Been on the 5:2 7 weeks now

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Nicolew 9 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Hi all, I’m Loutopia, I’ve now lost just over a stone in 7 weeks.
    A couple of weeks ago I was sticking at the same weight then suddenly it shifted!
    Hang in there folks, we’re in this together! X

    THANKS Loutopia…I’m at day 10 and my weight has been fluctuating, BUT over all I am down 2lbs so far…had my fast day today, so looking forward to positive results in the morning…early days yet so once again THANKS for the “heads up”…

    has anyone else experienced the “yo yo” effect on 5:2 ??? as for me I am HAPPY that I am on tis journey…even with fluctuating weight…so long as overall it is going down…!!…

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