Can't out-exercise a crappy diet

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  ghostgirl 10 years, 10 months ago.

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  • A very fit friend of mine posted the topic on Facebook and it hit home with me. I woke up this morning and had the idea to fast today, reasoning that on any number of days I had to fast before seeing my doctor. So why can’t I pretend that for a day? Then I searched for “is fasting good for you” and came across The Fast Diet website. Well, here I am. Tomorrow is day 2. We shall see…

    Welcome gnade.
    You are right – no amount of exercise can completely compensate for a poor diet.
    Of course just fasting two days a week also doesn’t mean that you automatically have a good diet. Try to follow a good balanced diet on the other five days of the week as well, but having said that, there is no need to beat yourself up for enjoying some of the luxuries of food along the way as well.
    I’m two and a half months into this way of eating and loving it.

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