance? No idea, obviously, but you are our poster boy for consistent RESOLVE, so I feel quite confident it will return for you.

    @northgeorgia Did your mom ever say anything about her December plan to start eating better in January?

    Okay, I’m off. Have a grand one, everyone!

    Pocket List – Day 23 🌽
    @brightonbelle FD800
    @jaifaim FD800
    @stitchincarol WFD

    Day 24 NZ NFD 69.3kg⬇️🏃🏼‍♀️

    Walked up the maunga then had coffee and 1/2 a cheese scone!! 1/2 is better than a whole one!!

    @stitchincarol So what you’re trying to say is you need to set a good example to yourself now your children have grown up!!🤣 I try not to have snacks between meals when on my own and occasionally I’ll have a boiled egg for that 4pm low.
    I do believe to make any changes, the process needs to be a joyful and positive one. Negativity sets you up to fail…
    @northgeorgia Yes, as @stitchincarol recalls about what your mom said last year, getting her to join you would help you out too.
    @funshipfreddie Remember, every day is a new day. You just need a reset rather than an extra FD.💪
    @brightonbelle You’ll have a woosh soon if you stay with your programme, I’m sure!!
    @jaifaim Yeah!! On the downhill!! I’m off to pick up my e-bike and find out what they do for ‘maintaining’ it… Will let you know. What fun!! Birthday parties galore!! Remember, Taste, don’t Eat!! 😅
    @lilymartin Thank you, yes… it’s a much longer haul than I anticipated. You would have missed the the initial injury – compound displaced # of my little finger thanks to tripping and landing on my signet ring 4 1/2 months ago…
    With all that exercise you’ll be regaining your waistline!!
    I just measured mine apropos of @funshipfreddie’s Daily Mail cancer article… ie less than 35” is the safe zone for females. Mine is 38”. I have never had a wasp waist. BMI 22.9. Hmmm
    Have a good Friday everyone!!
    I’m thinking of @penz’ pizza and 🍷
    Great tennis on in Melbourne!!

    Day 24 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 70.7 kg

    @stitchincarol – Well done for the PNFDS! 💪 I’m still committed to my FDs, at least. I think my problem is complacency. I’ve been successfully maintaining for so long that I go through spells of throwing caution to the wind on NFDs. But it catches up with me eventually, & will do so even more as I get older. So I just need to be more mindful, and to adopt a better NFD routine.

    @merryapple – I think you’re right – two FDs per week is plenty! 😅 You must be quite tall? About 174 cm if your BMI is (a very healthy) 22.9? I think for the vast majority of people the BMI will always be a good guide to a healthy weight. It’s children & muscly athletes that it doesn’t work so well for. And when you reach your overall goal weight your 38″ waist will have shrunk a lot closer to 35″! 🎯

    @northgeorgia – I didn’t understand your comment re your BP dropping significantly – ‘after I changed seats’? 🤔

    The Truth about eating Eggs

    Our last week of Joyous January – Happy Fri-yay! 🍹

    “Rhinos are just unicorns that have let themselves go” ~ Unknown

    Pocket List – Day 24 🍌
    @brightonbelle FD800

    Day 24 – Ireland – NFD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾

    155.2 ⬇️

    Hi all! It’s been a historically stormy night here but no damage thankfully. Lots without power and we are still under orders not to go out and about… for another few hours…

    I am in the same boat @funshipfreddie! My FDs are not as good as they used to be… so as you say as I get older I need to get better at this not worse.

    Ok have been very distracted with storm reports so need to do some work here.

    I hope all the gang in the UK are ok as it is hitting you now 🙏🙏.

    Onward and downward ⬇️

    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 24 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 235 lbs. @funshipfreddie I don’t understand it either. I wonder if my BP device is off. I have high pressure again today.

    Day 24 UK CD

    Slight drop on scales, so going in the right direction albeit very slowly , I’m aiming to relax things a little at the weekend but really don’t want to see the scales moving in the wrong direction so let’s see how it goes

    When I had to monitor my BP I was advised to measure twice a day, same times and keep a log , I think it’s the trends that are important @northgeorgia

    Weather OK here now @jaifaim , appears bad further north though – just finished season 1 Bad Sisters , very pleased with the ending Looking forward to s2

    Day 24 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD – 153.4

    I feel as if my weight is a door, solidly closed. I keep slamming my shoulder against it, but never get through to 152. Soon…. 😂👍 Today is the next challenge in my ongoing battle with NFDs. We’re headed into Omaha so DH can visit someone in the hospital, and then we’re going out to a national chain steakhouse, using one of the many gift cards we got at Christmas. Low calories/reasonable nutrition will be a challenge there, so I’ll limit the calories I eat the rest of the day to no more than 350.

    @merryapple You are exactly right, and I’m delighted you used the “joy” word. Few others in our group were much enamored of my “joyous” approach at the beginning of the month, but you’re right that, without joy and using negativity, we’re just setting ourselves up for failure. Because, in the end, it’s all a mind game to learn to control our eating impulses and to maintain what we lose.

    @funshipfreddie I think I remember a time or two in the past when you’ve popped up a few pounds as a result of complacency on NFDs, and I find that VERY understandable. Give yourself some grace, and set a hard deadline of when you’ll abandon your complacency and return to the stellar eating choices you normally employ. Or, just pretend my kids are still little and are there, and set a good example for them! 😂

    @jaifaim Whew! Glad you avoided damage. Strong winter storms can be so unpredictable and awful.

    @northgeorgia Ahh, now I get it. I don’t think @funshipfreddie meant he didn’t understand why your machine behaved differently; he, like I, didn’t realize you meant that when you sat somewhere else, you got a different reading.

    @brightonbelle I’ll put Bad Sisters down to watch next; I’m currently close to the end of S1 of The Resident. I’m fascinated that I don’t remember it from TV at all, but I truly appreciate being able to binge it now, and not sit through, or fast-forward through, commercials. Well done on inching down a little bit more! And, BTW, there is some evidence that, when you suddenly eat far more calories than normally, and then abruptly go back to what you’ve established as normal, while you have a corresponding uptick in your weight initially, those extra calories help you burn calories faster, and you end up losing because of them. It’ll be interesting to see what happens next week after loosening up a bit this weekend.

    I’ve found a house that looks wonderful, but DH is reluctant to go that high. I think another house tour is in our immediate future, LOL. It’s lovely to have so much time before we MUST buy/move, as it makes the process so much more relaxed.

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Two quotes I’ll be remembering today: “Hunger is not an emergency” and “Hunger is God’s gift to us; enjoy it!”

    Day 25 NZ FD 69.9kg⬆️ 🏃🏼‍♀️

    Really…? I felt like I had the moral high ground two days ago but last night lost it. I am now grovelling with myself to get back on track… Be💪
    Beautiful weather here before a wet Pacific Ocean storm arrives from the north…
    Interesting article @funshipfreddie. I clicked on the trans fat link and read up on natural vs industrial trans fats and their effect on raising LDL, the bad cholesterol. The jury was out on how much is OK in your diet.
    One thing I would note is that you know you’re eating saturated fats when eating cheese but not when you’re eating doughnuts…
    Natural is generated in the stomachs of ruminating animals ie sheep and cows. eg saturated fats in butter, milk and cheese.
    Industrial is caused by the process of hydrogenating vegetable and fish oil using metal in order to turn it into a solid saturated fat eg margarine and used in commercial baking, deep fried stuff.
    Just what you wanted to know!!!
    @stitchincarol I want to feel hungry at the end of the day!!
    @funshipfreddie I’m 175cm having lost 2 inches in height…
    You’re right! I need to focus and aim for my new maintenance goal of 65kg…

    Be Weekend Warriors!!

    Day 25 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 🏹

    I wasn’t exactly a weekend warrior yesterday – do we count Fridays as part of the weekend? – but I didn’t do too badly. I kept busy & felt more in control. And I’m nailing the steps – I’ve clocked up +32,000 in the last 3 days. Sitting less & keeping my hands busy is part of the solution for me. If I’m not sitting I’m not eating.

    @stitchincarol – I’m also an ex-vegetarian. Didn’t touch meat or fish for most of the 90’s. I didn’t miss it at all, but my body & my doctor did not approve! And you’re right – I was completely baffled by @northgeorgia‘s post re his BP & changing seats! 😅

    @merryapple – I don’t worry about saturated fats, but I try to stay away from all vegetable oils, especially the hydrogenated variety! Oh, I was out by 1 cm?! 🎯 Gorgeous weather here too, but I’m looking forward to Monday’s rain. I never uttered words like that when I lived in England! ☔️

    My crazy cat yesterday, playing in her Christmas present. It’s a basket-shaped scratch pad. She loves it! I could watch her all day when she’s in a playful mood 😻

    Have a good weekend everyone 🌤🌈

    Day 25 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD

    Wow, only three of us? Weekends are always quieter, but this is still unusual. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    @merryapple Oh, I feel for you! As you struggle to get back on track, try considering the true meaning of committing to something–would you tell an employer you’d take the job, and then only show up half the time, would you tell a gallery owner you’d deal with Billy’s paintings, and then not get around to it, etc., etc. It was when I took that approach and adopted RESOLVE that I actually found resolve. I’m still not entirely on board with the commitment, but am getting closer and better, and am so sad I’m having to lose the same pounds I lost before, and sure don’t want that for you. Oh, and have you read The Obesity Factor? Perhaps that will help you find what you need to regain the “moral high ground” as you called it. 💪
    As to feeling hungry at the end of the day…No, I can’t say I want that, except on WFDs, but I sure don’t want to feel stuffed. I DO want to feel hungry just before a meal, which doesn’t happen if I nibble too much as I’m preparing that meal, a true problem at supper. That’s when I have to remember that, when the kids were little, I allowed neither them nor me to nibble in that hour of food preparation, and follow the same behavior now.

    @funshipfreddie Good for you. Keeping busy is absolutely the key to controlling our eating, and 32K over 3 days is impressive. But, no, Fridays are not part of the weekend, LOL! Boo Boo was fun to watch; thanks for sharing.

    In the middle of the night, I woke up to sneeze. Then sneezed again. And again. All together, I sneezed somewhere close to a dozen times. Took the 24hour and 4hour allergy pills we have for spring and fall, and was able to go back to sleep, but what the heck was that? I’ve sneezed some more this morning, and am hopeful it’s just a weird anomoly and will go away, LOL!

    Our restaurant dinner went well last night. They serve a lovely bread, and I ate a bunch of it…yummy, yummy stuff. But we didn’t get any other appetizer, and my dinner was an 8oz steak that I ate less than half of, a nice pile of steamed broccoli and a baked sweet potato, both of which I devoured. And a glass of red wine. Later, we got two cookies each, and I devoured them! 🤣 But that, plus my small lunch, were all I ate, so although my weight has shot up this morning, it’s not because I was glutonous, which I know well how to be! Today’s plan is some smoked fish we picked up at the grocery store with the excellent cookies, and then a roasted halloumi and citrus meal tonight. No nibbling is my promise today; the food I have planned will be plenty to satisfy the eating desires.

    Have a grand one, David and Mary, and perhaps more will post later!

    Day 25 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 235 lbs. I’m about a pound lighter this week over last week. Got to get back to the 220s then the 210s 🙂

    Oh no, I understood @funshipfreddie regarding the BP reading — I don’t understand why it did that when I changed seats, either. That’s making me think perhaps the cuff is faulty or something. I notice the batteries seem to be weaker, but it seems like it takes eight batteries or something insane, so I haven’t bother replacing yet. I’ve probably had the machine for ten years, so it may be time to replace.

    At any rate, blood pressure is better this morning. I’m also wondering if I’m just stressed out which is making it more wonky than usual. Mom’s birthday is today, and the celebration is tomorrow. She is in such pain right now with her knees, she can’t think of much of anything else. What I could do is start making some healthier “crockpot” style meals next week to help her avoid the chips, sweets, and crackers around her house.

    That all being said, my next FD is Monday — I got invited out to lunch by a coworker that day, but I said, “sorry, I really can’t! After the celebration lunch on Sunday, I need to fast before my blood work on Tuesday.”

    Day 25 North Wales NFD

    Sorry I have not posted for a week. It’s always very difficult to find the time when I am looking after Grandchildren. I had a very pleasant week away, a bit stressful at times though. I went wedding dress shopping with my youngest daughter which was very nice. Taking up the curtains was difficult on my own as the fabric was so heavy. I felt like I had been weight lifting when I had finished and I ached all over. I drove home Thursday night. I hate driving in the dark but I wanted to beat the storm we were expecting in the early hours of Friday morning. The storm was not as severe where we were, although we did have a 5 hour power cut.

    @stitchincarol your husbands jumper was fantastic. I wish I could knit like that. Estate agent loved the house. It went on the market yesterday. Fingers crossed it sells. Hope you find your dream home soon.

    @northgeorgia can’t wait to hear all about your holiday in Uruguay. My sister was quite ill after the shingles jab. Hope you are ok now. I hope your blood pressure comes down soon.

    @ccco hope your renovation work is finished soon.

    @funshipfreddie loved the picture of your gecko, wish you could make one for me.

    @jaifaim hope the storm wasn’t too bad for you. It did seem that Ireland got a proper battering.

    @brightonbelle very impressed with you sticking with 800 calories every day. I hope you get a mega weight loss this month.

    @merryapple so glad your hand is getting better. Still haven’t had the biopsy result despite being told it would be 7-10 days. I have an appointment on Thursday with the specialist so hopefully I will find out more then.

    @penz it’s curry and wine for us on a Friday night.

    @lilymartin I eat a lot of fermented foods kimchi and Kefir are my favourites.

    Have a good day everyone.

    USA. DAY 25 NFD

    Today was definitely not a FD. I decided to celebrate to completion of my house renovations. I love them. Now I am going to paint the entire inside of my house and replace all the wood flooring on the first floor and then I will be good for now. My house needed a lot of work and I am so happy I was finally able to do it. Covid got in the way for in awhile but now all is good!👍🏻 Yay! The resulting celebration included a lot of sugar! Tomorrow I will make up for that! 😊

    I find it a little harder to stay on track with my 5:2 diet during the Winter, when we are so confined to our homes due to such bad weather conditions. I was glad to have my renovations done but I really didn’t have much personal physical activity. That is something I have in the Spring, Summer, and earlier in the Fall, when I have so many outdoor activities, including gardening, which I love!
    Well, there is always shoveling snow! :(. I don’t like the cold at all.

    Glad to see everything seems to be going well for everyone! 🙂

    Day 26, NFD, Aus

    Hello everyone! I’ve not been posting much the last few days which means I have not been showing any commitment or resolve. I wish I could bottle all your good advice and wisdom and sprinkle it over my meals. Or all over the kitchen.

    Hurray for your completed renovations @ccco!! Your delight really shone through.

    Thanks for sharing the vid of Boo Boo – she does look like she’s enjoying herself.

    Day 26 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    What a way to start a FD?! I just got a notification telling me I was nabbed by a speed camera, on Christmas Eve?! So I just paid a R 450 fine 😢

    @stitchincarol – your sneezing fit reminded me of my hiccup attack – exactly one year ago – closely followed by Covid. I think I should be able to count Fridays as part of my weekend, because Sunday is usually a FD for me – so I will! 😅 But I guess we can be warriors any day of the week 🏹

    @ccco – congrats on getting your reno all finished! 🥳️ You’ve inspired me to get some painting done. I hate the prep & the clean-up, but I quite enjoy the actual painting. I recently varnished my front door. And I’ve been cleaning my Venetian blinds for the last few days. One of my least-favourite things to do, so I only usually clean one per day – but only one more to go!

    @northgeorgia – so sorry to hear about your mum’s knee pain?! I hope she manages to get some relief soon.

    @molij – no news is good news re your biopsy results! Fingers 🤞🤞for a quick sale 🏡

    @penz – climb back on the wagon – we’re waiting for you! Maybe if you resolve to post daily – no matter what – that might help with the commitment to fasting & healthy eating..?

    Great advice here for those of us of a certain age, on retaining/regaining mobility:-

    About UPFs, again…

    Plenty of room on the pocket list; just saying. Who else wants Monday morning PFDS?

    Happy S🌞nday!

    Pocket List – Day 26 🥚

    Day 26-No. VA USA-FD
    I am joining @funshipfreddie for a fast day today!
    Went off the rails a bit on Thursday and Friday. Received sad news that really dear son-in-law was just diagnosed with extremely rare cancer and is now facing rather limited treatment options. I am trying to help them navigate some of the questions to ask.
    @ccco, congratulations on finishing the renovations. We had some extensive painting done two years ago, and I must say, it gave me great joy every day to see how clean and bright things looked afterwards. We hired painters, particularly since the stairwell area and ceilings were not reachable for us! They did a great job, and it was worth every penny.
    @molij, sounds like you have been run fairly ragged by the little ones! Glad to hear you survived the bad weather. Fingers crossed for you and your biopsy results. Such stress waiting…
    @stitchincarol, my husband occasionally has bouts of sneezing like that! We have no idea what triggers it. It is almost always at night. Benadryl or Zyrtec seems to help.

    2nd Post – Day 26

    Pocket List – Day 26 🥚

    Day 26 UK CD

    Steady day today after a couple of NFDs , not too excessive and I thoroughly enjoyed them , planning f800s next week , the weekend will probably start Friday night as it’s the first game of the 6 Nations 🏉

    See you on tomorrows list

    Day 26 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 235 lbs. In an hour, my mom’s birthday celebration. I’ll be on tomorrow’s list for sure. Blood pressure normal today.

    Day 27 NZ FD 69.5kg

    I’m back on track! Thank you @stitchincarol and @funshipfreddie for the helping hand!! I spent my penance day cleaning the house. Tidy house, tidy mind😄
    We had a stormy 24 hrs with a small tornado landing in Mangawhai. It ran up a street creating tornado type damage. It’s not a very usual event for NZ but seems to be happening more… I did see some of the North Sea storm damage footage on the news. I hope our northerners are all OK.
    @ccco Fantastic to hear the first leg of your renovations have been completed. Well done!!
    @brightonbelle Enjoy the rugby!!
    @funshipfreddie No! Not a speeding ticket – you!! The Mini has been known to get the odd speeding ticket. 🤣
    The article on UPF industry is chilling. It’s nothing new but was well put together.
    @molij Your trip sounds like a working holiday!! 🤞for Thursday
    @excelsior12309 Very sorry to hear about your son-in-law. Your support will sadly be much appreciated…
    @penz You’re back and that’s what counts… Keep in touch and all will fall into place!!💪
    So sad to see Djokovic having to retire hurt in the tennis… Sinner is playing unbelievable tennis esp for a 23 year old…
    @northgeorgia Happy Birthday to Mama Northgeorgia💐🥳
    Hope your warrant of fitness goes well for you!!
    @brightonbelle Good on you for keeping it together!!

    The countdown is on!! 4 days to go!!
    Kia Kaha / Stay Strong!!

    Pocket List🥕

    Day 27, NFD, Aus

    It’s a public holiday here so cannot do a FD. Why? Especially since I’m not working and every day is like any other. But a lifetime career’s worth of looking fwd to a public day off is so ingrained that it still feels part of the weekend.

    But, I’m posting and that helps.

    Oh that is terrible news @excelsior12309. Hope they caught it early and even the limited range of treatment options are successful.

    I did enjoy watching the tennis but just could not stay awake long enough to see the full finals match.

    Day 27 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 71.1 kg 👀

    @excelsior12309 – thanks for joining me on the list! I hope your FD was as easy as mine. So sorry to hear the awful news of your son-in-law’s illness.

    @merryapple – yes, a speeding ticket for me! 😅 Those darned cameras. I’ve learned my lesson. But I did get a nice picture of me behind the wheel – I might use it as a new profile picture 🤪 A tornado in Mangawhai?! That’s where my parents lived. I was just reading the headline in the NZ Herald. Dozens of houses were damaged & a couple of hundred homes were without power. It’s a miracle no-one was killed, considering it happened during the night, & two homes were ‘written off’.

    @penz – “It’s a public holiday here so cannot do a FD. Why? Especially since I’m not working and every day is like any other.” Have you come up with an answer yet? 😅 Just try doing a Saturday or Sunday FD sometime, just to flex your fasting muscle. It might be easier than you think! It’s just food, after all 😉

    Pocket List – Day 27 🥕
    @brightonbelle FD800

    Day 27 UK f800

    Oh dear , what terrible news @excelsior12309

    Geared up for a good few days 💪

    Pocket List – Day 27 🥕
    @brightonbelle FD800

    Day 27 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 237 lbs. Two pound gain — figures, since the celebration went well 😉 BP is normal again. Going to attempt a WFD today. Been a while since I’ve done one, and I really need a good reset before tomorrow’s wellness check.

    Pocket List – Day 27 🥕
    @brightonbelle FD800

    Day 27 – Rural Nebraska, USA – CD

    The weekend was reasonable, although not perfect; today will be excellent: that’s my RESOLVE and pledge to you all.

    @northgeorgia I’m glad your BP is normal again. Enjoy your WF today; the days aren’t necessarily easy, but I sure feel excellent when I do, and I’m hopeful you do as well!

    @molij I can well understand the challenge of posting when you have young grandchildren around; no worries, but don’t think we didn’t miss you! Thanks for the good wishes on our house hunt and on DH’s Fair Isle; good luck to you on selling your house quickly!

    @ccco Congratulations on being done with the first part of home reno; the next part of painting and flooring will make a huge commotion! How soon will that start? Are you going to do any of the painting, or hire it out?

    @penz Just remember the quotes about how action precedes motivation, not the other way around, and take the action of posting. If nothing else, we love to hear from you, but I’ll just bet posting will help you avoid some bad food choices, don’t you suppose? I can’t imagine how many MORE bad food choices I’d make if I didn’t post, LOL!

    @funshipfreddie Serious bummer on the speeding ticket! And, you make a valid point that Friday is part of the weekend for you since you fast on Sundays, so you just mark it down as weekend! 👍💪😉

    @excelsior12309 Oh, I’m so deeply sorry about your SIL! Prayers for a treatment that helps and even cures; do keep us posted.

    @brightonbelle Well done over the weekend. You’re becoming very confident in this F800 approach, aren’t you? It’s excellent to see your success.

    @merryapple Do you ever watch American football? Last night’s playoff game of Kansas City Chiefs (Patrick Mahomes) v. Buffalo Bills (Josh Allen) with two of football’s best quarterbacks was amazing, particularly since the Chiefs won. 😉

    It’s sunny and beautiful and is supposed to get up to the 50s today–unheard of in January. And, we’ve now gone into the record books as the least snow to date in recorded history. I think I’m going to adopt @merryapple‘s approach of “tidy house, tidy mind” and get some tidying done, iron some shirts of DH’s I’ve been ignoring for too long, etc., etc. I made a low-cal minestrone on Saturday because it was a soup weather kind of day, and tonight we’ll have the NYT’s Grilled Halloumi and Citrus; the reviews were excellent, so I’m eager to enjoy it.

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Pocket List – Day 27 🥕
    @brightonbelle FD800

    Day 27 North Wales NFD

    Horrible day here today, very wet and windy. Today’s storm is called Storm Herminia. I cannot wait for the weather to improve. I am hoping for a good fast day today. Trying very hard to eat more mindful too.

    @stitchincarol enjoy your tidying. I loved doing mine.

    @northgeorgia hope your wellness check goes well.

    @excelsior so sorry to hear about your SIL. Sending you and your family much love.

    @funshipfreddie sorry to hear about your speeding fine. Do you have speed awareness courses like we have in the UK? Rather than pay a fine you go on this course.

    @penz enjoy your public holiday.

    @merryapple glad you are back on track. I agree with your comment about tidy house tidy mind. Tidying always relaxes me.

    Hope everyone has a good day.

    Pocket List – Day 27 🥕
    @brightonbelle FD800

    USA. Day 27. FD

    Pocket List – Day 27 🥕
    @brightonbelle FD800

    I finished my day at 736.5 calories today! 👍🏻

    Sorry I haven’t been online much in the last few days. My wonderful renovations have been completed, so I am putting everything back in place. I am doing it carefully, so as to make my cabinets and closets the neatest they have ever been. I do find that a carefully tended house make life feel less chaotic. Now, if I could only convince my son! LOL

    Hope everyone is doing well today! Even the temperature here is cooperating by being much higher than we had recently!😊

    USA. Day 27. FD
    Second Post

    Stitchincarol, I think my next phase may start in March. I haven’t set the date, yet. I won’t do the painting myself. When I was young, I did things like that but now, at my age, I have no business getting up on a ladder. The good news for me is that I will be able to remain in the house while they paint and do the floors. The floors are only being replaced on the first floors. During the renovations I just finished, I replaced the kitchen, bathroom, and lower level hallway floors, so that’s done. It really makes me feel up seeing all these new items in my house. The next round, I am also replacing my front door and screen door and I will be set.

    FUNSHIPFREDDIE sorry to hear about that ticket. I agree with you about those cameras! 🤨

    Take care, everyone! See you tomorrow!

    Day 28 NZ NFD 69.3kg⬇️🏃🏼‍♀️

    Had a reasonable FD y’day and have been rewarded with the sensation of hunger at breakfast time today!!
    It’s cooler today. My tomatoes just haven’t got going and I figure it’s a reflection of the cool, cloudy summer we are having… It’s crazy to think about the changes in the weather patterns…
    I’ve booked tickets to the South Island for two weeks for a trip over the Lewis and Arthur’s Passes for the end of February (across the Southern Alps) to celebrate a friend’s birthday.
    @ccco Your house sounds lovely, like moving into a new house without moving, if you know what I mean😁
    @stitchincarol I caught a wee bit of the football semifinals. I was watching the Melbourne Cup tennis final at the same time. Then I walked down to Eden to watch the Auck vs Wgtn women’s cricket match. It was a holiday Monday filled with sport!! I might rewatch the KCC/BB match because it looked exciting. I get the basics but really need the Texan here to explain the finer points of the game…
    I’ve just had an urgent text from my friend to say Paisley the Scottie’s daycare has fallen through so I need to get organised and pick her up😄I need to get the day going!!
    Have a good day everyone!!

    Day 28, NFD, Aus

    I love the idea of doing a course instead of paying a speeding fine @molij. Fortunately, I’ve not had ticket in years…

    It’s like having a brand new house @ccco!

    Glad you survived your mum’s birthday celebration @northgeorgia. Time to get her on 5:2 with you?

    Day 28 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @merryapple – great number! 🎯

    @ccco – I love the precision of your calorie-counting – 736.5! 😅

    @molij – I’d never heard of speeding awareness courses. We don’t have those here. But I looked it up, & they’re not free! 4 hours, + they cost £80 – £100. My fine was much cheaper, + I didn’t have any points against my licence.

    @stitchincarol – have you read Marie Kondo’s book – ‘The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up’? It was all the rage a few years ago, but I never got around to reading it. I think I should. I’m not exactly a slob, but I don’t think it’d hurt to learn some new techniques.

    Lovely & cool here, & another day of rain. Which I’m not crazy about when I have to drive in it. Have a great day everyone…

    Pocket List – Day 28 🍓
    @brightonbelle FD800

    2nd post NZ Day 28 21.30hrs

    @stitchincarol and @funshipfreddie
    I’ve heard that Marie Kondo has kids now and her tidiness has turned to custard… She’s not my cup of tea… But I looove the TV programme Swedish Death Cleaning. It’s gorgeous!!

    If you want to read about a modern day miracle for the medically minded, not much beats this… I am seriously impressed…
    Keegan was on our TV tonight and he’s regained his fitness and is going to ride in the upcoming Southland bike race 6 years after his accident. It’s not about food and fasting but it’s an inspiring story from the school of life.

    Day 28 – Ireland – FD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾

    158 ⬆️

    Hi all, well that was a difficult few days as I had a busy time planned but we also had a family funeral yesterday. My sister-in-laws sister lost her battle with cancer last week. Reminds me to live each day and celebrate the small things. 💕 A fabulous person gone way too soon.

    I have another busy day today but will be back on to catch up tomorrow.

    Onward and downward ⬇️

    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 28 UK f800

    Sorry to hear your news @jaifaim 💕

    Another depressing cold windy grey day here

    Is anyone already lined up to lead February? If not I’ll do it , as you all know my posting skills are limited but I’m happy to volunteer to post every day as I need to keep focused

    Pocket List – Day 28 🍓
    @brightonbelle FD800

    Day 28 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 233 lbs. Good WFD yesterday. I think my mom might have done some sort of FD yesterday, too. We both have doctor visits this morning. I’ve decided to take the day off, since it would have been my dad and hers anniversary today, and we’ll go out to lunch somewhere nice.

    Day 28 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD

    I woke up early, then fell back asleep and overslept, so this is all I can post this morning. I’ll catch up later if I can, or tomorrow morning.

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    USA. Day 28. FD

    Yesterday’s FD did not go well, so I am counting on today, as a second chance. To that end, I am adding myself to the pocket list.

    Pocket List – Day 28 🍓
    @brightonbelle FD800

    Have a great day, everyone!

    2nd Post – Day 28

    Pocket List – Day 28 🍓
    @brightonbelle FD800
    @stitchincarol WFD

    Day 28 North Wales NFD

    I have been very busy today, shopping meeting a friend and sorting out Dog club things for the start of the 8 week course which starts tonight. It has been another very wet day but luckily the wind has dropped.

    @ccco hope todays FD goes better than yesterdays. Your renovations sound great.

    @northgeorgia glad your water fast day went well yesterday.

    @brightonbelle thanks for offering to do February. I will be there.

    @jaifaim sorry to hear about your sister in laws sister. Cancer is such a horrible disease.

    @merryapple that was a very inspirational story about Keegan. Thanks for sharing.

    @funshipfreddie. I think our speed awareness courses are free. Not entirely sure because as of yet I have not been caught speeding. That in itself is a miracle as there are lots of 20mph in Wales now.

    @penz I too would prefer to do the course rather than pay the fine.

    Hope everyone has a good day.

    Pocket List – Day 28 🍓
    @brightonbelle FD800
    @stotchincarol FD800

    Day 29 NZ NFD 69.4kg⬆️

    A nice day is predicted 25*C, northerly, humidity 82%
    I have two friends coming over for dinner. The menu plan is chicken breast seared in olive oil, fresh ginger, lemon zest and garlic then to finish off add a good squeeze of lemon juice to make a sauce. I’ll do a sorrel vinaigrette for a roast vegetable salad and some torn lettuce leaves from the garden; fresh apricots and nectarines for dessert with a simple syrup out of honey, white wine and fresh fennel seeds to bring out their flavour.
    Of course you noticed @funshipfreddie!! My plan is steady as she goes for eating to get to the last day of January!!

    Thank you @brightonbelle for offering to host. My turn is coming up but I’m away twice before the end of the month/beginning of the next…
    @j’aifaim Condolences for your SIL’s sister. I hope she was able to have a peaceful end.
    @northgeorgia Good numbers this morning!! All the best with the Dr.
    @penz I’m with you on the speeding ticket. Imagine going to the race track instead of paying a fine!!!
    @molij We are down to 30km/hr which is around the same speed in many city areas… Why don’t people use their heads and drive to the conditions… the fluctuating speed zones are a licence to write tickets and put up a whole lot of signs that create visual pollution and confusion…

    Wow!! Three whole days to go!!
    There’s a big FD coming up tomorrow 😁

    Day 29, WFD, Aus

    Ok. It is going to be a WFD today. I’ve done my 6km walk with the dogs and have planned to do some volunteer work weeding in our nearby nature reserve this evening. So that gets me busy and out of the kitchen; keys to success. I’m even going to start a pocket list because I will need the support today!

    But I do wish you hadn’t shared your menu, @merryapple. It sounds delicious!

    Day 29 pocket list:

    Day 29 – Ireland – CD🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾

    157.1 ⬇️

    Good morning everyone!

    I hope everyone is well on this himpfay humpday 😂. I am a little out of sorts this week but one foot in front of the other we go. Thank you so much for your kind thoughts. 💕

    I’m sorry I don’t have much chat this morning but am here and with you all as we roll to the end of the week and month. Thank you @brightonbelle for offering to host February ⭐

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

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