Approaching Maitenance and Finding Fast Days more difficult?

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Approaching Maitenance and Finding Fast Days more difficult?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  jennybb 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hi Everyone,

    I have been a snooper on the sight for a little while now and want to extend my thanks to all of you for the ongoing encouragement (though you didn’t know you were giving it!)

    I have been doing the diet Since January 4th of this year and to date have lost almost 22 lbs! I am a healthy BMI now and my lab work last week revealed an increase in my “good” cholesterol and a decrease in my overall number and “bad” cholesterol! I have gone down 1-2 sizes in my clothing depending on which clothing we are talking about 🙂

    I would like to lose just about 2 more lbs to give me some wiggle room to account for natural weight fluctuations. I am thinking about maintenance and coming up to a few barriers in my efforts if you will:

    1. My body for the first time since I started isn’t always responding to fast days the way it used to. Sometimes I lose nothing after a fast day which is a little disheartening.

    2. My fast days are harder to stick to. I used to have no problem eating my 500 or less, and now for the first time since beginning I don’t look forward to my fast day (and yes truth be told this is probably because I know there is a chance I won’t necessarily see immediate scale gratification.)

    Anybody else having similar issues as you get very close to ultimate goals or have some advice to give?


    Yep, same here! If I’m honest I am just slightly bored with it but will keep going for foreseeable future just to maintain weight , alternating 5:2 and 6:1. Weight has definitely stuck now but my BMI is just under 20 so don’t want too get scrawny. Not sure what the answer is, sorry, but I am in the same boat as you!

    Have you tried doing 4:3? x

    I only just started, this is my first week, but I know from diets past that the absolute worst thing I can do is to step on the scale everyday. Or every week, for that matter. The scale is my enemy (last year, when on Atkins, I filmed myself driving over my scale with our truck…my Twitter friends loved it lol). It is the one surefire way to demotivate me. Maybe now that you’re approaching maintenance, you can weigh yourself less often? I was reading on the other maintenance thread and so many were saying they started weighing themselves more often now. It seemed to me like maybe not a good approach.

    Here’s the thing (for me): There’s something subconscious going on that wants me to stay chubby. I’m not sure what or why, I just know it’s true. So when I’ve succeeded in the past, it took about a hot minute for me to put it all back on…plus some. I’m keeping in mind that when I do approach my goal weight this time, I have to recommit to this WOL or else I’m doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past. Not weighing in too often is definitely part of that plan.

    Please know, I’m just sharing what’s worked and what hasn’t for me, personally. You might be totally different. But please do stick with it. All your hard work has finally paid off and I very much look forward to being where you are today 🙂

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