Complete blow out!

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Angie090465 10 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Oh dear me…

    I have been fasting successfully by doing 4:3 for about 9 weeks now, but yesterday, for some reason, my body went on a total rampage! I ate so much food, in fact much like I used to before I started fasting. My evening meal alone consisted of enough pasta for myself and my hubby (shameful, I know) plus a slab of chocolate. Today, I am asolutely feeling the effects of my relapse….nobody light a match near me please.

    But I am not saddened by this event – in fact I found it rather amusing, simply because I thought it was no big deal, I can resume fasting as normal on my next fast day and it will be as if it never happened. I love that I have learned to forgive myself for occassional misdemeanors on this WOE, something which I never knew how to do before.

    I also cannot believe how I used to do this to my body every single day. I feel like absolute rubbish, and my stomach is so bloated that I could almost take off like a hot air balloon! Live and learn, live and learn.

    That being said – does anyone know of any good remedies for bloating/gas pains and an unsettled tummy?

    Oh Natasha!!

    your post made me smile lol, I have been there too…don’t beat yourself up too much, its a wobble, everyone is entitled to a wobble at some point!!

    now you know what to do, you start again 🙂 as for the bloating…avoid anymore pasta for a start, maybe take some rennie tabs or some other tummy pain remedy?
    you will be fine am sure, and I look forward to your next post 🙂

    now dust yourself up and off you go again 🙂 x

    Thanks for your reply Angie 🙂 I have started again today, although I feel a little weary having had 4 days of non-fasting. It was a very late night last night and a very early start this morning, so a glorious buttery toasted bacon sandwich is much needed but I will resist lol. I jumped on the scales last night to scare myself into keeping on track and I was 3.2lbs heavier than when I last weighed in on Sunday! That cant be proper “weight gain” can it? In 2 days? Im hoping it is just food weight – as I have eaten so much of it lol. I was so close to my mini goal, I don’t know what possessed me. Fingers crossed I will get right back to where I was in no time, because it has taken me about 3 weeks since I started again after christmas to get to 141.8 lbs. from 147lbs. I’ll be pretty miffed if 2 days of weakness has put me right back where I started.


    Got me, but I love your attitude.

    Good Luck!

    Hi Natasha. Your post made me laugh out loud! I’ve done this too and then questioned myself as to why I’d want to make my tummy hurt! I’m sure it’s the carbs that have caused that temporary weight gain; it sounds like you really went for it with that pasta! Have you got any herbal tea for your tummy? Ginger or mint is good.

    Natasha, you will get back there so don’t worry too much!!

    you’ll get back on track and loose it 🙂 good luck and happy fasting 🙂

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