Hello Southern Hemispherites!!

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  • Good morning SHs

    I overdid the food yesterday, including biscuits which I don’t normally even have in the house. I’d bought them for visiting family and hid the leftovers in the pantry – unfortunately I found them yesterday and ate all 5. I had indigestion last night and feel a bit seedy this morning so although it’s a NFD it will be a light one.

    Sybs, I am almost 56 and like Thin, my FDs are pretty repetitive. Initially I tried lots of recipes, but settled on a small number of meals that are quick to make and that I enjoy eating. I found that meals that are quick to get on the table is important on FDs and repetition isn’t an issue when it’s only 2 meals a week. My FD meal choices are omelettes with veggie fillings, veg stirfry with a little chicken, hearty veg soups like minestrone (without the pasta), 1 cup of legume based curry or stew with steamed veg.
    All of my FD meals have generous quantities of veg so that they are filling. They also include one high protein food, but I don’t eat starchy cabs on FDs other than those in legumes.
    My FD consists of several cups of tea (with milk but no sugar) drunk whenever I feel like them. Dinner is the only meal I eat – anywhere from 5-7pm depending on how my hunger is going. Occasionally I will have a small piece of fruit mid afternoon, although over time this has become less necessary. I no longer count calories on FDs, because I know that all of my dinners are well within the calorie limits, but my FDs come in roughly in the 350-450range.

    Nap, I also understand that sense of being controlled by food and feeling insecure despite having lost 50kg. My life used to be like that too. Even after losing all the weight I had so much trouble maintaining that I was even more obsessed and every time I cut back it seemed to lead to another binge. I found it necessary to stop counting calories every day to move away from this pattern. I also adopted a mostly plant based balanced diet with a fairly high fibre content and little added sugar and few processed foods. I didn’t change all at once, but made gradual changes. I don’t like the way I feel when I deviate too far from this. I also make a point of cooking things I like to eat – enjoying the meals that you eat is important to not building a sense of deprivation. Luckily I really like most veg and I like legumes.
    I used to think I couldn’t get through the week without some treat foods. I started eating them differently. Eat each mouthful slowly and concentrate on the flavours and textures – I found that one small portion was satisfying whereas before I would have just about inhaled the first portion and then been immediately looking for a second serve. I also got to a point where I started to question whether that food was really worth the calories. If I choose to eat a high calorie food and it’s not great I don’t finish it, as it’s not worth the calories. If I have to do a FD to balance out a treat food then it better be worth it, it better be spectacular because I’m paying a dietary price for the indulgence.
    That doesn’t mean I don’t ever revert back to old habits, but over time the frequency has decreased a lot. Yesterday I ate things I normally wouldn’t and today I’m following what my body is telling me – it want’s light fresh food to counteract the fat and sugar in the biscuits I ate yesterday. I don’t beat myself up about these detours anymore, just go back to healthy eating at the next meal or the next day.

    Have a good day everyone, I need to go as the door installer is about to arrive. I’ll have a new back door and laundry door shortly.

    Morning Nap, I really feel for you. I never had any formal diagnosis for my lifetime of eating disorder, there probably isn’t even a name for it but I was certainly an over-eater and had (perhaps have) many ‘issues’ surrounding food. I understood perfectly why I was behaving as I was around food but couldn’t do anything about it. I didn’t ‘learn’ to handle any of it but am convinced that years of rigidly adhering to two FDs a week have naturally shaped how I behave with food without my realising it. That’s why I say keep going.

    One positive change that’s ‘happened’ to me is that I no longer obsess about what other people are putting in their mouths. One of my weird behaviours was competing with my OH for food. I now just think, ‘that’s your insulin’. He can eat all the bread he wants, for example, and I no longer feel I have to get my ‘share’. I can happily make him a sandwich and have no desire to eat lunch. Of course I am still the same person I always was. I could still eat half a tub of Connoisseur – but for some reason, I just don’t.

    I think it would be good if you could get your OH on board especially if he needs to lose a bit of weight. A lot of people wait until they have a health scare to do something about their diet – maybe you could have a conversation around that. My OH, who’s never gained an ounce since high school, agreed to fast with me for support and amazingly stuck it out for 11 months. He immediately lost too much weight so we had to bulk him up on NFDs and he switched to 6:1 quite quickly. But even he learned a lot – for one thing, the sky won’t fall in if we skip a meal.

    I can only speak of my own experience, others have their own take, of course. For me, mastering the two FDs and rigidly adhering to them no matter what life is chucking up forms the backbone of this WOL. I’m a B&W person, there are no grey areas, so it’s either ON or it’s OFF. I’ve never missed a FD in 42 months because I don’t trust myself to lapse. The rest is a work in progress and these are the aspects that are modified according to the individual person. In your case, you’ve had a huge success but you see this junk food day as a sort of reward. I think this is what’s holding you back from getting control over food. Especially now that you agree you feel bad afterwards. So, you’ve had this junk day ritual for a long time to get you through but now you ARE through, it’s time to wean yourself off that.

    These are just my thoughts Nap, I’m not trying to tell you how to run your life. You select the things that resonate from what everyone writes. I’ve been maintaining since about Aug 2015. 59.6kg today, squeaking under 60kgs for 2-3 weeks, never allow myself to go over 61kgs. Enjoying the first of two wonderfully frothy coffees after a great Sunday FD!

    Hello Cinque! I’ve written enough but loved your post. Don’t worry, the people JJulie and I write about are not reading this thread. They’re busy making their way through the breakfast buffet like locusts.

    P.S. Hello LJ. Your post appeared. I shall read that with my second coffee. Have a lovely day! Dont work too hard.

    Cinque – I have always loved fruit, vegies, fish – growing up poor in Berlin after WW2, meat wasn’t something we ate terribly often, as we could not afford it, and I never liked sweetened drinks.
    BUT I love good sourdough/rye bread, butter, brie and other yummy cheeses, and worst of all, I absolutely love dark chocolate! Since I started 5:2 / 16:8 about 3 weeks ago, I have not had any of these. If I get a sweet craving I roast up some red caps or butternut pumpkin, and for chocolate craving, I simply sprinkle 1 or 2 teaspoons of good cocoa powder (NOT drinking chocolate or Milo) on my yoghurt.

    Ooh look, we are on page 300!

    Sybs, I am with you on good bread and dark chocolate! And a little bit with the cheese. When it comes time to give yourself a treat, it will be a lovely one.
    Your childhood must have been very hard, I am so glad to hear of a life full of beautiful walks now, and delicious healthy food.
    Isn’t it wonderful how sweet some veggies are (especially roasted). I have cut out sugar, so I nearly swoon when I eat roasted butternut, red capsicum, sweet potato… Oh yum.
    I have found that I can make a cuppa with good cocoa and milk and no sweetening at all, and get my chocolate hit that way.

    LJoyce, hoping the new door work goes easily and well.

    Hi all, hope you are all well and fasting well,

    Check-in: 65.2kg (10 st 3 1/2 lbs)
    FD today.

    Onwards and Downwards
    And if you fall off the horse get back on.

    Your difficulties at the moment really highlight how we all have things in common, but also are very different in how we need to use 5:2 to make a sustainable change in our lives.

    I realised early on how so many emotional things were going on in my binge eating and comfort eating, and eating to keep my anger down, so I have been working for over 40 years to try not to beat myself up and feel ashamed.

    I have come a long way, but food and eating are so complicated! There are the pathways in our brain, the messages sent by our gut flora, the messages in the ads and TV and films and fashion, our own feelings of the difficulties of being overweight, our mother’s voice in our heads, the teasing of kids at school, and the temptations of food around.

    My best strategy is to put all those messages aside, as best I can, and try to really taste and enjoy what I put in my mouth. Try to listen to what my body is really telling me about what I want and how the food tastes. (My poor body is often very confused).

    You might need to say ‘No’ if peanut butter and cheese set off mammoth binges for you, or other horrible health effects, but my instinct is to say, if it isn’t a fast day, make yourself a plate of toast and peanut butter (if that is how you like peanut butter best), no more than two slices. Sit down and enjoy every bite. Notice how good it tastes. Eat slowly. Savour it. Then when you are finished, remember how it tastes, and what a pleasure it was, and keep that memory with you. What a yummy meal.

    Then wait three or four hours til your next mealtime and make a meal that uses your favourite cheese in your favourite way. Think about what a sensible portion would be. Be kind to yourself by not making it too big or too small. Sit down and enjoy every bite. Notice how good it tastes. Eat slowly. Savour it. Then when you are finished, remember how it tastes, and what a pleasure it was, and keep that memory with you. What a yummy meal.

    Afterwards you can think about how you will eat these foods you love in the future. If they get in the way of eating enough vegetables, you might have to make them a once a week treat. If you didn’t enjoy them as much as you thought you might want to try a different recipe, or put them further down your list of favourite foods. But both peanut butter and cheese are good foods to be part of a healthy diet, and hopefully you can make them part of your healthy diet.

    This is what I had to do for myself, and it changed my thinking and language away from beating myself up.
    What undermined me was sugar: I might eat chocolate mindfully, but the sugar set off the insistent, intolerable cravings, and all the mindfulness techniques in the world didn’t help. However a fast day, and as much mindfulness as I can muster, break the cycle. Phew.

    What I know is that you have been magnificent in getting 50kg off, and have maintained it impressively. When it started to creep up you immediately changed your behaviour, and when that didn’t seem to be helping you asked your peers for ideas. You should be so proud.
    You will definitely work out what to do.

    My tips:
    1. Consider eating food you love. Especially food that is part of a healthy diet like peanut better and cheese. Eat it mindfully. Then tot up the calories and see how it fits into your regime.

    2. Maybe use your waist measurement instead of your scales to measure yourself.

    3. Tape measure or scales, plot it out over a couple of months so you see the trend, instead of day to day fluctuations.

    4. Don’t forget the whoosh effect: http://100down.org/the-whoosh-effect/

    I love the tip about non food rewards, and only eat the junk food if there is nothing in the world you would rather have. (And then eat it mindfully!).

    It will be so interesting to see how you work this out. All power to you.

    Again, thanks for everyone’s input – I have read and reread over all you have said. I find it fascinating that on some level many of us are fighting the same battles, when it comes to food/eating. I guess some of us need to undo damage (be it physical or emotional damage) before we can move on as well.

    CalifDreamer, you have a good point, about just buying what can be consumed in the one sitting when it comes to junk. I always joke about how I shop, gearing up for the zombie apocalypse – maybe I should make an exception with the junk. I am going to hop over and have a look at Cinques bean soup – I love beans and legumes, so that could be right up my alley.
    I have also forgone alcohol, mainly because of the empty calories. I realised I would rather have a piece of cheesecake, than drink the same amount of calories!

    Joyce, I can totally relate. I assumed when I hit maintenance, it would be easier, I would relax, etc. But once I realised it wasn’t going to be that easy, I started becoming more obsessed. I felt like every moment was looked at in terms of food – calories in, fat burnt, those magic numbers on the scales. I like the idea that it took you not counting calories everyday to feel more in control. I think it is something I am going to really think about trying.

    Thin, you wrote that you don’t obsess over what others are eating. I realised I do, but am getting better on fast days. It doesn’t bother me now if OH has something different/yummy on fd, I can deal with it. On nfd? Well, that’s a work in progress, I guess!
    I wish I could get OH on board, too. He complains about his big belly, but doesn’t want to do anything about it. I tried fasting on Sunday to stop the bingeing – but also in the hope he would fast with me. But I get the ‘I’m fasting today, too’ line – but he says that while stuffing his face with a sandwich and piece of cake! I guess he is not at the point of being willing to change anything, although I am cooking healthy, portion controlled meals for us both.
    You are so right – I see the junk day as a reward, but really it isn’t a reward anymore. I do find if I have one thing, then I find it hard to stop, and I just want to keep eating junk. So maybe if I want something, I make sure I only have the one thing in the house, and I keep it in my mind that I can have that one thing only. Then I am still having my treat, but it isn’t a full on junk day, which leaves me feeling just terrible.
    It is encouraging to read how you (and others) have been able to maintain, after all this time.

    Cinque, thank you for posting about your experiences. I do like the idea of having my peanut butter and cheese, and just ensure I savour it, and not just scoff it down. I think I will try that, as I am tired of feeling deprived all the time.
    I haven’t read about the whoosh effect before. It was a great article to read. I often wondered how the numbers on the scale often didn’t tally up with the sort of week I had, and that helps make sense of it all. Instead of feeling like I have failed (and then often feeling like eating everything in sight), hopefully I will be able to remember that, and just keep plodding on.

    Again, many thanks to you all. Your advice is greatly appreciated.

    I have been trying to write for the best part of the day – just as I’m ready to post, another client comes in. How inconsiderate of them (haha) . Nap, I am so impressed with what you have achieved, and hope you can burst your way through where you are at the moment. I’ve read the advice of our stalwarts here on SH – Cinque, Thin, LJ, JJ, and I have taken from those posts too. I am also struggling – but will keep at it. I have changed what I eat though. I crave fruit when I want something sweet (my FD lately starts after lunchtime, with a white nectarine), and if I do indulge, I tend to go for something that’s not as rich, not as big. I also make sure I only eat ‘good’ food, even if it falls into the ‘treat’ category. eg I’ll eat Lindt dark chocolate, never dairy milk. I guess this WOL has made me much more conscious of what I put into my body.
    LJ, Cinque my pub meal was a disaster. Noisy, so no real conversation , and my husband got confused and ordered the chicken dish he likes (with avocado, sauce and chips), instead of the chicken and salad I’d asked for. I felt cheated! My mindful weekends are going well though – no wine over the weekend, and instead of ordering an ice-cream when we were out on Sunday, I just had a scoop or two of my OH’s. Funny, but the taste was enough.
    Merry how are you going with your reduced starch? Having the desired effect?

    Great posts everyone. We all deserve a pat on the back just because we are here! So many people cannot do this on any level so three cheers for us!

    CalifD, references were made to your comments but I hadn’t seen your post so I will have to ‘thumb’ back through. There’s one other way that my thinking has changed a bit since being in this maintenance mode – especially now that people are no longer asking, ‘how did you lose all that weight?’. Since I’m at a healthy weight for the first time since my late twenties, I’m now thinking less about ‘how I lost all that weight’ because it was really more about ‘how did I let myself get to those dizzying new weight heights for all those years?’ So, my thinking is less about the achievement of the weight loss now and more about the achievement of being back to a good, healthy weight again. This is no marvel, this is my ‘normal’ now and it’s where I belong. No more losing loads of weight and then piling it all back on two years later. I don’t think I’ve explained that properly. Let’s just say it’s for life, no matter where we are on the spectrum right now.

    Mung beans simmering. Giant bag of spinach in the fridge. I am really looking forward to dinner!

    Thin, you expressed that perfectly: this weight that you are at now, after losing is normal. This is where you belong. You certainly don’t belong at the higher weight that you somehow, mistakenly got to before. I’m going to say those words to myself every day, “This is normal. This is where you belong.” Such a simple phrase, but so empowering!
    You said something else a couple weeks ago, I can’t remember exactly what type of food the discussion was about, but you said that we deserve the very best. I’ve thought of that when looking at a (relatively) cheap bag of crisps which used to be one of my binge foods, and thinking, “I’m just craving the salt. I’ll get the thinly sliced smoked salmon instead and have some of that.” Or instead of a couple cheap chocolate candy bars I’ll buy 1 or 2 fancy hand made truffles. I end up eating less and being more satisfied with what I’ve eaten. The price of each keeps me from buying large amounts of either. Win win!

    Hi everyone, it’s been a while so I thought I would come on and say hi. I must admit that I hit a wobbly patch during December. It was my birthday at the end of November and that was the first of my excuses. Then I was on holidays and the festive season was coming ( more excuses). I knew I would go back to my FDs but I thought I could just have a little break. Big mistake.
    I only put on a couple of kgs but it has been hard to get them back off. I’m back on track now. Your posts have been a great help. So thank you 🙂

    Welcome back Quacka, you’re here now and lovely to re-connect with you properly CalifD. Yes, I said that because we are eating less, everything must count. So we deserve the very best. LJ often says that something has to be ‘worth’ the calorie expenditure.

    Thin, My fast was from Monday to Friday last week. I then decided to eat meat on the weekend. Therefore I made the salad with the kangaroo for dinner on Saturday night for our BBQ outing. Sunday night I put some skinless/boneless chicken thighs into an oven bag and sprinkled some Harissa over them and put into the oven. I had one thigh only, they shrank quite a lot so it was very small. OH ended up having 3 of them. I served the chicken with salad.
    Today, Monday, I am back on the fast again. I made miso soup with cabbage, mushrooms and tofu. I had a bowl for lunch and another for dinner. My snack was celery sticks with a little light hommus.
    Tomorrow I will make pumpkin soup.

    Nap, I am loving reading all the posts back and forth with all the advise for you. There is so much information that I am learning as well.

    Cinque, thank you for the well wishes. My special fasting has been great and easy to maintain. I am surprised that my body has not been craving any junk foods. I am glad that I thought of making the low cal jelly as I have been having it as a treat for dessert and not feeling guilty about it.

    JJulie are you fasting 5 days every week? Or just last week? Sorry, I got behind with posts.

    Merry, I loved your post using both kg and stones and pounds. I remember when I was younger I used to be about 8 stone and did not move much. I could not get my head around kgs at that time. Now everything is in kg and I cant convert back.

    Hi Quacka, good to hear from you.

    Penguin, hope you are reading the posts. I am interested in how you are going with your water fast and also how Mrs Penguin is going too.

    I have found a place in our bedroom where I can put the scales and not have to move them. They tell me I am 2kg heavier than what I weigh when in the ensuite, but I have decided that if I am loosing weight they should be telling me readings I want to see again in the next couple of days.
    I am feeling less bloated than I was two weeks ago. I am taking this as a positive even though I have not lost as much as I thought I should on a 5 day fast.

    This week is a new week!!

    Yes Thin,
    5 days every week until my next overseas trip.

    Wow! And when is the o/seas trip? How many cals in your fast? (Sorry, I’m sure you must have told everyone this). Did Australians use stones and lbs before kilos? When did that change? I’ve gone through them all, stones growing up in the UK, then lbs in the USA and now kgs.

    Lots of posts.

    LJoyce. I liked your trowel. I have an old gardening tool I watched my father buy about 60 years ago. He called it a “Tatie hack” and used it to dig the trench in which he planted potatoes and then earth them up. It still gets used.

    Cinque. You can still confuse me. Thank you for the Yuba explanation in your later post. I think we can count ourselves none-smokers. On one of the anti-smoking features it gave a time scale to get it out of the system and we are both well past it.

    Naptime. Hi. I know that junk food experience. Last week we had the grandchildren with us and we ate like they do. Not good for us (or them).

    Thinatlast. Like Cinque you can broaden my horizons. When this post is finished I shall research Spanish Fideos.

    Sybcairns./ Quacka Hi both.

    Merry. I fuel my car in litres. The car, which is less than a year old, tells me my fuel economy in miles per gallon – UK gallons because the US gallon is different and it knows that. I measure in inches or centimetres depending on which rule I pick up. In UK I walk miles, in Europe I walk Kilometres. I weigh myself in stones, record it on the chart as pounds but buy things in kilograms. Isn’t this normal?

    OH and I are now six hours from ending our five day fast. After day two of the water only fast I felt no hunger. OH, who was doing a normal low cal fast day for the five days did feel hungry at times. I guess the difference is that my body got used to no food. We did it for health reasons rather than weight loss, but OH lost four pounds and I am down seven so far. There were never any problems. Sleeping fine, although I found I needed about an hour less. I was up bright and early this morning feeling fit, healthy and energetic. I feel so good that I am not sure I want to eat later today, but OH is insisting. Actually there is a problem. The new moleskin trousers I bought last month will have to go to the charity shop, they are now much too large and too good to throw away.

    Next trip is 17th March back to Singapore.
    I am trying to keep to 400 calories per day for 5 days Monday to Friday and also following 16:8 and not eating after 8pm at night. I am then having normal days Saturday and Sunday where I eat a little meat but still keep to no more than 1200 cal per day. Cinque told me it is called the Fast Mimicking Diet.
    Yes Australia used stones and lbs, we changed from pounds, schillings and pence in 1966. Then it was in 1977 that the measurements were changed.

    Merry. Since posting that I have remembered that when I lived in Germany, where they have had the metric system for about 200 years, I could go to the village butcher and buy things by the “Pfund”, which was 500 grammes.

    JJulie, that’s funny, we didn’t go decimal for currency in the UK until 1971. I was in high school so it was annoying at first but we all got used to it very quickly because it was so much easier. I hope you have good success with that new regime. It sounds punishing. But you are very determined.

    That’s for the progress report Penguin. You’ve both done well. How often do you plan to do this – or haven’t you got that far yet?

    Thin. According to the Longevity book, people of my advanced age should not be doing this at all, unless of “superior health”. I hit my initial weight target last year and re-set it seven pounds down. I am now on the re-set target. I think I will aim for another seven pounds, but gently. I will do OH’s version of 5:2 – eat lightly on FDs and throw in a five day fast every two or three months, for the longevity reasons, not weight loss.

    I had my six-monthly cancer blood test and a few other tests last week courtesy of the National Health Service. Results CEA (cancer markers) OK, glucose OK, liver function OK, cholesterol OK, low on Vitamin B12/iron. Re-test tomorrow and speak to the doc. My Mum was right – must eat more greens. Daft thing is that having made some major changes in my diet just pre-fast, my B12 readings will probably come up anyway.

    Penguin, congrats to you and OH for sticking with the 5 day fast! Only a few more hours now happy to hear that your blood tests all came out well. The B12 and iron can usually be corrected with supplements or adding something to your diet.

    Julie, congrats on getting through you 5 FD last week. It’s an ambitious goal to stick with it until your trip next month. Hope you lose all the weight that you want to.

    I don’t know why the US doesn’t go with the metric system. It’s so much easier to understand. I changed my bathroom scale and switched to kg around 6 months ago or more because I figured I would be less obsessive about weighing and every daily fluctuation. It worked well for a long time because it was less familiar with it. But now that I only think of my weight in kg, I’m used to it and still obsess when I see a few (or more) grams increase or decrease from one day to the next. I’ve changed myfitnesspal and my Garmon step tracker to kg too, so that’s all I ever see. One thing for sure, it’s nice to see a smaller number like 58 or 59 as opposed to 128 or 129.

    Quake, good to see you again!

    Good morning everyone,
    I’m everything metric except my height.. and the weight of new born babies. Hooray for online calculators!

    Merry, only a minute more and you’ll be under that 65. Good luck with the project. Obviously it was nothing to do with the Winter Olympics, maybe the SA elections?

    So glad you got something useful to go on with Nap, well, lots of things 🙂 . You might love that Nigerian Bean Stew, it has peanut butter in it!
    It was so nice reading the excellent posts through the day.

    We do deserve the best.
    And what a wonderful mantra for the maintainers: This is normal. This is where you belong.
    Thanks Thin and Cali.

    Oh dear, that was a pub disaster Lindsay. Damn.
    But don’t you describe nicely how we make those changes to eating better through better quality. (And yay for everyone else who made the same point).

    Quakka, so glad you popped in. You have had a bad start to the year. What a pity. Hooray for being back on track.I love the way those two fast days keep us in line for the non fast days. I couldn’t do without them.

    Cheers for reaching the end of your fast Penguin. It obviously suited you well. Dr Longo seems to be so cautious with his Longevity book. Understandable. My sister might be considering doing it, and if she does, I might do it with her. (I’ll ring you in too Thin). Surely your B12 and iron can’t be too low if you are so energetic. Hope that the tests today are fine.

    JJulie, I have to admit, you might just be mimicking the Fast Mimicking Diet, but whatever you are doing it seems really sensible and doable.
    I wonder how you will then handle eating on your trip? Have fun planning for it.
    Oh those pesky scales adding on 2kg, but look in the mirror, they haven’t really.

    Good grief it is 9 o’clock already.
    Cheers all, best wishes for an excellent day.

    Good morning SHS,

    I get to paint my brand new back door today – before it gets rained on later in the week – if it’s not painted by then it might warp! I’m going to be dramatic and paint the front and back doors dark grey. My roof is dark grey tiles so I think that will work, despite the rest of the woodwork being white.
    Choosing front door colours remind me of those rows of georgian houses in Dublin that all have different strongly coloured front doors. I suppose you need some way to find your house when the design and stone is all the same.

    Thin, yes we did use stones and pounds here until moving to the metric system in the 70s. I have an elderly aunt who still needs kilos converted to stones for her to understand how much it is. I also still find feet and inches gives me a clearer idea of how tall someone is than centimetres. I was in high school when this changed and I remember having to relearn some mathematics in metric. I can still think in both measurement systems, which helps when using either American or old family recipes. I also used to do a lot of quilting and all tools for this craft are American and are in inches, so I had to get used to that when handling fabric.
    Basically you can assume that we originally used every system that Britain did until we finally realised we could think for ourselves! The first thing to move was the currency – we moved from pounds and pence to the Aussie dollar at the beginning of 1966. I was 3 years old and one of my first memories is dad bringing home a paper bag that contained one of each new coin and also $1 and $2 notes. I remember us all handling them and commenting on their difference. For a while, some of the old currency coins could still be used in the new system – a sixpence was worth 5 cents and a schilling 10 cents. I guess it gave the mint more time to make enough of the new currency.

    Penguin, Mrs P & JJulie, well done on those 5 day fast. Though seriously, doing it every week sounds like quite a trauma to me – I hope you are well rewarded with looser clothes by the time you go on holiday JJulie.
    Penguin, it’s very good to know that your cancer markers were all ok. You might find this list useful: http://www.foodstandards.gov.au/science/monitoringnutrients/nutrientables/nuttab/Pages/default.aspx Just select “browse nutrient list” and then “B12” – I did the same thing last week for potassium!
    Penguin, I also have a garden spade that my grandpa altered to attach a small flat piece where your boot goes – makes it easier to push into the soil without the sharp top edge damaging the sole – this spade was handed down to my dad and then to me – still works very well.

    Quacka, glad you are back. Hope you get back into the swing of things very quickly. It’s easy to get sidetracked and one week off becomes several.
    I agree strongly with Thin’s approach, that regardless of what life throws at you, keep the 2 fasting days, even if the non fast days are a disaster.

    On the weekend I was looking at my collection of meals in the freezer, wondering what I could use as FD meals to avoid cooking while I finish the reno work. I realised that both the mung bean stew and the Nigerian stew could be turned into soups by adding broth – 1 cup of stew plus a cup or more of broth would be filling and low enough in calories. I think the peanutty taste of the Nigerian stew would be a real treat as a soup. It also means I can turn one container of stew into 2 FD meals – bargain!

    Well, I’ve finished my pot of tea (“morning red” this morning – that just a T2 blend of assam and keemun teas). I need to get to the painting.

    Have a good day all. I’m fasting today. I have a bowl of leftover stirfry veg & chicken from Saturday, so dinner is sorted today.

    I had a sleep in until 7am. So JJulie’s doing the FMMD. A brave effort nonetheless. Cinque you are very amusing. I can’t imagine you ever getting angry (as you’d mentioned a post or two back). You have such a gentle and tolerant manner.

    Penguin, my LD book hasn’t arrived yet but I remember you’d read that you were warned off the FMD due to the maturity of your years. I have a picture of a very fit, learned and youthful 70 something year old. I’m betting that in your mental and physical condition, you’re not any risk in participating in anything suitable for someone 20 years younger. How was that first meal?

    Cinque, if my book comes in time and your sister prompts you to go ahead, please count me in. A group effort would be a hoot. Maybe CalifD will join us. Has your sister done any fasting or does she plan to leap in with a 5 day fast?

    CalifD, I didn’t manage as well as you when switching systems. When I moved from the US to Oz and entered the relatively low world of kgs from the high number in lbs,, I became complacent about my weight as the numbers didn’t mean much but seemed low. Now I only think in kgs except my height, like you Cinque. When I convert my current weight back to lbs, I am well-pleased.

    Morning LJ, yours has just arrived. Thanks for the account. Have a good FD.

    Good Morning all – another glorious morning in Cairns. Gosh I am happy to be back here after almost 10 years in Indonesia. It really makes you appreciate the things we have here, like beautiful parks and gardens, and mostly free of litter :-))
    I have noticed that I don’t eat as much on NFDas I used to, and really not all that much more than on FD – is that ok, or will my system signal “famine” and start storing instead of shedding?

    sorry, I forgot to ask something else.

    I like “quark” but can only get full cream here, and very expensive. So as an alternative I use 99,8% fat free, natural yoghurt and tip the the contents into a chux cloth in a strainer, and let all the liquid drip out. After about 8 hours I have my low fat quark. My question – does the end result, which is about 50% of the original weight (that’s 250g left from a 500g container), have the same calorie value as the yoghurt with the liquid?

    Cinque, I did not realise it until you mentioned it but I too still think of babies and lbs and ounces and if someone asked me my height I would still say 5ft 2!!!! although my drivers licence says otherwise.
    As far is this mimicking diet is concerned, yes it is seeming to be doable and I am enjoying the strict routine I have put myself into. I am very determined this time.
    I was pleased with the little weight loss I saw this morning on the scales, but also I just feel different in myself. I have definitely lost some of the bloaty feeling I had.
    As far as eating on my trip, now thats a tricky one. The hotel I am staying in includes breakfast and happy hour with nibbles from 6pm – 8pm. I can limit my alcohol intake by mixing half a glass of wine with soda water and passing all those sweet treats they put out as well as the fried foods. I also plan on doing some walking so that will help too.
    Sybscairns, sorry cant answer your question, but it is a good one!!
    What time do you start your walk in the mornings? I could meet you and we could go together. I dont care if it is early as it is cooler then.

    Hi Just:

    Re your FMD – are you using the ProLon version, or did you develop your daily intake from a recipe you found on line or in a book? There are so many versions floating around, I’m just trying to keep track.


    Julie – I start around 7am – you could park your car at the end of McPherson Close, it’s a “no through road” and I meet you there. Just for your info, I walk fast enough to get my heart rate up, but not really terribly fast – and sometimes I stop to take photos. Or we can meet at the entrance to the Chinese Friendship Garden around 7.10, that’s between freshwater and saltwater lakes. To help you spot me, I am about 5 foot 6 (169cm) have short, grey hair, glasses.

    Time for a lunch break – a pot of tea and a small banana.
    I have the first coat of dark grey on both doors. Looks a bit streaky as both doors were previously white. I’m hoping that once it has 2 or 3 coats it will be a uniform dark grey. It was a bit of a shock to see it at first – I’m used to choosing pale colours.
    I have to leave both doors open to dry – so the wet paint doesn’t stick to the door jam. I’ve just had to chase a wasp out of the back door – why the smell of fresh paint didn’t deter them I don’t know. I’ve given up trying to stop the flies getting in. I’ll have to chase them down with a tin of fly spray later.

    Sybscairns, to work out the calories in the homemade quark, you need to work out how many calories are in the whey that you drained off. Whey from milk that’s drained off when making cheese has 116kj (28calories) per 100ml/100g. To work out the calorie count in 100g of your quark, start with the calories in 200g of the original yoghurt, then subtract the calories in 100g of whey. The result will be the calories for 100g of your quark.

    Thin & Cinque, if we are doing a group FMD and you guys can wait until March to start, then I’ll join you. (I don’t want to attempt it this month, I have too many hard days.) I think it’s easier to tackle new and possibly difficult things as a group.

    Ah Joyce, you are a star – thank you for the info about whey. It’s really a shame to through it out, maybe I can save it and use it for something else?

    JJulie and Sybs, I’m excited that you might get together! JJulie, I agree re: the discipline part. One of the best things about my FDs is that it makes me feel good (smug actually) to be able to exercise the discipline required to complete the fast, regardless of what else is happening around me.

    P.S. LJ, we keep posting together. I’m happy to put it off as long as possible. I would like to have read the book first. It would be brilliant to have you with us. (And I’m not just saying that because it means we’ll have someone knowledgable to guide us with the appropriate nutrients.) My OH returns from outback Qld tomorrow for a couple of weeks. I’d prefer to do it when he’s not here but I suppose it wouldn’t matter too much.

    P.P.S. Hi Merry!

    Hi all,
    Penguin and Mrs P. Well done!
    Julie did you do 5 days too?
    Cinque – World peace🙂
    LJ and Nap -welcome back Nap, and good advice from LJ
    Thin and everyone else – hi wwwww waving

    Lindsay – struggling a little giving up all starchy carbs again. Konjak noodles helping.

    Must go…
    Onwards and Downwards

    simcoeluv, I have not followed any special diets really. I just was inspired by Penguin and Mrs Penguin when they were talking about a 5 day fast. I had started my normal B2B FD and was finding it really easy on the Tuesday 2nd day fast that I decided to continue on with it for the Wed, Thurs and Fri. Although the Thurs was my daughter’s birthday and we had already decided on a restaurant for dinner, I chose something I thought was fitting for the diet. I have tried to keep to 400 calories for the day, except I think I was over on the Thursday. I have not eaten meat during the 5 days except the sashimi salmon I had at the Thursday birthday dinner. And I have also been following the idea of not eating until midday and not eating after 8pm, e.g. 16:8. Then for the weekend I have added a small amount of meat to my dinner still keeping with 16:8. In effect I have been doing 2:5 rather than 5:2. I have decided to be strict with myself as I have just not been doing anything else properly.

    Sybscairns, Do you walk every morning? I could meet you tomorrow morning in McPherson Close. I hope I can keep up with you!! But I like the idea of taking photos along the way. I can bring my camera with me too!! I am 5 foot 2, blond hair, glasses, driving a maroon Captiva.

    Merry, yes 5 days of a diet I thought I had made up myself only to find out that it is called the Fast Mimicking Diet. Anyhow I was pleased with the result and am doing it again this week, so today is now day 2 of the second week and I have made pumpkin soup for today.

    Thin, yes I am glad to find someone else from Cairns on here too. I have envied your meet ups for coffee etc with some of the others.

    Hi Juli:

    Thanks! The fasting mimicking diet is being discussed quite a bit in the diet world right now, and some are trying to formulate their own FMDs to try to duplicate Dr. Longo’s ProLon – usually without success.

    I understand you are doing a five day low calorie diet comprised of foods of your choosing.

    Nothing wrong with that!

    But it is not a FMD (nor does it have to be to lose weight).

    Good Luck!

    Sybscairns, you can use whey instead of water or milk in baking (eg bread or scones). Apparently it can also be heated and cultured to make a low fat ricotta cheese – not that I’ve ever tried. You can also use it instead of water when fermenting vegetables, eg kimchi or sauerkraut.
    I also forgot to mention that all of the calories in whey come from carbohydrate, so you’ve lost none of the protein and fat that was in the yoghurt. I’m not sure about the calcium content.

    Julie – looking forward to walking with you tomorrow

    Joyce – thank you for the added info – fermenting vegetables is on my to-do list, so that’s what I’ll use it for.

    I had not heard of the FMD until someone mentioned that what I was doing was similar to it. I am really happy with the foods I have been eating. Miso soup with mushrooms and tofu, pumpkin soup and also a minestrone without the pasta. I have also made some great mixed salads and celery with hummus for a treat. I have also been having diet jelly. This may not be any proper diet but so far I am feeling happy with what I have been doing. I have lost some weight, how much I am unsure as my scales are like a yoyo and can be up and down with different readings even in the space of 30 seconds of being on them. But I definitely feel lighter in myself.
    I have been very strict with myself and watching what I put into my mouth. I have also taken control of my alcohol intake which is a big step for me. I have chosen not to have anything so far although I did decide that I definitely will not have any alcohol between Monday and Friday and only allow it as a treat on the weekend. For now I am happy not to have any and will reward myself when in Singapore next.

    We get back from Singapore and then depart for Tokyo about three weeks later. That will give me another three weeks to put myself onto another fast.

    Sybscairns, I have told OH to make sure I dont sleep in tomorrow so I dont miss our date!! Looking forward to meeting up with you.

    Hi Julie:

    It sounds like you are doing great! I wouldn’t change a thing.

    I’m just following references to FMDs. The FMD is a very precise diet. It is not like a generic diet (LF, LCHF, WW or the like). So when I hear someone is following a diet they call FMD, I’m curious.

    Thanks for outlining what you are doing, and have a great time on your trip!

    Hi all. Penguin congratulations to you and Mrs P. Such commitment and resolve. Julie good luck with the 5 day fasts … ditto my comment to Mr and Mrs P. Travel is such a minefield for dieters (if that’s what we are)….especially executive lounges and hotel breakfasts. I’m off on Sunday week – Hong Kong and Vietnam – and am facing the same dilemma. Time will tell how I go. My good news though is that I was .8 down after my fast day yesterday. I had a day out with my girlfriend today and we both had a very circumspect (and delicious) lunch followed by a trip to a shop she loves … and where I found a fabulous dress in a size smaller than I usually take. Whoo hoo!
    Off to my son’s for dinner (and dil, but he does the cooking). No worries there. He’s as lean as a pencil…he runs almost every day, and cooks great light Asian food.
    Now I don’t want to boast but …. still alcohol free! Aiming to stay that way until we leave on 4th March. It’s tough because we enjoy a glass and a chat at the end of the day. I also have a tree full of limes just waiting to be made into cocktails. I guess I can freeze them for another time.
    Have a good night all.

    Lindsay, your another traveller!!! I love Hong Kong although I have not been there for a few years now. Used to travel through on my way to the Philippines years ago and then took the kids a couple of times. Have not been to Vietnam, but I hear it is a beautiful place, especially some of the non-touristy areas. Are you going for work or pleasure?
    Agree with the hotels and club lounges. OH travels to Singapore a lot for work so he has a favourite hotel he stays in. They give us a great price for a Club room these days and we get spoilt by the staff. Last trip was work for the both of us but the next trip I am taking our 18YO daughter as she has never been to Singapore. OH will go on to Borneo and leave us in Singapore before returning for a couple of days with us, then fly home. OH then leaves for Kendari in Indonesia sometime between the Singapore and Tokyo flights.
    Anyhow hope you have a great trip!!!

    Well done Lindsay! We loved Vietnam, haven’t been to HK. Have fun walking the FNQueenslanders!

    Did anyone watch, ‘The Pacemakers’ on ABC tonight? So uplifting! I loved it and laughed a lot. Life begins at 90!

    Good day, everyone! Great to see this thread so busy.

    Just a quick note to point out how much weight can vary within a couple of days, obviously due to water or eating more fiber. I know several of you that are still losing were concerned about not losing some days, or even gaining when it didn’t seem warranted. I’ve been hovering in the 58’s and low 59’s mostly for the past few weeks on maintenance. I don’t count calories on NFD and likely eat over my TDEE on most. I count every calorie on my two 500 calorie FDs and never skip either of them. Here’s the last 4 days:

    Feb 16 – 58.1 NFD
    Feb 17 – 58.3 NFD
    Feb 18 – 59.3 NFD
    Feb 19 – 60.7 FD
    Feb 20 – 58.3 NFD

    That’s 2.4 kg or 5.3 pounds overnight. I didn’t feel bloated yesterday at the higher weight and couldn’t feel much difference in the way my clothes fit. I did eat quite a bit on the 17th and 18th. I didn’t get much exercise any of the days other than normal walking. It just goes to show that it isn’t worth getting upset over a day or two of inflated numbers on the scales as long as you’re doing your FD’s.

    CalifD, Your message could not have come at a better time!!!!
    I have just got out of bed in readiness to meet sybscairns for a walk.
    I weighed myself as usual. Yeterday was a good FD. I am not feeling bloated. But the scales this morning say I put on 2.2kg. I just said to OH “this is what makes people give up on dieting, when they put in all the effort and for nothing”
    Then I come out to the kitchen to see your post!!

    Thank you

    Good morning, all. A cold morning down here in NSW – 5C overnight. The cats are sitting next to the cold fireplace, looking longingly at it, hoping some kind person will light it!

    Sybs, I make quark like that, too – and have often wondered about the cals. Thanks, Joyce for clearing that up. I have used the whey in cakes, etc and often freeze if for later use. If I have a fair bit, I also give it to the chooks with bread soaked in it – it is good for them as well.

    CalifDreamer, thank you so much for showing your weight fluctuations. It really helps to see how other people’s weight can fluctuate so much.

    You are all such travellers! I whinged and complained because we had to drive 75 minutes on Sunday to see family!

    I’m still trying 16:8 everyday this week, and it is going ok. The hardest thing is no milk in the morning for my coffee and teas – but other than that, it is not an issue. I didn’t count cals yesterday. I felt like a toasted sandwich with some cheese for lunch, and I had it – and it was lovely. As advised on here, I tried to savour every mouthful.

    Had picked a whole heap of tomatoes yesterday so made a basic tomato soup, and a lovely tomato sauce. If my sauce has red wine vinegar in it, can I freeze it? Not sure how long it will keep in the fridge, and didn’t have the jars to sterilise and seal them.

    I felt like I was doing well – until OH decided pizza was the go last night. We hadn’t had it for months, so I caved. Hopefully the damage won’t be too bad, as I am dying to know if combining the 16:8 and 5:2 is helping shift those pesky extra kilos. I did try and savour it, and I felt like I did enjoy it, rather than just shoving it in – although I felt really full.

    Hope everyone has a good day, fasters and non fasters alike!

    Naptime. I eat 16:8 but allow myself milk in my morning tea/coffee. It doesn’t seem to make any difference. I did read somewhere that you can get away with that without spoiling the 16:8 effect (well that is the excuse I am using).

    I grow masses of tomatoes, prepare them and freeze them, even with wine vinegar in them. The only problem has been that the seeds I put on my compost heap remained seeds and now the most prevalent weed in my garden is the tomato.

    Julie, I’m glad my post helped you. That’s what I was aiming for.

    Nap, I eat pizza almost every Saturday night and have been since I stated 5:2. Saturday is always a NFD. There were a few times when I didn’t because I was on a plateau, or we had something else going on, but usually it’s movie (Netflix or other streaming) and pizza night. I usually stop at 3 slices. 5:2 isn’t about deprivation for me but I mostly try to eat mindfully. Monday and Thursday are always FD. Occasionally the days get moved around but are never skipped.

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