Does 5:2 affect BP?

This topic contains 6 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Misty May 10 years, 6 months ago.

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  • I started this way of eating last Monday so I have only done two days fasting so far. I was browsing through the forum this morning and saw a claim that it caused high BP! I am heading for 50 this year and am on BP tablets which I would love to give up and thought if I lost a few pounds it could be the solution. I am a non smoker, exercise a good deal and am generally healthy and reasonably fit. My bmi is 24 so just within the healthy range. High BP runs in the family.However I have plenty of padding around my tummy area and I think if I could lose 10lbs to bring my BMI down a bit lower would that help to wean me off to BP medication? Has anyone done that using this way of eating? I would love to hear some positive news on this.

    Hi Misty:’

    I’m not aware of any research that shows that weight loss causes increased blood pressure.

    Good Luck!

    I have had high blood pressure since I was 45, I am now 63 years old. Having lost 20lbs or so on the diet I have halved my blood pressure tablet dose. I would like to do without it completely, but it may take more time.

    Misty May, I think I remember one person who posted that she found that fasting temporarily increased her blood pressure. That was an unusual reaction. For many people, losing weight can help to lower blood pressure, although there are no guarantees for each individual case.

    I saw that post and it concerned me which is why I posted my queries. Thanks for all your responses and well done Auriga, you are amazing. That’s great news. I plan to stick with it until the end of the month anyway. In the meantime I will keep an eye on the BP but the general consensus is that reducing body fat improves BP.

    Hi Misty:

    The reason reducing body fat usually lowers blood pressure is interesting. Depending on which expert you want to believe, a pound of fat contains between one and seven miles of blood vessels. So when you lose a pound of fat, your heart has at least a mile less of blood vessels it must pump blood through.

    Will carry on and see how if goes but it should make a big difference if I lost 10lbs or so. Thank you.

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